>Marine Le Pen of "National Rally" accused Macron of an "act that borders on treason." >Nicolas Dupont-Aignan of "France Arise" (DLF) called it a treaty of "Submission ... We put ourselves in the hands of Merkel." >Alexander Gauland, leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), said Paris and Berlin were seeking to create a "super EU" within the European Union.
Its the only feasible way. Integrate germany, france and benelux. Let the rest be an economic vassal safe for italy and mayb the quarrelsome easteners.
Brandon Lee
this was hitlers dream, except for all the jews involved this time.
Joshua White
Can’t wait for the EU army so I can die for these two. Yay, so great. Hehe.
What do you think ESA is for? Launching Finnish conscripts into orbit to fight the eternal mutt space marines
Dylan Gutierrez
So why is Germany and France allowed to sign a bilateral deal together yet Ireland and the UK can't on the backstop issue?
John Robinson
I have to laugh though, you've redpilled the Irish about the EU with the way Juncker made a promise last year in the Dali Lama parliament and is now reneging on it and saying the EU will put a hard border in Ireland.
The EU has managed to wipe the smug smirk off of Leo Varadkars faggot face. I suppose we owe you a thank you for doing that.
I like how Macron implied the first use of this military would be against the French nationalists what a POS
Austin Diaz
No it doesn't. If you have firefox or Chrome install an extension called "Get Archive". It allows you to right click any website and save it to archive.is and archive.org. Literally takes you 2 clicks.
Or base law basically says if you can't prevent shit like that peacefully violence is ok. I would never do it but yeah Merkel is a traitor.
Joseph Gray
Because there's no conflict with EU treaties here, this is basically what a new EU treaty would look like if France and Germany got their way.
I actually just don't care that much. Why bother archiving? Because of muh pageviews ? DW is state funded, they don't give a shit about that.
Alexander Harris
Good now I hope you will both split niggers,arabs and chinks equally between the two of you.
Isaac Phillips
>UK is leaving Europe (because it’s leaving the EU) >Unironic use of “twinning”
Jordan Powell
What is a European Commissioner
Aaron White
Come on France, bring back the guillotine. You know you want to
Kevin Sanchez
Oh nice thanks.
Jeremiah King
I believe you would call it a 'czar'
Aiden Campbell
We are going to bomb you smug bastards sooo fucking hard this time I swear to God ohh just you wait hans just you fucking wait you gaypriding arab cock gobbling sons of russians
Christopher Gonzalez
Germany conquers France a second time with roughly the same level of resistance as the first.
Julian Martinez
Roman empire, cuck version.
Bentley Russell
>When you're the worst and most unpopular leader your country has had in a long time >You've led it to ruin and constant rioting >And you know you wont win another election again >So you decide to dissolve your country
Can't lose an election if you don't have a country anymore. Macron truly is the smartest guy in politics.
Elijah Johnson
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! France is just preemptively surrendering this time. Makes it easier on everybody.
Joseph Bell
So basically it's the Frankish kingdom minus Italy.
Nicholas Martin
europe needs a cuck containment zone. Dissolve the eu and send all the shitskins there
Hudson Rivera
Germany will help Jony Maccaroni save the juice from the yellow vests. Also will speed up the racemixing process significantly.
Caleb Morgan
So whats wrong with that with them destroyed we can maybe regain our freedom.
Ryder Barnes
So basically let Germany rule Europe. And fuck the other countries' sovereignty
Andrew Cruz
>So why is Germany and France allowed to sign a bilateral deal together Because they neiter party wants to leave the EU to begin with. You fucked up dear Britons friends. We had the same kind of breakthrough vote 5 years ago. Population voted to tell the EU to fuck off, but politicians are still making a deal around it. Economy is not on fire, but still better than any of our neighbours, except for Liechtenstein. You still have 80 to back down and stop your collective hallucinating trip.
No we can't they have bankrupted our countries and destroyed peoples wealth and stole the resources. Remember Satan is here to kill, steal and destroy. This is the plan and its nearly finished. People will gladly comply.
Nathan Thompson
Good luck, Macron won't be in power for much longer.
>Because of muh pageviews Very naive and short sighted
Luis Martinez
Once they have a civil war and things will get bad economically we will get totalitarian governments and all of their assets will be nationalized.The only problem is to not let them spread their disease too much onto us.
William Torres
I support this.
Jeremiah Bell
That’s what they get for letting companies and banks get so big to begin with.
Colton Thomas
Lol what could go wrong ?
Julian Cruz
We already have totalitarian governments, by dumbass "businessman" that get backed up by the EU to jew you out of your money. >us Okay....
Xavier Sanchez
What did you think the plan was when you joined the EU? Collecting gibs and keeping your sovereignty?
Owen Diaz
don't forget we launch our rockets from french guyana, so everything we want to get into space needs to be shipped across the atlantic first. EU is already showing us what kind of highly effective superpower they're going to be
Caleb King
Sometimes I think monarchy was the right idea. Children being groomed into positions of leadership wherein their sole concern was to be the welfare of their country instead of power-seeking sociopaths enriching themselves/their friends during their brief stint at the top. Everything after their term(s) is someone else's problem. Of course monarchy suffers from the possibility of rulers without merit/ability and it is theoretically easier to compromise one person, but this rotation of leaders isn't doing much for native populations
Luke Parker
I remember just a few years ago when an EU Army was being called a conspiracy theory by European media. How fast things change.
