Mandatory paternity tests before signing birth certificates

Mandatory paternity testing for all kids before signing the birth certificate.
> Prevent a guy from getting cucked and caring for a child that isn't his.
> Prevent him paying for child support
This seems like a very good idea that governments should try. In this large of a scale it would cost only $30 a test.

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France made paternity tests illegal lmao

State enforced cuckoldry

While this would work I’m not a fan of handing my DNA over to the government.

Imagine living in any country lmao

That would be awfully expensive and time consuming for a comparatively small benefit.

Would you rather hand your money over to your ex wife?

Fuck you kike. I'm not handing over my DNA to a government database.

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Never happen.

If the supposed “father” is not on-the-hook for child support, then the State will have to pay more. Plus feminists enjoy punishing males and anything that relieves men from punishing, life-wreaking “obligations” would be “unfair to mothers”.

The feminists love pushing sexual freedom but hate being outed as cheaters (having a baby from Chad) and losing the “moral high ground”. They don’t want to lose the perks of victim hood status.

France made paternity tests illegal lmao

I've seen the French do some stupid shit, but this?
I gotta call you on this and ask for a link to substantiate the claim.

literally 1 second on google you fucking mutt

Who is going to pay for it? The tax payers or the parents?
You can fuck off if you think you're gonna take more money from me just because you can't trust your wife to not be a cum dump for another guy.
As for the parents themselves, do you think its fair to force them to pay extra money just to find out if the child is actually theirs? Some people actually are monogamous, why should they shill out cash?
How about parents that know the child isn't genetically related (IE. sperm donor, surrogate mother, etc)? Are they too forced to take a paternity test?

Fuck off with more of this shilling to only increase a drain on our tax dollars, no matter how "cheap" it would be. You want to find out if the child is really yours? Decide for yourself and pay for it yourself.

how about, Mandatory Citizenship and Employment tests before entering the Hospital to deliver the baby....

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He's right.

a french user on Jow Forums said you can get one after birth but not later on because somehow it's child abuse or some shit, bs cover reason by some roastie politician

It was easier and far more efficient to get you to do it, Hans.

The mother could cheat the test, so.. police?

Thats cool but why did you use techyescity for this thread OP? Did he get cucked?

based and redpilled

The genetic information you get from paternity tests is practically useless for anything besides determining the father of the child. Rest assured those big nosed likes won't get their filthy hands on the specifics of your pure Aryan dna

youre either a degenerate or a cuck if you arent certain the kid is yours.

It's 30 bucks. Any non ghetto trash nigger can afford that. It sure is better than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in raising a child that isn't yours. The 30 dollar price isn't from government subsidies, it's from the large scale production that would take place.

We all know thats bullshit you kike now show us your flag.
If you really didnt want to do a data base they would loosen the laws so you dont need ID to do a paternal test then anyone who doesnt want to be in a database can have it sent to a dropbox or have every one come with a code that you can look up online after X amount of days after sending it in. Then all one would need were to pay in cash.

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Or just give the father equality and 50/50 custody?
white men dont see their kids so title IVD will pay welfare niggers.
THIS is the etire problem in the USa- Thinking women deserve sole custody and men should have to pay at all.
50/50 custody is the only way to split a child btween TWO parents.

I didn't really give 2 fucks about how they are recorded. I don't even care if they're put in a database, I just want the 'father' of the child to know whether it's his or if he's been cucked. Your idea could also work idc.

I've been a supporter of requiring paternity testing before signing the birth certificate for years. All those gripig over the costs, you are already getting charged a shitload of money for the delivery why are you bitching about $30 more? The only other argument you hear about this is from women. The only ones who are really against his idea are women (I wonder why), and they usually say if you really loved your GF/wife you would trust them, blah blah blah. Look, if there wasn't so many legal responsibilities tied to a man signing the birth certificate then this wouldn't be an issue. But once he signs that paper he is now legally responsible for he child, so the state should at least make sure the actual biological father is on the hook, and not some poor sap. We have laws against other forms of fraud, why not something like this that could financially ruin a man?

Of course, since women are the majority of voters this will never become law.

Okay now show us your flag.