Name my band

Name my band.

Attached: goblins.jpg (1436x714, 581K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"We have a nigger"

4 uggos and the cute one

Dungeons and Cocks


Attached: also.jpg (1020x407, 31K)


Shallow grave.

Ghosts & Goblins

Fall of Goy

Siberian Trans Orchestra.

Politics before Hygiene.

The faggots

none of these creatures are above a 3

Hootie and the Transfish

Attached: 1501638006013.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Burning Pile of Shit


Attached: IMG_20190123_181625_082.jpg (383x383, 40K)

Onions Division

Sߋy Division


Nightmare Bull-Dyke and the Dregs

Notorius F.A.G.

I would put my penis inside the one in back with glasses if you know what I mean.

HR Speeddialers

Lol lost


Fucking can't believe I got duped by that filter

God damn do you get around that filter?

The suicide 5

weird tiny teeth, looks like she's really into horses

faggot scum

I'm a based criminal

Attached: 1542820659071.png (774x850, 269K)

lmfao! why do all skinny horse chicks look like this?

Attached: 65489465498.jpg (497x495, 111K)

Numale Kumjamis & the Dilators

best so far lol

The Wokening


The "Thank goodness we aren't breeding 5".

3,5 toddlers and a faggot

also just dumping this here

Attached: 1519746518184.png (720x720, 563K)

tfw you roll 3d6 down the line for stats and get a bunch of 5s...

The Gender Benders

>No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon. - Matthew 6:14

>Is there a solution?
possibly, user has proposed an act of congress forcing full disclosure of all relevant information of all elected or appointed positions.

>Please, copy and paste the proposed #PODA in to infographs, memes and spread them like a 12 dollar hooker.
Public Officials Disclosure Act #PODA #PODA2019
P.O.D.A shall include all federal, state and local elected and appointed positions:
◦ Full present and past name(s)
◦ Date of birth, origin of birth
◦ Any pending or past criminal or civil charges
◦ Any domestic violence orders
◦ Any and all ties to foreign nations
◦ Any allegations of sexual abuse
◦ Full financial disclosure dating 5 years prior to election

Several anons have filed FOIA requests and have been denied. A possible solution to this is do not ask for specific names of congressmen, ask for numbers! What are the numbers of congressmen holding dual citizenship. No matter if (((Jill Egglestein))) denies your request or not, SAVE THEIR RESPONSE! Once you receive it, RE-CREATE THIS THREAD AND BUMP ALL RELATED THREADS!

We must bring light to this problem as well as a solution, perhaps a final solution.
Previous threads,

Attached: slide_thread_detected.png (849x565, 352K)

An AIDS Rocket Crashes into a Daycare Center

Sߋy bߋys

The Unholy Quintet.

Time Travel Back to Save Hitler still won't Fix this One

the nigger asshole

the failed abortions

We've All Been Inside Each Other

The Specials
The Snowflakes
The Rope Warmers

Twist My Moustache to Watch it Stick from the Poop in it

serious question: how do these people happen? does some weird uggo wake up one day, look in the mirror and say, "Yup, today I'll shave half my head and look smug." I don't understand. "Yup, I'm fat and uncharismatic. I'll go for a pink undercut."


The Five Parents You Never Wanted to Force You to Suck Their Dicks at Gunpoint

The Three-Fifths Compromise

Onions and suicide

Different Stages of Transition

Dilators and Violators

Quad-fags and a pedo

Slow Cook my Balls so when I Get Back from Work I'll be a Woman


Have You Ever Tried Felching?

The Current Years

Five Xirs

4 Niggers and a Jigaboo



5 faggots

The Problem-Finders

Tom, Betty and the Dilators
Twisted Mister
Goy Division

The Diversity Douches

Attached: 154827329.jpg (360x360, 81K)

Attached: lgbt.jpg (1436x714, 270K)

sterile by 2015

kek, the nigger doesn't even get a name.

John Boy, He Good! and the Happy Fruit Cake Surprise Strippers

Attached: 1547484295796.jpg (1920x1080, 509K)

Our Planet Ran Out of Straight People so We've Come Here to Fuck You

Oy Vey! We're Gay!

Attached: jew4.jpg (501x504, 164K)

>tom, betty and the dilators
fuckin gold m8

The Onions

Shit i forgot the black dude

Attached: lgbt.jpg (1436x714, 274K)

The Getting Desperate Wannabe Slide Threads

Sage and the reported

get over yourself

The Fab 4 and 3/5ths

Jesus, skrillex really let himself go...

everything wrong

>why name antique farm equipment?
it was funnier when you didn't

Faggot Central

Degeneration Masturbation

The Fagdykes.

So... is the lower right a man or a woman? The jaw and cheekbones are throwing me off. Really just the whole camera angle.

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Asking for it.

Pussy Riot 2

White Future

Gender unkown

New Shids on the Cock

This shit is part of why I still play 3.5.


Out of 100


Critical (of Gender) Role(s)