>Sales haven't budged after its controversial #MeToo ad >it's calling the campaign a big success >It's a part of our effort to connect more meaningfully with younger consumer groups, >More brands may soon follow suit, because many customers want to see strong stands on politically charged topics like race, immigration, gay rights, guns and the environment
>Sales haven't budged >So our campaign was a big success Have these marketing parasites forgotten they're supposedly supposed to be increasing sales? Isn't that the whole fucking point of marketing?
Jason Richardson
P&G doesn't really rely on razors, they sell a ton of other household products.
Brayden Nguyen
>not buying the .99 cent razors at the checkout isle >not just trimming with an electric razor.
i haven't spent money on shaving stuff in years.
Joshua Smith
Of course it's OK. It's not like it was a part of white men genocide or something.
A friend's dad worked for Proctor and Gamble, he was a huge douchebag and his son turned out to be a faggot too. There are no P&G products worth buying, we don't need a single one of these brands.
>corporations arent people >until they support my belief system
John Green
Vicks is pretty great desu
Dylan Kelly
Who falls for this shit. That ad came out 10 days ago, there is no way a company/supply chain of that size has accurate data on how sales were impacted. The company is likely still fulfilling orders to distributors that were placed before the ad dropped or just a couple days after.
Guaranteed we see a story in a couple months about dropping Gillette sales.
Aaron Torres
>attaching a ballpark to your begonia
Brody Perry
Are you getting it now?
We have lost.
Angel Turner
Real men don't shave. Shaving is effeminate.
Carter Rogers
>because many customers want to see strong stands on politically charged topics like race, immigration, gay rights, guns and the environment
In other words, fuck white people.
Noah Long
I thought I was the only one..
Jack Ward
Pfft this is 2019, beards are for faggots.
Andrew Price
why is there a corn dog where his dick should be? I'm confused.
Easton Torres
>Sales haven't budged >Big success How retarded is Gillette?
A real man is clean shaven, and he shaves with a straight razor.
Levi Moore
What's a good replacement for head and shoulders?
James Reed
beta male detected
Joshua Martinez
It's only been like ten fucking days Most people have a stash of cartridges.
Old image.
Christopher Perez
Because all the men that care are already the type of men that switched to dollar or Harry's. What this is suggesting is that the men that remain agree or didn't convince the women in their life to not buy Gillette. Because women buy most of the stuff
David Hall
this is a great idea
Easton Ward
As a rule of thumb I never buy from any company that follows the X & Y naming convention.
Josiah Scott
>neckbeard protest has no effect on shaving industry Imagine my surprise
John Mitchell
This is kinda weird, their commercials are always extreme heteronormative and I've yet to see one that's anti-white in any way either.
Jaxon Hughes
You don't deserve to don the flag you're shitposting in. But there you are, abusing your freedom-like a fool. Enjoy your ignorance, fool.
Jaxson Ramirez
Massage olive oil on your scalp
Cameron Turner
the normies have barely caught up yet. It was several days we knew that chief valor-stealer was a fake vietnam vet and that the news was lying. I doubt they have reports recent enough to feel the backlash, especially since people dont tend to go out and buy razors every day.
Theres not a market out there for that campaign to appeal to. It just pissed off their entire base, bar none and appealed to a small minority of people that specifically ISNT their base and is unlikely to buy gillete anyway since trannys and tumblrinas dont tend to shave anything.
10 years ago i would've agreed with you, but now beards are for faggots.
Xavier Richardson
>More brands may soon follow suit, because many customers want to see strong stands on politically charged topics like race, immigration, gay rights, guns and the environment That is some advanced trolling from Nathaniel Meyersohn. You guys do realize that article was written with the expressed purpose to be a (You) generator, right?
Beta male? Based on the fact that I don't shave? Don't tell me you line up your eyebrows too? You people are disgusting.
Josiah Brooks
>many customers want to see strong stands on politically charged topics like race, immigration, gay rights, guns and the environment
No we don’t. I buy products because they are good and whatever they need to do. I don’t give a fuck if my lawnmower supports brexit, only that it cuts my grass.
If any business had a sense of acumen it would simply make an advert saying it isn’t it the politics business it’s in the razor/lawnmower/deadly gas business and that’s all they’re here to do, and reap the sales benefits of the majority of normal people who just want their things to do thing things
Ethan Clark
>Sales haven't budged after its controversial #MeToo ad Yea uh....it's a little early to tell I think. The ad JUST released.
Justin Wright
/thread back to shtiposting
Zachary Phillips
Good for them i just know that i will not buy single Gillette protuct
Aiden Lopez
people kept talking about safety razors so thought i would give it a shot pretty nice shave not going back to cartridges
Adam Cox
>shaves with crappy product >"wins"
Austin Rivera
Women make up the majority of sales for Gillette razor. All men did was draw attention to an ad that feminists will gladly buy if it means sticking it to Republicans.
