What the fuck is wrong with Trans "people"?

So for a long time I was pretty neutral on the transgender issue. That is, until I started looking into exactly what goes into the "transition" surgery. How any doctor in their right mind could perform this procedure is beyond me. You realize that for MtF they literally cut your dick off and put a massive open wound in its place? The wound naturally tries to heal, so trannies have to spend several hours per day "dilating" it (pic related). And don't even get me started on the FtM transition. The (((doctors))) just cut a huge amount of healthy skin off another part of your body and use it to make a disgusting looking, non-functional penis. The "genitalia" of these trans people are laughable. Looks like a 3rd grader made them using Play-Doh. On top of that, they have to suffer great amounts of pain for the rest of their lives to maintain the abomination the doctor created between their legs.

It's no wonder trans "people" commit suicide so frequently. I mean, with that disgusting fake penis/vagina attached to your body, who wouldn't? There is no way we should encourage transgenderism in any way, shape, or form. Don't buy the "I was born this way" bullshit. I guarantee if you gave the people thinking of transitioning a stable income, a bunch of therapy sessions, and opportunities to form successful relationships they'd never transition in the first place. This whole thing has gone way too far and any doctor who performs such a surgery is evil, plain and simple.

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Why do you care?

Depression occurs when you move away from God. Thats why degenerates blow their brains out. Wether they are rich or poor, strong or weak, faggots or straight.

Want to cure depression: worship God.

that looks like infected pus.
Trannies are beyond degerate, they are mentally deranged and the kikes that push this shit should be ovened along with the tranny degenerates they created

Yeah, if you have to continually fuck your wound with a dildo to keep it from closing, how does this make you feel like a woman? What would make you think any natural woman would understand that, and not just a braindead tranny. They are sick

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I mean most people know this, and understand they aren't mentally fit in any way possible, but have a bump I guess

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Because I think lots of the people who fall for this meme are just troubled and need actual help, not to be told their feelings are unconditionally correct and more important than reality. On top of that, I don't want some mentally ill freak using the girl's bathroom while my daughter is in there.

It's actually just plain disgusting. Who in their right mind would do that? These people can't even have normal careers as they have to take an hour long bathroom break twice a day to keep their "vaginas" from closing shut.

It is troubling that any doctor is willing to do this. Adults are being mutilated and castrated. Children are being chemically castrated.

i think we're going to see the reigns pulled back on this since the outcomes aren't very good, just another failed social experiment

>There is no way we should encourage transgenderism in any way, shape, or form.
>they have to suffer great amounts of pain for the rest of their lives


Because there is a ton of money spent on the procedures and treatments. The costs are spread to the population via health insurance costs. It’s just another way to get more money from citizens, who cares if the faggot ends up dead when they can just make a new one. The medical industry would never survive if they cured people.

>How any doctor in their right mind could perform this procedure is beyond me.

Th€re are $ound m€di¢a£ rea$on$ for the$e $urgi¢a£ pro¢edur€$.

It's quite alarming to me that people believe they dont have a mental illness and that the people who find it disgusting are the one mentally I'll. I believe if you were to show the process to children, not only would they never do it, it could possibly cause them trauma. There is nothing normal about it.

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Our tax dollars go into it. As the libs like to say.

Yeah I dunno. If I somehow managed to meet a trans "woman" who was passable and had almost no masculine features, I would still NOPE the fuck out of there once I got "her" home and saw THAT thing between "her" legs. Who in their right mind would stick their dick into a literal open wound?

On that note, I don't understand why people are so upset about the "no trans people in military" debate. Do you really want some mentally unstable individual with mutilated genitalia being responsible for the lives of others?

Well, in a world where kikes murder kids and traffick organs-where the blood of young poors is transfused into the old rich, keeping them alive 30 years more than the rest-where hundreds of thousands of children are put into sex slavery every year and more besides of women-where scientists cut up animals and graft parts onto others-where killing on film gives sexual pleasure-wher...Well nothing surprises me.


Its hilarious joke by elites, might have started as dare in dinner table who gets cattle to chop off most dicks.

they will drag you down with them
and your kids too

Come on, step it up Samoans. lmao How do you lose the birth race to a self-destructive demographic?

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the Jewish doctors love to sculpt the flesh

What if you already worship him but are still depressed?

