Angel Cop
>literally says the jews control the US and are responsible for the black market and mafia
Shinsekai Yori
>takes place after societal collapse
>mentions the only fit form of government is monarchy
>every race wanted its survival
Redpilled anime thread
Other urls found in this thread:
please comment frens
Also One Piece
>Evil world government
>official evil guys are merely pawns of the government (controlled opposition)
>big mom is basically a commy, stating how her dream is a world with all the people from no matter where being able to come together while in the next seen pilaging her own people in order to have a tea party
>history is forbidden to research just like here we have only shills selling fake history
Angel cops great
Mad bull 34
Jin Roh
Not to mention White Beards original flag design.
Angel Cop is actually a very good anime. Give it a good rating on myanimelist to fuck with the jews.
>name is Whitebeard
>has no beard just a mustache
>flag is swastika
What did they mean by this?
Joumangand is subtle woke
you wont know it til she already won though, just that war seams fucked up and everyone is funding it.
everyone, no exceptions.
Also Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, about the white mans ambission to surpass the impossible and do whats right against all odds.
Also i get big esotheric vibes with the good guys using "spiral energy" and the bad guys unable to do so. Its possibly the same the pedospiral hints towards.
Satanic pedos take children with the spiral energy, abuse them to the point of breaking inducing near death experience or out of body experience through traumainduced dissociation at which points the kids connection to the "otherworld" is stronger then normal (as it is conciously there. think about monster under the bed or in the closet regarding the childs strong connection). They then drink the kids blood when the "connection" is made and eat its pineal gland in an effort to be able to see what the child saw, similar to the believe of eating the dick and balls of certain animals giving you potency. And the evil anti spirals keep humanity down because they fear they can destroy everything with that energy.
Picked up Angel Cop
try Black Lagoon, its mix of black and red pills
germans think autistic drilling is redpilled
really spices my wolf
what do you want to know?
>mentions the only fit form of government is monarchy
Neon Genesis Evangelion
>secret societies
>abrahamic religion based symbology literally everywhere
can confirm
I actually liked the blond American villain in this desu
For fucks sake, i'm not going to watch your fucking movie. Stop shilling
shit I need to rewatch angel cop asap
They little start killing National socialists over a fucking painting on the fourth episode.
* They literally
reddest pill is that natsoc was shit and allowed jews to take over after they finished fucking up sovereign white european nations
Except the natsocs were being tested by the legit secret society of rich surviving original SS officers, and were correctly found to be wanting.
True and the blonde guy is also a jew who says "Fuck the nazis" in one EP.
>Foreign art form that has no place in White nations
Pick one.
Love Live School Idol Project
Love Live Sunshine
Nico Yazawa - A role model for a perfect housewife.
Cooks, cleans, takes care of 3 younger siblings which shows her capabilities as a mother, passionate about her dreams, hard on the outside but soft in the inside, Nico Nico Nii~ means to smile and lastly she is cute.
Dia Kurosawa - A perfect role model too
Has a mole on her face, loves her sister, dignified, smart, has a cute side, protective and finally she's a klutz at times.
I'm not a weeb, just an anime enthusiast.
Shinsekai Yori Is 10/10 anime, also squealer did nothing wrong.
hi shlomo
>calls me Schlomo
>supports non-white artforms flooding into White nations. aka diversity and multiculturalism.
Toss out Socrates and Plato then, idiot.
Your stupid as hell anime has nothing about multiculturalism if anything it praises old style western concept. Now compare anime with American cartoons.
normies get out
this is weeb neighbourhood
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
>The history episode showing societal degeneration
>Space Jews trying to play both sides, literally ruled by a Jew
>Highlights the weaknesses of liberal democracy and total authoritarianism, showing a third alternative as the best path in the end
Pretty much this
>Toss out Socrates and Plato then, idiot.
Why would I believe your anti-White "x aren't White" d&c memes, faggot?
>these non-White artforms are really pro-White. Despite the fact that they don't promote pro-White beliefs and are a foreign artform that has no place in White society.
You really don't care about preserving the White race, do you?
>I love diversity and multiculturalism just as long as it's attractive, drawn females I can fap to, all alone in my basement!
So does red pill just mean da joos!1!! now?
yeeeees i will watch it's meaningfulllllllllllllllll jew loseeeeeeeeeeeeeee pol wiiiin
Stop driving foreign cars, eating foreign food, and consuming foreign media then shlomo. They too promote multiculturalism according to your retarded schizoid brain
In Japan all of them are for kids or beta cucks
Is it different in your country?
Your a kike I can tell when you say saving the white race. Your basically telling me I can’t like/appreciate non white things. I bet you don’t know what the hell american culture is anyways.
Odeo cyber city 808
Any of the patlabour series
Parasite first season
Any of the older "retro" animes really
Most modern anime is low quality garbage without any real effort behind it, but there are some Jem's here and there
one of the characters is a good nazi
and his name is Brocken Jr
Wait, that Ghost Stories dub is legit? It can't be...
