How was the FBI protecting and serving the American people when we have a central bank AND we have Jews in positions of...

How was the FBI protecting and serving the American people when we have a central bank AND we have Jews in positions of power?

Attached: FBI BTFO.png (635x638, 349K)

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>glowing urban gentleman monitoring us
>they are doing it for free

Attached: 31565454e143.jpg (1200x800, 284K)

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Fucking good.

I believe CIA is self-funded.

FBI does it as well

FBI probably self-funds itself with the trafficking lmao

>"protect and serve the American people"

Attached: 1547644945275.jpg (905x881, 266K)

Fuck you guys, the FBI keeps America safe


Keep working without pay, glownigger.

Putting criminals behind bars

FBI needs to be purged of (((them))) anyway

Federal Reserve is still running loose.
We still have foreigners in our government.

>a fourth man who'se agency affiliation was unclear stated, "Oy vey!"

Protect & Serve = street executions for not complying with simon says.

Attached: iamthelaw.jpg (632x474, 40K)

the fbi is unconstitutional

that's a lie, I had 3 DEA guys swing by my Airplane today to check out some things..

>We can't do false flags anymore :^(

>implying the FBI actually does anything


shut the fuck up fed pig cunts, you literally do nothing. Organized crime since the post WW2 still exists. Terror groups are egged on by you. You kill innocent patriots. Do nothing about the chinks or jew spies. There is literally nothing the feds do that can't be done by local good citizens with guns and good intelligence gathering.

Guaranteed locals who care will do an infinitely better job...

>Cletus Mcsisterfucker will do a better job than trained and highly educated special agents

>highly educated special agents
More like "propagandized ZOG foot soldiers."

>protecting and serving
You mean
>infiltrating and subverting any pro white movements,
>destroying incriminating evidence for rich jews
>conducting fraudulent surveillance on US citizens,
>perpetuating a false narrative of misconduct during the election >leaking to the media in an attempt to sway public opinion
>staging mass shootings to facilitate 2A restrictions
Boo fucking hoo faggot

Good. Shouldn't have tried to coup the President faggots. FBI, CIA and DOJ needs to be disbanded and restructured into something accountable since we can't dissolve them entirely due to the fucking massive size the government and consolidated power it has become.


he does it for free

"A turd said agents cannot undermine and subvert the american people"

Thats so sad alexa play despacito.