
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule
WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>VP Pence Address to the People of Venezuela 1/22/19
>SoS Pompeo @World Econ Forum 1/22/19
>CEAChair Hassett on FBN 1/22/19
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 1/22/19
>NECDir Kudlow Press Brief 1/22/19
>DepPressSec Hogan on FoxNews 1/22/19
>DepPressSec Hogan inside WH 1/22/19
>TrumpTV "Weekly" Update (Lara) 1/22/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 1/22/19
>We Are Done Apologizing 1/22/19
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @MLKJr Memorial 1/21/19
>Don Jr on FoxNews 1/21/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 1/21/19
>Giuliani on MtP 1/20/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/VP Pence @MLKJr Memorial 1/21/19
>TrumpTweet: 2 Years of Accomplishments 1/20/19
>VP Pence on FtN 1/20/19
>VP Pence on FoxNews 1/20/19
>Pres Trump Statement on Wall/Immigration Deal 1/19/19
>Pres Trump Swears In New Americans 1/19/19
>GOPAd: This is Fake News 1/19/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



>Trump will never be your cool step father

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>Drumpftards thought the Amnesty Don saga was over

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I was having such a good day. WAS

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>Beauty is power, and a smile is its sword.


Imagine having a mental breakdown over some white kid smirking. Why are nonwhites so fragile?

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Binland why

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it's not my fault, the auto update is lagging on me

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i'm feelin burger today, anyone else plannin on havin burger for there next meal?

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Isn’t today the day that Turtleman brings Trump’s vote to the floor?

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It is a poor craftsman who blames his tools.

>kill em' with kindness
the old wisdom really is the best

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Had a big one last night, Fren.

>if they are refusing of
Nice translation.

yeah there's a 30s. forced lag on the auto-update. gook moot saving bw.

Yes. Wendy's.

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everyone should watch homoerotic movies.

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>be me
>rent an apartment from hardworking, white business-owner
>he finally makes enough to retire
>sells business and the building
>new landlord is pic related
how fucked am I /ptg/

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>Living well is the best revenge
You're so right.

Wasn’t this pic taken just after that marathon she ran?

B-but everyone loves the wall!

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I mentioned this earlier and no one talked about it. Is Steny Hoyer making a run at the Speaker? That's the only conclusion I can draw. Democrats - unlike Republicans - move in lockstep with their leadership. For Pelosi's right hand man to break with her publicly and in such a big way leads me to believe he wants her job or believes she's no longer capable of having the gavel.

Mah nigger.

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>If only you knew how bad things really are.

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Oh, that's cute.

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7% of 13% of the population of 350 million don't want the wall, drumpf is done this time for sure.

Fucked my ribs at training yesterday. Can barely move, slept upright last night. Breathing is getting better though. I'd love it if a few of you prayed for healing and a quick recovery for me. Thanks :)

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Because France won the stupidity contest already.

They don't like each other. She's only speaker because she is a pushy wahmen.

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They actually want the shutdown to continue to see what happens.

Kill yourself tripfag

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unlocked new playable character: Mr shekel.

57% of Americans believe it’s likely that Russia “has compromising information“ on Trump, compared to 31% who don't think it's likely


Nearly 6-in-10 voters — 57 percent — disapprove of Trump's job performance, compared to the 40 percent that approve.
- In addition, 54 percent of voters blame Trump and Republicans on Capitol Hill for the government shutdown.
- Only 35 percent blame congressional Democrats.

> “As the government shutdown enters its second month, President Trump continues to carry the bulk of the blame among voters for the stalemate,”
said Tyler Sinclair, Morning Consult’s vice president.
> “In this week’s poll nearly half of voters (49 percent) say the president is responsible — up 6 points since the shutdown began. At the same time, 35 percent of voters blame blame congressional Democrats, up 4 points, while 4 percent of voters blame congressional Republicans, down 3 points.”

While 43 percent support the construction of a border wall — compared to 49 percent who oppose construction — only 7 percent of voters said that they support dedicating funding to a border wall if it was the only way to end the government shutdown.
- That’s compared to 72 percent who oppose dedicating funding to a border wall if it was the only way.

