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Glad for the ban, but what was the specific reason? Fear trannies would join to get dickchopped for free, then go around stalk other women, fear they'd do it to avoid getting drafted and become welfare queens? Is there a specific ruling?
Israel needs this military in top form. It was to be expected.
...And nothing of value was lost.
During the whole thing i only ever met one transgender person and he was unapologetically in for the free transition surgery. About every enlisted girl at my unit hated him too.
>Tranny eunuch ban
That retard's job was to kill people and raze buildings! Not to undermine his own society, faggot!
>Calls themselves a patriot
>Wants open borders, hates whites and chants 'Death to America'
If he/she was a true patriot he/she would understand why we need this ban
Medical costs was the reason. But it's obvious that Trump doesn't want to further degenerate the US military by allowing trannies to take combat roles.
Their hormones are all fucked up, and that plays much greater risk in a war scenario
yeah id like to know aswell, there’s a lot of medical reasons and shit they can’t do because of fronthole on top of massive recovery times on taxpayer $.
fuck the cunts, i hope the reason literally says poofdas fuck off
Trannies are mentally ill thays about it.
Also they hog medics for hormone shoots.
>missing a ball: DQ
>missing both balls with a gaping wound where they should be: good to go
Fucking based
Yeah, that's probably what prompted the ban the most. It's already bad enough to deal with a menstruo woman on the battlefield, but someone with a prolapse infection? Who the fuck would want to deal with that fucking shit?
The Supreme Court didn't rule on the merits of the case. They simply stayed the lower court's injunction against Trump's tranny ban. When the case actually makes it to the court, they might rule against the ban. Hopefully Ginseng is no longer on the court by then.
>The supreme court just ended my military career
It's for the best.
I like how I wasn’t allowed to join because I had an acl tear when I was 14 but some tranny faggit is good to go
Our soldiers are already ticking time bombs of emotional instability that we can't afford to push any further. We need compliant cannon fodder that kill themselves after they leave service and not before.
NAMI wouldn't let your bitch-ass fly with those chemicals in your brain anyways
>mentally ill
>emotionally unstable
>more likely to be suicidal
>require daily hormone therapy
>free gibs for sex changes
Trannies have 20 times the normal suicide rate and want to demand expensive hormone "treatments."
It's entirely rational to consider them liabilities.
Trump hates trannies and wants to seem them suffer in any way, so he uses cost as an excuse to pass this.
Same reason we hate immigration - in real life we will say it's because it's bad for the economy blah blah blah but let's be honest, it's because they aren't white.
>giving weapons and trainign to a group with a 60% suicide rate
that's pretty damn irresponsible if you ask me
damn youre retarded or a shitty troll
You literally cant join of you take accutane, a medicine for curing acne. Why the fuck should you be allowed to join with a tranny mental illness.
Lol retard I don't hate them I just don't want to pay for them fuck off.
womp, womp
Gender dysphoria is classified as legit mental illness these days. You cannot have a career in military or have a job around heavy machinery fi you're certified insane.
>an all white male Nazi America
Based Kavanaugh Destroyer of Thots, With and Without Dicks
Transgenderism is a mental illness and it has close connections to other mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and substance abuse. Mentally ill people have no place in an environment where they have easy access to guns and sensitive information or where they have a responsibility to the lives of their fellows.
Brazil halp!
>my career
These so-called "people" aren't patriots. They don't care about defending the nation. They see the military as nothing but a jobs program for them.
i feel this should not even need explaining: transgenderism is a mental illness and we shouldn't be recruiting the mentally ill into our armed forces, we should be screen this kind of stuff out and putting them in recovery centers where they are encouraged to love and accept their body as it and not to drug and mutilate it.
but no, thats "crazy talk!"
>implying us military would not recruit trannies only for creating a suicide kamikaze unit
They just need to create a suicide bomber instagram with computer generated likes and viewers to keep this trannies in line
The perfect npc response. Felt like a video game for a sec there.
Btfo outta trannies and welfare leeches that love dying for Israel. Based
*Brazil has left the chat*
so uh... Where are all these suicides I was promised?
>they have to.
Or what? Trannies get upset on Twitter about not getting a refugee status?
I'm okay with this, and so is 45. Pls leave.
>Fight to have your "illness" considered a mental illness under DSM
Should have thought twice before you tried to get disability benefits for your fetish.
A chain is as strong as it's weakest link, the trannies would be the weakest link. Wouldn't want some man-woman to commit suicide before the battle even begins.
Medical costs...
Physical and mental weakness.