Anthony Stewart
pwahahaahah German autism vol3 Final Autism do it fucks, only thing that will happen out of this shitshow is dismantling of germany and moving Polish borders further west also millions of dead europeans, but thats a given everytime germaniggers are involved
Ayden Allen
just say when
Leo Hall
>Collecting gibs and keeping your sovereignty? Have not collected one gib my entire life. You morons over there think that you give money to the people over here while a bunch of oligarchs divide the spoil with your leaders. I see how psychopathic and materialistic the societies and peoples of the west have become and all i can do is rejoice at your downfall and doom. I always grin when i hear about some explosion or rape or whatever, knowing full well that its well deserved and that people like you worship lies and liars.
Nolan Clark
It's not Hitlers dream. They are using both economies and armed forces to destroy the european people, their culture and their race. This is literally the opposite that Hitler wanted.
Two traitors that should hang and die horrible deaths.
Andrew Garcia
Is the Prince Napoleon available?
Kayden Jackson
This disgusting subhumans are going to involve France and Germany in other war to kill the last remnant of white males and let the nigger hordes rape what's left of womans destroying the germanic and saxon race once and for all. We can't let this happen Jow Forums devil worshiper khazarians kikes and their pet subhumans need to be repelled.
William Scott
No we have oligarchic government since they are only talk pieces to corporations and banks, we will have real totalitarian governments. >What did you think the plan was when you joined the EU? Collecting gibs and keeping your sovereignty? Idk I was 10 when my country entered the EU.
Grayson Torres
So who is preventing you from leaving the EU and nationalizing your industry again?
Christopher Morgan
Fearless FRANCE and undefeated GERMANY, united in ONE INCREDIBLE FORCE MAJEURE??
The rest of the world may as well just go ahead and surrender now.
I cant remember the Germans or French voting for this..... ohoh!
Liam Stewart
The point is that everyone that cared to know knew what they signed up for. The politicians knew. Media could have told the population (in the UK's case they didn't and their gov lied to the people). Both parliaments ratified it yesterday. If French and Germans didn't want this they should have elected different parties.
Jackson Cox
He is a banker that works in the City and doesn't come in France
Ayden Turner
Let's finish this once and for all.
Jaxon Gomez
You and your masters - the jews. I like how you're speaking as if you have authority it points out a very simple fact, that you feel a part of something you're not really a part of but you think you are.
Zachary Reed
>The point is that everyone that cared to know knew what they signed up for. The politicians knew. Media could have told the population (in the UK's case they didn't and their gov lied to the people). From what my parents told me every news station and politicians was saying how great it will be and we will finally break free from Russian influence.
Ayden Gonzalez
>That’s what they get for letting companies and banks get so big to begin with. Lehmann something doesn't ring a bell? Don't talk about what you don't understand.
No, the only one remembering something like that, is the voice in your head.
Henry Russell
hitler was a jewish puppet
David Sullivan
why does Franco-German cooperation make Anglos and Polacks seethe so much?
James Carter
Two more countries need to leave which will crash the EU in short order. Italy and Poland, but the dumb fucks still hang in thinking they'll somehow control it. Guess what lads (and I hate to say it) you won't outfox the krauts. LEAVE ALREADY
Luke Wright
The first step is losing that defeatist attitude, user Nigger, EU army has been a goal since the early 1990ies at least. What prevented it was the UK and now they're out. This isn't some conspiracy, there are 5000 speeches and declarations of intent.
Benjamin Mitchell
this is exactly what the French deserve for voting a Rothschild banker. i really wish the EU would become the Fourth Reich some people think it is, even i tried to meme the EU into being the Fourth Reich once.
>The first step is losing that defeatist attitude, user I have no idea what you mean but im sure i cannot take advice when i asked for none. I do not represent an entire nation or a lot of people even. I very much doubt we have the same goals so its absolutely futile for you to advise me.
Camden Walker
>to form EU juggernaut" ???
Juggernaut? What...of cucks?
A juggernaut of cucks? LOL
Owen Russell
Hai salut, bine ai revenit printre noi.
Evan Mitchell
William Collins
Guys don't take Macron's decision too seriously, the country is in a situation of deep crisis, economic, social, identitarian and existential. Noboddy knows in France what tomorrow will be made of. Things will change deeply soon or later, so those pacts or whatever they call it, won't last long and won't be honored.
sa iti fie rusine poponar imputit ca ai facut misto de mine si ai tinut cu Jidanii impotriva mea. sa nu te mai vad vreodata, hai mars dracului de aici.
Jayden Evans
Framany or Gernce? superstates dont work, see USSR.
Chase Garcia
juggernaut of blacked
some unholy satanic shit the holocaust of the west
>retards thinking this is about germany or france >not realizing Merkel and Macron do not give a fuck about their respective countries The result of it will be a rootless blob that is neither french nor german
Robert Clark
>tfw will share a country with kr*uts in your lifetime
I'm sure they feel the same way to share theirs with frogs. When can we fucking behead Macron and Merkel already?
you just can't help yourself do you German bros anyway i don't get it France is fucked i always cringe when Jupiter trying to educated us in the Central Europe while his Country is in much worse state