When asked whether they will approve of dedicating funds to border security, but not a wall, to end the shutdown, 34 percent supported. Fifty-one percent, however, still opposed that plan.

A majority of voters also believe that Russia has incriminating information against the president.

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Meant 93% not 7%.

Explains a lot actually.

He will fall in line. Nancy knows how to make things look like an accident

that's not tripfagging
he should kill himself but so should you


Which capitol is on fire?

It's not a contest.


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it's a real fucking shit sandwich over here

> DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 23 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's top diplomat expressed deep regret over a Japanese warplane's low-altitude flight close to a South Korean warship during a meeting with her Japanese counterpart here on Wednesday.

> Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha said to Taro Kono that she feels very concerned about the current situation and expressed her regret at the latest incident that aggravated the strained relationship between the two sides during their bilateral talks held on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

> "Including today, Japan's low-altitude flyby happened three times already," Kang said to Kono in their meeting at a Davos hotel. "But even in a situation like this, I believe both sides still share a common ground to develop the sustainable ties and think carefully on such issues."

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The idea RBG would waste her time with anything less than a triathlon is an insult to her strength and endurance, user.

why compete when you own the crown?

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well not super hyped, but a wall would fine.

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>75% guaranteed retention rate
>This is bad

He only won thanks to 80,000 votes last time.
Losing 25% of your support is millions of votes.

>Achievement Unlocked: Six Gorillion and One
Don't play with me.

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99% want the wall. 1% Lie about this, the percentages are then repackaged in nice color charts.

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>Mr. Shekel has increased Sneak and Persuasion but suffers from steady Poison from shit genetics and his Stealth diminishes every time he performs a Trick

He probably got a peak at the real polling data and knows how screwed they are.

They're Dededead.

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>B-both sides are to blame in this goys!!!
Is it getting hot in here? Feels like there's a fire rising.

Who’s her main

after reading the article... i cant seem to find who was polled. random people around the country? survey of the people that visit the site? specific cities?
(((They))) cherry pick shit all the tiime

Even if I believed that, which I don’t, people say a lot of stuff during off years but rally hard during the election season

>and yet another percent-based shillstravaganza

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Zero Suit Samus cuz YASSS QUEEN

This. Incumbency is a bitch for the opposition and the dims might very well settle for a sacrificial candidate so they can remain the Fuck Drumpf Party.

How did you know?

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I wouldn't be surprised. Remember that this guy used to be #3 among Dems - Communist Donkeyface primaried out the old #2 and then everyone she endorsed lost. He has to see the tension between the leftard primary voters and the moderates they court in the general.

Imagine organizing society around pretending that all races are equal, there’s no such thing as ugly, IQ is made up by racists, men in dresses are actually beautiful women, etc... and just being constantly reminded every day that all these things are big fat lies - reminded by the same people you organized this society to subjugate and level the playing field around.
When your worldview is based on easily disproven lies it’s not surprising that the littlest thing can ruin your day

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when trump joins the battle, alfonzo is in charge of being president
alfonzo: leave it to me!

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>I like those numbers!

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Have some trangender salt with your marxist communist math errors, It brought Hillary's Fly Back to Life! If you like your Commie Math errors Keep your Commie Math errors.

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your making me get my tater pan.

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the absolute damage control on display

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Nah he’s just white and moderate and uncomfortable with the wacky direction the party has taken in the past 10 years or so. Probably 90% of democrats supported a wall in the 2000s

Then there are people he won over because he’s not what the media made him out to be

state enforced homosexuality

I've never before seen this happen, though. Never can I recall the #2 Democrat contradict the Speaker. It's remarkable.

The real redpill is that Kobach is the one who could have saved the country in 2024. Stupid soccer moms in Kansas destroyed Western Civilization!

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based binland

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Fuck off and die Ruth

is that another Pence?


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A few moments after BeezleBub, I mean Hillary's Fly was swatted...

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be on the right side, wash your dirty eye.

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>Jump out the window, goy

what if I just stand there and smirk at the home invader?

>unculture white trash forced to watch kino
See nothing wrong with this desu

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The air at my back is as far as I will ever retreat.

I'm pretty sure this is unconstitutional.

you have to chant, i renounce my white privilege.