How was the FBI protecting and serving the American people when we have a central bank AND we have Jews in positions of...

How was the FBI protecting and serving the American people when we have a central bank AND we have Jews in positions of power?

Attached: FBI BTFO.png (635x638, 349K)

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>glowing urban gentleman monitoring us
>they are doing it for free

Attached: 31565454e143.jpg (1200x800, 284K)

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Attached: 1539371848605.jpg (1000x758, 148K)

Fucking good.

I believe CIA is self-funded.

FBI does it as well

FBI probably self-funds itself with the trafficking lmao

>"protect and serve the American people"

Attached: 1547644945275.jpg (905x881, 266K)

Fuck you guys, the FBI keeps America safe