Because now the government will take your children away to be chemically castrated and later vivisected by doctors if their third grade teacher even suspects that they like wearing scarves or baking and you refuse to bring them to a psychologist because said teacher "suspects the child is trans and the parent refuses to allow the child to transition"

Suicide, which is effectively ending the universe in practice, is the worst sin you can commit.

If people who supported trannies were forced to see the sex change surgery and what is required to keep the new "genitalia" in place, there would be a lot less support for it. This shit is absolutely repulsive in every way

I can't seem to get transexuals out of my mind. I don't know what it is but the thought of fucking her faux vagina turns me on so much. Just thinking about where her penis used to be makes me so horny. I don't care if it bleeds, I wan't our blood and souls to connect. I've had these feelings for a long time now, and tonight is the night that I'll make my move. Tonight, I will fuck Michelle.

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>Wanting to fuck some STDs riddled biohazard.

By all means, go for it.

I feel bad for them but I don’t think we should feed into their beliefs and we should encourage them to seek help not make it cool to mutilate yourself

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There's just something demonic about trannies...

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Satan and his deceive and a society that forgot about God but instead ADVERTISES abomination

Yikes. Cosmo was such a good speedrunner who could have made millions from streaming + donations if he just sticked to doing what he was doing. Instead he comes out and trans and the quality of his content goes to complete shit.

>why do you even care about the state of the society and culture you live in?

Shit the fuck up brainlet

Samoans and Hawaiians have a culturally accepted third gender you human deficit.

>why do you care that people are being manipulated into doing things that will ruin their life
You clearly are not white so you should probably leave the board immediately.

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You dont even want to know what ftms do to their wrists

Listening to Owen Benjamin the other night, he spoke about this, and I never really considered it: right now is the absolute WORST time to be trans, gay, etc. Because society encourages you down that dark degenerate path, encourages the dark evil part of you that seeks self-destruction, either destruction by unnecessary surgery or infection with typically gay STDs like HIV - society says HEY, you're RIGHT! You GO "GIRL"!

So then we end up with all this sickening shit. Really activated my almonds.

Please enlighten me. I really didn't look much into the FtM stuff but I don't think it could possibly be as awful at MtF. At least they don't have to have a giant open wound. I do wonder how they hell they're able to pee though.

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Just look at it man.
Its unbelieveable.
I really am amazed he didnt off himself yet.

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Instead he became this.Never drink onions goys.

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Can I still eat Tofu from time to time?

>love your body even if you are fat/disabled/ugly, what matters is inside, you shouldn't care about others opinions
Also liberals

Check out transabled people too op.


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>It is troubling that any doctor is willing to do this. Adults are being mutilated and castrated. Children are being chemically castrated.
Capitalism bro, if it makes profit then its good. I hope you arent some kind of commie that wants ban things because muh degeneracy.

>It is troubling that any doctor is willing to do this. Adults are being mutilated and castrated. Children are being chemically castrated.
Capitalism bro, if it makes profit then its good. I hope you arent some kind of commie that wants ban things because muh degeneracy muh feelings.

I dont have the pics anyone here post the gross trans scarred wrists

>Abrahamists aren't suicidal from being browbeaten all their life
Then why do they attach such a massive punishment to something that's never an issue?

>How any doctor in their right mind could perform this procedure is beyond me.
You know the answer, OP.



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It's funny that you say that because Satan is usually depicted with both genitalia.

Look at this shit. The fucker's got tits and a rod coiled with snakes.

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It's an absolute crime against humanity and the kikes will pay. In this life or the next. Probably the next desu.

HAHAHAHA you fucking bastard

This. I was kind of a faggot as a kid, and if I had been born 20 years later some shrink probably would have pushed me to get expensive, painful, and irreversible surgery that wouldn't have made me any happier.

because the fucking yids are corrupting reality and your family and friends are in their crosshairs, dumb faggot

>How any doctor in their right mind could perform this procedure is beyond me
Money. Lots and lots of money.

All trans shall swing

Kill yourself

I actually feel bad for trannies, they're literally the desperate outcast who get scammed into buying a fake elixir only for it to make their situation worse. I could only imagine the psychological stress 'dilating for the rest of your life a disgusting looking fake vagina' would do to an already devastated psyche. Suicide will definitely sounds like the only escape.

Fuck this delusional SJW society man, they're making things worse yet they believe they're the heroes protecting the weak. I don't wanna sound cringey but, we really are the misunderstood good guys.

