Can we have another happening thread?

can we have another happening thread?
they're quite comfy

Attached: increasing earthquake will cause yellowstone eruption shenanigans.png (1153x812, 459K)

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What? Did something happen?

apparently the underground is a bit shaky in america, which might trigger a yellowstone volcano eruption

Attached: 1548186738884.png (800x600, 302K)

Fuck off kike, Yellowstone is inactive.
Just remember your doomed no matter what because you're a jew nigger.

Attached: 1546618171090.jpg (980x742, 106K)

I’ve read news about this since forever and absolutely nothing has come out of it.

Today there will be quite a few happenings. It's the 33rd day of the Government Shutdown in the United States. As some of you may know, 33rd Degree Freemasons is as high as you can go in the Order and those who hit 33 are satanic cultists who use the number frequently in their mass killings.


>Yellowstone is inactive
go back to school user
even a gypsy nigger knows more about it than you


I’ve been watching the charts since the first thread last night @ 5 pm.

The entire country’s charts keep changing slightly, but all still matching.

The only difference is that the entire world’s charts have slowly started to align with the USA’s as well.

It’s definitely not normal. But no one knows what it is.

Could it be deep underground military bases being worked on simultaneously?

also its 1/23 (33)

and 23 itself is one of the occults biggest numbers

could be but i dont believe so.

its not a long enough sustained amount of time. and the fact that the global readings are starting to match up speaks against that as well

Sadly THIS happening is over since the graphs show the time ON THE LEFT!

This means that the shaky phase was like 16 hours ago. Now it's calm again.

Attached: 1530636273958.jpg (720x711, 26K)

oh no........................

Link to previous thread?

There's got to be something happening for there to be a legit happening thread.
It's almost never "happening".



Damn checked


Checked what faggot? Kill yourself