This. During our conscription any individual with even a hint of mental illness that requires any kind of medication gets "C-papers", which means the draft is going to be delayed a couple of years and their situation is evaluated again. They won't risk people with mental illnesses around assault rifles and explosives. Even joking about "shooting everyone" or "gimme a gun I want to kill something!" gets you in trouble and probably quick exit from the army.
only the best, bravest and most conservative should die for Israel
>Israel needs this military in top form. It was to be expected.
hearty kek. i love Jow Forums sometimes
We just kill trannies
>government issued automatic weapons and hand grenades for mentally ill self mutilators.
What could go wrong?
>The Commission argues that America confronts a grave crisis of national security and national defense, as U.S. military advantages erode and the strategic landscape becomes steadily more threatening. If the United States does not show greater urgency and seriousness in responding to this crisis and does not take decisive steps to rebuild its military advantages now, the damage to American security and influence could be devastating.
They can't let the military be weakened ahead of a war with Iran.
>the rights of transtrenders like me
Fixed that for him.
That's why the founding fathers gave you the Militia.
Part of being in the military requires you to be ready to deploy at a moments notice. You can't do that if you need to consistently take medication.
>Brynn Tannehill
>Ms. Tannehill
They are dependent on getting a steady supply of hormones to look or feel female. Otherwise they have a nervous breakdown.
What does that sound like to you?
Should the military accept crack heads and drug addicts too?
The analogy isn;t 1 to 1, but that is probably what the SC thought about.
No more tranny leeches that don't even go to fight in a war after their transition funded by
No longer one goyim!
It’s normal goy!
45% risk of suicide? Yeah, let's give it a gun and let that in the military...
Gender dysphoria just got put in the DSM after years of them fighting for it.
If it affects the military's role in lethality and in anyway the speed it could be deployed it is a burden. Transgenders are a burden.
Trannies are mentally unstable and regularly get cosmetic surgery.
I've read all the comments and they make sense. I still would've liked to read an experiment of someone having an infection from ingrown hair in their mangina in the middle of some middle eastern shithole.
Not giving your slide thead any (you)'s.
to add on, The military is not the place for social experiments to be figured out.
I'm confused guys. What do?
Cut part of penis off = become a slave for the Jews
Cut whole penis off = not allowed to die for the Jews
>Suicidal profession and group known for suicide
You tell me
ah I haven't read anything like that just stories about how transgenders clog up medical bays on ships because they constantly need injections.
How do you dilate in a foxhole?
National embarrassment.
Great, now do women. At least relegate them to the rear, and only the rear.
Women make great nurses. They make terrible grunts.
This too.
Same way you dilate a tranny. Repeated bashing with an army shovel.
> Bad grunts
Also worse police officers with attitudes that should get them fired.
Exactly. Same thing with flat feet, past drug use, a criminal record, poor credit score, being overweight, any kind of illness, or even minor injuries (which were surgically corrected.)
The military takes who the military finds useful. Nobody has a right to join.
From HALS lips to Gods ears.
Does anyone know how can I inform the NYT that one of their articles has a typo? :^)
> people with mental illnesses shouldn't own firearms, yet the left wants them in the military?
> 22 vets commit suicide a day and like 40 or 30 % of trannys kill themselves....
Yeah, fuck no you cant serve in my marine corps, unless they are comfort (((women))). Then im okay
Hehe yeah the jews are jewing eachother with whats best for them; to destroy whites some more or use them to die for their plans for conquest
Trump did promise to rebuild the military. Trannies can go on TV, film, and children't books and the show will go on.
The marines havent been a serious organization since they let in women and relaxed the pull up requirements for PT
Because they are physically weak as fuck and mentally weak as fuck. Yes, the army is not known for having always the smartest people or most educated of course, but you can not have such people in the army. They would be putting their own lives at risk, which is fine, but more importantly they put other people's lives at risk. If these "people" want to help take care of their country, they need to figure out how to take care of themselves first.
Doesn't this give draft dodgers a quick and easy excuse?
>Daniel, you've been drafted
>Sorry, it's Danielle now!
Now kill all the trannies
Fucking faggots.
A tranny is not a patriot. I can't think of anything more anti American than a fucking tranny.
How about a Muslim Faggot Pedophile?
NAMI has waivers for everything, but I don't see them allowing someone willing to lop off their genitalia in a cockpit
There's no way that's real. I've seen NAMs awarded for some trumped up and stupid shit but there's no way a CO signed off on that
>but what was the specific reason
>mfw traps are officially gay
Imagine having a soldier dilate in the warzone.