He was obviously fuckded in the head before "becoming" a tranny
Playing video games is no substitute for normal social interaction

Having a trans kid is like having a vegan cat. We all know who's making the decisions.

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This is what happens when some dude gets depressed and the only person he hears from is some kike telling him that all his problems in life stem from being closeted faggot or something.

My kids could be effevted by propaganda and tricked into thinking they are the wrong gender.

Then when i say they cant sjw storm troopers raid my home to inject the kid with hormones. Thats why i care

I know I'm an "extremist" but Jesus let people destroy their life's if they want to. Just like with drugs.

As long as public service doesn't publicly endorse it idm.

>"gender dysphoria" is more painful than an existence as a mutilated, perpetually drugged, science experiment

Yeah, the Chinese emeperors liked to have the Palace populated and served by eunuchs as well. No ties to former family, no ties to future family, no ties to lovers, only fealty to the Emperor.
Makes you wonder for what purposes these modern eunuchs are for.


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Michel didn’t get the dick cut off

There are people who cut their limbs off, some think they are a historical person, others hear voices which tell them to kill and trannies think they are women. It's a mental illness which has gotten way too much positive representation in the media due to liberal propaganda.

Read that before. How the fuck that didn’t violate the Hippocratic oath, I don’t know. It’s less treatment, and more like “fine! Touch the hot stove. See what happens.”

I've noticed lots of women love trannies. Often feminists, but not just that. Lots of women really want a gay best friend and shit like that. Don't get it. It's fucked up.

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fuck that. they need a swift kick in the ass

My genitals needed a hug after seeing this holy fuck.

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Disgusting. And this is paraded as something to be proud of. Gas them all

i feel you brother. i too had to pull my pants down and fap

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need tough love, so far the woman approach and the scientist approach have both failed, maybe its time we adress the mentally ill not as an examiner, not as a mother, but as a brother

desu I don't really know how to tackle this issue, telling trannies the truth will just make them lash out on you. You will always be a Nazi to them, and having an unstable psyche and brainwashed into "punch nazi" propaganda, harming you won't even be a sin to them.

Imagine if the SJW bullshit never happened, these trannies would be meeting doctors to treat their gender dysphoria instead of having themselves mutilated. Gender dysphoria and the attempts to fix it would be on the news instead pride marches.

the way doctors treat it is actually darker, to them these are all subjects to open up and play with to better understand the nature of sex

Half of all trannies commit suicide.
It is a self-correcting problem, but there still needs to be constant vigilance to prevent people from going down this path.
It's already too late for those that have taken too many steps towards larping as the opposite sex.

I doubt it is even gender dysphoria
I noticed that a lot of these people come from very anti social places like speedrun, gaming, plebbit, Jow Forums, tumblr communities. These people have some fucked up shit about them before hand and then latch onto some weird shit. They really remind me furries, ponyfags and weebs.

the problem is when you are stuck around people who live autodestructively and you want something else for yourself, they drag you down, they are predators, turn your life into a struggle that one lives in society to avoid in the first place

I had to reassure myself that it wasnt my penis being mutilated, that is a God damn massacre.

holy shit it actually looks like something a 5 year old who has never seen a pussy would make

>had to reassure myself that it wasnt my penis being mutilated

I hope you're not circumcised.

so does hermes, it also appears in medical imagery. its your kundalini, that being said the trannies are mixing male and female and mocking God. I've called them baphomets for years


You will never pass as a woman.

< In the military. No we don't want them.
We don't want to deal with housing them. We don't want to deal with the bathroom logistics. We don't want to deal with them having to specially treat their festering Kronenberg monstrosity in their pants. We don't want to give their hormones space on medical supply shipments. Their entire existence is a freakish nightmare for leaders and logisticians.

Dude looks like the singer from The Darkness now
wew lad

i hope in the future trannies are look back upon with horror and disgust like bloodletting and lobotomies
truly a horror of the modern age

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it's the right way, brother

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fortunately, it is you who will be looked back upon with horror and disgust

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Not implying Christianity though correct? A difference between seeking God through no religion and seeking him through one

>What's up, Doc?
>Nothing desu

>knock knock
>who's there?
>your balls
>your balls who?
>Your balls though

wtf I hate onions now

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Does this mean that I can fully fill this woman's pussy up with my 4 inch dick?