/ourguy/ Futurama man has a point, user

/ourguy/ Futurama man has a point, user

Attached: bender.png (950x289, 111K)

at least post the context

Attached: 1523335211294.png (748x572, 77K)

>When I said kill all the niggers and jews it's not like I was endorsing the death of all niggers and jews lol learn the difference idiots.

I thought so. Billy West is the only redpilled voice actor. He hates the niggers and I have the tapes to prove it.

Post link or gtfo

that's pretty damn weak. I like the little appeal to nostalgia tho

he's talking about his marge schott impression

goddamnit wakka, and here I was hoping you weren't a cuck

I don't get it...is he pro maga hat kids or against?

ruin his life too

Sounds afraid or he just sought legal advice haha

fat chance

You know, it'd be a real shame if someone campaigned offense over his racist, stereotypical portrayals of ethnic voices.

the absolute state of leftards

>its not like when I said 80% of women have a recurring rape fantasy in response to a national headline about a brutal rape that I was endorsing it learn the difference idiots

He honestly deserves it. The fact that he keeps doubling down on it at this point is incredibly pathetic and incredibly scummy.

It seems like every major voice actor recently has gone full retard. Mark Hamill, Tara Strong and now DiMaggio. I guess voice work is still Hollywood, but they seem to be the most insufferable. At least Tom Kenny is still pure...for now.

That's the point you idiots, he's doubling down.

He's doubling down while simultaneously trying to damage control. It's hilarious.

Barnes has them scared. I hope the catholic kids take up his offer and sue these fucks to oblivion. Sadly being catholic choir boys they will probably turn the other cheek like cucked faggots and hand the left another win.

>I've never said "Those are well-deserved death threats"
>I've also learned to never say never
>Implement correction: I said "Those are well-deserved death threats"
>Fuck Them Punk Ass White Kids
>I only said they deserved death threats I didn't say to actually do it.

Fuck. You. Nobody deserves death threats. Especially teenagers who did something that was really tame in comparison to things that other teens do on a daily mother fucking basis. Which would be smile and do nothing.

Congratulations on entering a collective shit-list, Wakka. People on the shit list get to eat shit.

Attached: Baadboi.jpg (800x800, 97K)

I can play that game too, and a bit better.

I'm not saying that anyone should do something horrible to this man and/or his family. All I'm saying is that if they do, and I'm on the jury, they won't be convicted.

Make sure to keep archiving those tweets