Jaxson Martin
Also guys Bic is a good substitute. It's sold at most places.
Cameron Cox
>sales haven't budged after its controversial #MeToo ad >it's calling the campaign a big success
lmao the absolute state of Gillette. How bad does your marketing team have to fuck up where you call it a success just because you didn't go bankrupt?
Easton Morgan
>cleanliness is feminine I guess you're one of those guys who don't believe in practicing hygiene. You should go to India, it sounds like you'd fit right in.
Dylan Lewis
>Requires you to have a beard
It's because I am a male. You know, one of the 2 genders? The ones God created? Male and female made he them? Does that ring a bell to you? Look up the history of men shaving and no, it isn't a war tactic like the (((historians))) say, it came straight out of Sodom and Gomorrah. Read your Bible sometime, boy.
Benjamin Jackson
>imagine paying half your wage for 3 more blade reserves
This desu. Bic is build upon healthy principles, like clog the entire river with dulled single use razors
Ayden Kelly
>just because you didn't go bankrupt? They have had time to do no such thing. You kids realize in the business world market results don't really appear this fast right?
Samuel Ramirez
Jesus. I use Tide, Dawn, Joy, Bounty, Duracell, crest, charmin, Boss, Lacoste, and up until their latest ad, Gillette. Im sure they are into a bunch of other shit too. This is going to be a tough boycott.
Samuel Carter
they know better than this--it takes more time to notice slumping sales. why are they lying? fwiw, in this scenerio, what will be noticed is anemic sales figures, and lack of growth over the course of about 608 mos, because people only buy this type of a product on an irregular basis. But again, they know this, so why the premature victory lap?
Julian Smith
>because many customers want to see strong stands on politically charged topics like race, immigration, gay rights, guns and the environment
There’s always an alternative thanks to the free market.
Cooper Miller
You don't have to accept it, it is what it is.
Bears are gay as fuck now, sorry that you are clinging to the past.
Isaiah King
The paper towel jew.
Landon Baker
In fact it's impossible to tell yet. The average user with the Gillette cartridge pack at home would've not bought a new one between now and when the ad was released.
But like I said, Nathaniel is baiting. The entire article is a blatant bait.
Adrian Morgan
You're a total dumbass. Shaving your face is about hygiene, not looks. Clearly it doesn't occur to you because you're an incel.
Henry James
Give it time razors are not something someone purchases on a daily basis. Lets check back in 6 months
Jason Peterson
Can confirm. Just bought my wife oldest son a year supply of Gillette Fusion ProGlide™!
Juan Murphy
Boycotts don't work unless they are forced on others. You aren't doing anything by not buying their shit by yourself.
Chase Phillips
Who asked for these cucks’ nput? I fucking hate millennials.
Logan Diaz
>I won't buy a single fucking thing from Proctor and Gamble ever again.
This wasn't about getting YOU to buy from them.
Real men don't buy their own grooming products, they are bought by whoever does the supermarket shopping.
That could be your wife, your girlfriend or, if you are a failure at life, your mother.
Only single men living on their own buy their own razors and shaving cream and this is a small and shrinking demographic. These days most single men won't be able to afford a house on their own or rent, even with a decent job and those that can probably have a beard rather than shave because that's what women find attractive these days and you catch more flies with honey.
So you're Proctor and Gamble, do you go after the 5% or so of men who buy razors themselves or the 95% of women who buy razors for their men?
It's that simple.
The advert is aimed at women, not men so they don't care what you think.
SameI got a little bit of a supply that are use up and then after that I’m going to use something else
Jeremiah Williams
My granpa used those. He always had sore beard. Anyways, safety razors are too wide to shave the chin easily.
Brayden Ross
I work in a grocery store and every single person that works there besides me is the type to keep buying Gillette and not see the ad and not care if they do see the ad, because they're NPCs and they just don't think about anything if they don't have to.
That's the problem with NPCs and why we need to wipe them all out, and then we won't have any problems with these evil Jews, because there won't be a massive horde of retards for them to manipulate and enslave.
Get rid of all the natural born slaves, and we won't have any more problems with natural born slave masters, just like killing the Indians by getting rid of the buffalo.
Adrian Hughes
Ha I do too
Charles Butler
Is that supposed to be a fucking dick????
William Stewart
Then you are a wavering man without true principles to stand on. Wherever the wind blows, there you go, without roots to hold yourself true to yourself. Because I don't shave I somehow don't shower? Is that your logic? In sorry that you live in in a sad state of mind, boy.
Samuel Fisher
It's like trying to boycut "made in china" Sigh can't we just rope them already?
>>because many customers want to see strong stands on politically charged topics like race, immigration, gay rights, guns I want to see a strong stance on that to, not just the same stance that they think
The fuck are you talking about? shaving has never been effeminate for men as long as it’s not your body, men that were born 100 years ago did it and they could kick your ass