why are there so many psychotic white incels?
Why are there so many psychotic white incels?
Why do progressive white men make endless threads projecting their sexual frustration?
>it doesn't count when news hurts my feelings
Violence from blacks is so common it doesnt even make the news anymore
>even when a white guy chimps out
>ignore all and name blacks
this is maximum delusion
>these people are worse so it totally excuses our failures
thats not gonna help him get laid tho
are you sure? he's headed to prison.
>be white man
>never get anything for free
>work your ass off for what you want
>POC demand you hand it over for double jeopardy crimes your forefathers might or might not have been part of
>your own women laugh at you while they jump on every colored dick they can find
>no hope for the future
yeh i fucking wonder why
>why are there so many psychotic white incels?
Compared to what race? Either back up your claims with stats or go gargle with shit and STFU!
>why are there so many obviously paid false flaggers?
>In countries where most people are white, white people do most of the things
>why are there so many psychotic white incels?
Bc the incels of other races are in jail or strap themselves to IEDs.
Nobody's buying what you're peddling, schlomo.
Remember to sage, hide, and report slide threads.
No one will listen to us
Because America is a fucking shithole.
Isolation breeds insanity.
he probably got flipped on CEE PEE charges or something
Why are there so many psychotic liberals trying to doxx a kid, and sending him death threats for having an opinion?
He won't have to worry about his status as a permavirgin considering where he's going.
Why are there so many brown and black niggers on welfare and selling drugs and killing each other? Why does the white man put up with this? Why doesn't the white man take his country back? Why, why, why!??
There aren't.
>Why are Chicago and Detroit war zones?
That's the question you should be asking, Rabbi.
Because human beings are programmed to reproduce and when that programming is frustrated, it causes their entire system to sieze up.
>he's headed to prison.
for what, a thought crime? wrong think?
Non whites are bigger looser incels and do hate crime much more often than whites
But that is NOT a story according to mainstream media
Chemicals in the water turn normal would be rapists into pathetic incels.
>Use sex to sell everything, to promote everything
>Use it as a core way of determining someones value
>Wonder why people who don't have sex go psychotic.
Before mass media sex push people used to go celibate by choice and be perfectly sane.
Perhaps they're sad and lonely, because everyone keeps hating on and ridiculing them. And if they say anything, they'll get ridiculed and hated on even more.
Just a wild hypothesis.
It's the beginning of the incel socialist revolution.
But I can guarantee he'll get plenty of fan mail from crazy cute girls who thinks he's just a bit misunderstood.
>your own women laugh at you while they jump on every colored dick they can find
This projection is pathetic and entirely false.
Looks: average
Intelligence: brainlet (basing this on his prose and the fact that he outed himself)
T-Levels: beta as fuck
Social skills: non-existant
Yeah, his virginity makes sense. An athlete or someone with basic social skills could get a girlfriend with his looks.
>be white male
>make decent money, live alone
>succubi want 70% of your income if you marry them
>read the news
>succubi want to tax 70% of your income above a certain amount
>they wont live in your house, fuck you, or even know you, they just want your fucking money
>and they're going to get the fucking IRS to knock on your door
I'll burn every dollar I own if it means those sluts get nothing from me.
There are lots of hispanic incels but we call those "rapists" here in America.