A perfect Western Hemisphere doesn't exi-


Attached: Perfect Western Hemisphere.png (6600x7295, 2.22M)

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>Brazil didn't take over Uruguay
>Dominican Republic didn't take over Cuba and eastern-center part of Haiti
>USA didn't take over Canada and northern Mexico.
>Colombia didn't take over Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela

Shit map/10
Try harder

Looks good

Uruguay speak Spanish and not Portuguese, Cuba is rightful American clay, Canadians and Mexicans would hurt us, and Colombia doesn't deserve that much land
Learn some history

>USA still not balkanized
>California and Texas not in Mexico

Shit map/10
Try harder

>Dominican Republic

Who are you trying to fool Robertito?

You couldn't handle them

Attached: quote-is-it-a-misfortune-that-magnificent-california-was-seized-from-the-lazy-mexicans-who-karl-marx (850x400, 56K)

>states that do not speak portuguese integrated into Brazil
Haha, no.

That doesn't mean you have to steal it, Tyrone.

A perfect New world would be:

>All Spanish Latin countries united into a single Monarchical/Carlist Empire, Casta system is reinstated
>Empire of Brazil reinstated
>The 3 Guianas returned to their original colonial owners
>Baja California, Hispaniola, and Cuba annexed by the US
>Dominion of Canada joins into Imperial Federation with the rest of the Commonwealth realms
>Across the New World, Niggers are deported/castrated, en masse, and Chinks and Poos are deported, and mass European immigration is encouraged (Med immigration for Latin America, Northern European Immigration for North America)

You started it, faggot.

Attached: 1494006078564.png (674x404, 188K)

Attached: Espaço vital.png (1099x1189, 62K)

No access to Pacific
You had one job

Why so big?

Well, that is in the west

Andeas are the limit of our Lebensraum
It could be our libertarian state with dude weed lmao and abortion
Corrientes and Entre Ríos are economically irrelevant to Argentina
We must get all Itaipú energy and stopping paying royalties.
Nación Camba plus Santa Cruz de la Sierra
>Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela
It's only Amazon and nobody lives there, so who cares?
>Guyana and Suriname
The emptiest provinces of the empitiest countries
>French Guyana
1817 was a mistake.


Attached: 1548256994237.png (6600x7295, 2.68M)

This is better

Attached: received_2180235598856003.png (2232x2224, 954K)

More proof muricans are retarded and know nothing of Latin America

Show flag

Attached: Alexis de Tocqueville on Mexico.png (2278x1028, 1.23M)

Tfw when I feel relieved of not having murderous Brazucan apes on my backyard

Over my dead body taco nigger

para você.

retarded font choice

Attached: marks 1523271008797.jpg (410x613, 39K)

>forcibly multiethnic countries

Attached: 1518020546134.png (1902x2054, 1.55M)

>he doesn't like his country thicc

>No confederate carribean empire


Attached: treaty_of_paris_1783.jpg (1038x962, 1006K)

>dat proper Gadsden purchase

Ugh I just came

Attached: A382A13F-2763-46A4-B362-10C3D2283779.png (255x170, 9K)


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Attached: QUEBEC.png (2030x3396, 1.33M)

Spanish-American War II when?

>No independent SOVTH
FUck off Yank

We´ll let you know when we've fully recovered from the first one!

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Attached: us nats bd.jpg (922x886, 145K)

>Muh Confederacy
A failed aristocratic contradiction. The Confederacy may have ended the slave trade but they were going to spread slavery, AKA have more nigger children, into whatever new territory they incorporated, fuck 'em.

Attached: Butler's conversation with President Lincoln.png (2544x1048, 2.46M)

>Corrientes and Entre Ríos are economically irrelevant to Argentina
But we like 'em. We would happily give you chaco and formosa instead.

I like it, but we should have Louisiana. Can't trust coonasses to govern themselves. And you can give most of Missouri back to the Yanks,we don't want them.
Also there is no reason for tan, light green, green, blue and pink to be separate.

>I'm scared of living near black people
hahaaha typical Yank. If you can't stand blacks why don't you move back to Ireland

This nation would be a grand land had we deported every nigger back to Africa. Go suck black cock somewhere else

Attached: Confederate.png (1015x1024, 707K)

>Speaking Portuguese

The blocks are the fundamental units, based on ethnic origins, religion and language. Subsequent alliances or divisions are not ruled out.

Attached: relg Protestant_Papist Mormon.jpg (720x556, 76K)

The Black people were here before you Mario, yet your ancestors still chose to immigrate

>Black people were here before you
Against their will! It's only fair they get sent back to Liberia or wherever in Sub-Saharan Africa they choose

All of these protestant denominations only have about 20-30% of each county, so its kind of a misleading map. I would be careful of using ancestry/religion maps to make this because of that reason.
American can be split up between where the people are still entirely descended from colonists (South, Maine and New Hampshire) and where they're descended from immigrants (North, Midwest and West).

Your people are here against my will. Its only fair you get sent back to Italy


the south is the last bastion of Anglo-America

Attached: native-born(2).png (1920x1044, 334K)

Many people who don't show up in the religious stats are nevertheless "ethnic Baptists" or "ethnic Methodists", if you will. The largest group gives a good indication of the traditional, most established ethnographic in a given area.
Personally, the most fascinating thing is the emergent Mormon theocracy. Insane things will happen in the next century or so!

Attached: output_khV77q.gif (443x321, 213K)

Difficult to comfortably read.

Attached: 1515105022744.png (926x631, 540K)

>Mormon theocracy. Insane things will happen in the next century or so!
Mexican Mormons' Taco Theocracy

Maybe you just have bad eyes; I read it perfectly fine. What's a good font, then?

This is why southerners will forever be cucks

>It's not quite perfect, but what's it missing?
>I know, lets add niggers, spics and socialists.
>now it's perfect


Not really true at all, in fact Baptists are actually growing due to Megachurch cults indoctrinating young people.
Many of the people who are Baptists in the south are from mainline protestant (Presbyterian, Lutheran and Methodist) backgrounds.

Rightful American clay

Attached: American Clay.jpg (964x740, 60K)

You'd be 50% spic and catholic lmao

Fucking based. I love you hues

burgers should do this just for shit and giggles.

Attached: untitled.png (6600x7295, 360K)

This was during the Mexican-American War, Northern Mexico was very sparsely populated and Mexico never took care of their northern colonies.

Learn how to use paint you fucking troglodyte


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what the fuck is that

>perfect western hemisphere
>south america
what did he mean by this?

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Hell yeah, Anglo-Hispanic cold war

Hispanic ethnicities are not really different, Argentina Paraguay and Uruguay are basically the same thing

>Perfect western hemisphere

Literally who cares?

hey fuck you


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