African refugees and FASD

Africans have Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder because water is unsafe to drink in their country so pregnant women drink alcohol, shit the kids start drinking alcohol as toddlers.
Calling cards of FASD are:
>Low IQ (70-90)
>social and behavioural problems
>delayed development
>inability to connect past experiences with present action
>may seem competent and agree but not understand
>short attention span and poor memory
>inability to generalise information
>slow cognitive and auditory pace
>impaired judgment and impulsivity
>emotional – angry, frustrated
>poor language and communication skills
>FASD is a lifelong condition and there is no cure

Why is no one talking about this fact?
What do mentally disabled people have to offer society?

Attached: 1540649753113.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is a typical example of a kid with FASD vs a normal child.

Attached: chidrens.jpg (869x1024, 93K)


how are their heads similar sizes yet so different in intelligence? thought there was a large correlation of cranial capacity and IQ.

Attached: smugger.jpg (256x300, 16K)

What about they have FASD don't you understand?

Attached: FASDs_Image_1.jpg (473x629, 184K)

Attached: FAS1.jpg (386x200, 43K)

>shows no facial symptoms
hokay. maybe they just dont have a good wired hed idk

Attached: IMG_4446.jpg (1241x755, 99K)

What is this moronic propaganda showing a newborns head?

less golds

is this like a 6 stages of grief thing in accepting racism or somethin'

Attached: desuuu.png (865x807, 821K)


ur there. honestly dont see any symptoms on that kiddo

>those massive lips in the bottom right

Imagine being so delusional that you think countries with an IQ of 60-70 that consume large amounts of backyard alcohol because the water is unclean is racism if you question the people coming to your country.

Top countries are European.

Imagine that, shithole countries can't keep track of bootleg alcohol consumption and no one is connecting it to the low IQ in the refugees.

where would they get alcohol in some countries when they dont even know how to grow food. just hit the Depression stage already.

>because water is unsafe to drink in their country
This happened all over the world. Even in Roman times, it was safer to drink wine than water. And for centuries thereafter, they would still just drink wine. And yet the rest of the world developed civilizations, didn't live in mudhuts, discovered the wheel before the 17th century, etc...Niggers are just retarded.

Wait, so the refugees might actually be functional humans if they lay down the alcohol?

Yes. It is the same with African Americans, what do you think the difference is between smart and dumb niggers in America?
it is literally FASD.

pic looks exactly like me wtf. fuck this shit

Your mother was alcoholic, do you experience the symptoms in the OP?
If so ask your doctor for tests there are management programs and knowing you have the condition can help you learn easier with known methods of learning that are easier.