Destroyed by FACTS

I dare you to dispute the fact that crime and violence will be rekt if we BUILD A WALL.

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Landmines are more environmentally friendly. That way animals too light to trigger them can still safely migrate.

Build a ladder. Like nigga just climb over it lmao

If it doesnt blow up on the mule deer, it doesnt blow up on the person

Fuck the animals if they want to come in they gotta go through the legal channels what you want some illegal rats to spread the plague?

screw the environment. We need a half-mile swath of irradiated wasteland.

Anybody who makes it across alive will glow in the dark.

Crime was never the problem. Human welfare parasites and people willing to work beneath an American wage are.

Democrats need drug trafficking and human trafficking to fill their coffers.

Just say you think immigrants are bad.

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Rats dont carry plague
Prarie dogs do and those are more American than you

Those are crimes against us.

>Implying the rate wouldn’t go down even further if illegals never came.

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>correlation is causation
spotted the retard.

never mind the fact that you fools think illegals report crimes the same was citizens do.

Yeah no raping euros mean theres no laws to commit crimes under

can you retards stop with the landmines. a couple weeks of finding a path through and then you have move all the mines. If you track where you put them with GPS then you have somebody with a record and somebody can paid for that record.
Build a wall with fence as a separation zone. anybody in that separation zone is free game for any american.

All the niggers will still be stuck on YOUR SIDE of the wall. Checkmate!

Based and rarepilled.

How is things in Afghanistan? Is the taliban really still kicking that strong or does the US just want to keep practicing on civvies?

If wall doesn't work why the fuck do you have them in your house?


trump doesn't know the real way to stop illegal immigrants

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True. But we start by blocking off the flow of Mexican Niggers and then proceed to expel the rest of the niggers via reparations back to Africa. One step at a time. Also, step your shit up. Your military is a joke.

Well i mean that’s sounds a lot more like a hypothesis than a fact