Also, GATE takes in politics very good except making Japan military STRONK
beard and moustache is same word in japanese
>GATE takes in politics very good
>Imperial Princess Piña Co Lada
Fucking nips don't make believable stuff, this is like comedy
nvm, looks like it was real
Lel I've been a fan of this but I havent seen it since redpilled, had no idea it knew about JQ, I just really like the gore and physic powers, also main character is a bamf
You may be on to something.
>Dr. Karmazin, who plans to open a business selling young blood, says patients who’ve had it say they feel amazing, and he says he’s seen evidence of reversing the aging process in rats.
>“Their brains are younger, their hearts. Their hair, if it was gray, it turns dark again,” he said.
>There has also been encouraging Alzheimer’s research using young blood at Stanford University.
>“We found that it was safe and feasible to administer infusions of young plasma weekly,” Dr. Sharon Shaw, an Alzheimer’s researcher at Stanford, said.
>Dr. Shaw is a researcher who says they have seen evidence of improvement in functional ability.
>“It’s all very exciting that there can be components in blood that can be healing,” Dr. Shaw said.
>Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, treatments using a patient’s own blood have been in demand as trendy “vampire facials” to fight wrinkles, and as joint and tissue treatments to accelerate healing.
any comedies that are good? I've seen Osomatsu-san, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, and Cromatie School. Any suggestions?
>may be
but yes, thats the same line of research just sold to the masses and deoccultized. and its not like this is anything new
Episode 33 of Silicon valley, 33 is the masons favorite number
again blood to stay young.
its just now getting publicized. what do you think where the bloodlible comes from? the tales of vampires that fear the cross (christianity).
This chick apparently tortured some virgin and when the blood of one reached her skin by accident she realized that it appeared to be rejuvenating so the only logical step was to kill even more virgins to bath in their blood to stay young. This too isnt too farfetched
GATE is a mixed bag of comedy and serious moments, I thought that was pretty stablished since the beginning.
Taking in mind those you said I would tell you:
Azumanga Daioh
Detroit Metal City
Seto no Hanayome
Strawberry Marshmallow
Ping Pong Club
Ninin ga Shinobuden
Bottle Fairy
Golden Boy
Seitokai Yakuindomo
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Kill Me Baby
Survival Game Club!
Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san
Hozuki no Reitetsu
Denkigai no Honya-san
Shinya! Tensai Bakabon
Choose from there
>Ping Pong Club
Thought I was the only person in the world that's seen that.
You weren't, it's just I watched it 11 years ago
>Shinsekai Yori
Squealer was the hero all along.
13 years ago for me. Gonna see if I can find a torrent of it now lol
JoeyJo's part 7
Valentine did nothing wrong.
>Japanese cartoons
pick one.
I have seen a lot of bad anime but nothing compares to that piece of shit. fucking awful
I wonder why white supremists prefer our cartoons
>Spike Spiegel is Jewish
It's a common theory.
This typical merchant is the best kike character in anime btw
It's a stupid theory because Spike is physically adept and agile and has good Spatial/visual intelligence.
Good choice.
LOGH is the golden standard of anime.
>Golden boy
>animated story telling by the guys who allied with the white man instead of with kikes and which still honour thair allies culture and history more than we do ourselves cant be redpilled
what a faggot
anything by this chad of anime
Funny because the UC series that gets the point that Gundam was trying to make across the best was War in the Pocket, and that wasn't directed by Tomino.
Damn right.
Monarchy is so shit though
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is the most redpilled anime you can watch.
>encourages men to get swole
>Nazis helped save the world
>the physical is intertwined with the supernatural
>only manga artist to get showcase in the Lourve
>importance of children to carry on the mission of their ancestors
>that opening and ending music
Only soicucks hate Jojo
The manga is light years better, with a touch of grimdark.
Are there any uncucked streaming sites that arent virus ridden?
I can't tell if Elfen Lied is about jews or wamen
>>that opening and ending music
Araki actually makes the picks for the ending songs in the adaptation that's airing right now. It's funny how much influence Western rock music had on him, fuck, you can even see it in the aesthetics of the manga.
Yuru camp
>takes place in the fall/winter time which is the white man's seasons
>its all about cute girls and camping
>makes you have pride in your country and your people with beautiful scenery
going watch it now
Sold. Thanks for the suggestion, fren.
>85 replies
>no mention of GS
>that episode where sex slave murder kids get their limbs casually blown away by a sniper
That's as american as an anime can get desu senpai.
Blue sub number 6 nuff said
Groping animes !
gay and gaypilled
>redpilled anime
BluRay version when? I don't want to watch the censored version...
>still watching your girly cartoons user?
>well, at least there's no female goblins in it so I don't really mind, but wouldn't you rather come to bed?
Slide this, bitches.
It's a must-watch regardless if you like anime or not
There is no such thing as "redpilled" anime. There is no such thing as "redpilled" video games. Or movies. Or TV shows. Or the majority of anything that passes for "entertainment" these days.
You are in a state of delayed adolescence. It was planned a long time ago. The powers that be want you weak and docile. Congrats, you are exactly the kind of Western human male that the powers that be want. You are easier to defeat this way. And you won't leave behind any offspring either. Good job.