Wow, what a master negotiator
Day 33 of the shutdown
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Hey, that's not fair. He's doing his best. It's the other side's fault for not giving in to his deman- I mean, accepting his awesome deals.
fuck off shareblue faggot
>day 33
>still no one cares
Must suck to be a parasite no one gives a fuck about
must be working if you're shilling this everyday
Hey it's not Republicans going hungry, last food stamps went out on Monday, give him his money or Sharniqua ain't gonna be abble to fee her keeeeds
we are so fucked without these workers
you won't care until it starts affecting trust fund babies like you
Still kicking dems ass
Sure hope democraps act like adults and agree to that wall soon or the workers have to keep suffering
you living under a rock? Everyone is fucking pissed dude. They want him and Congress head now
No wall, no welfare. Nobody here cares about fat government niggers getting paid either.
Have all those furloughed employees been permanently laid off yet? When that makes the news I'll let it open.
I live in dc and people are pissed. dumb flyover.
Building the wall would do nothing but waste billions of US money for a useless barrier that won't do anything to curb illegal immigration. Of course the Democrats won't budge. We should be blaming Trump for the workers' suffering.
First let me say, these threads, useful threads, are slid fast as fuck. So I ask you user, if you care about the United States, help out. Bump this thread, bump this idea #PODA. If you look at previous threads, many of which are not even included as some never received a single bump. It will take 1000's of us to push thousands more, our government NEEDS this basic transparency regardless of which political beliefs you hold.
>No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon. - Matthew 6:14
>Is there a solution?
possibly, user has proposed an act of congress forcing full disclosure of all relevant information of all elected or appointed positions.
>Please, copy and paste the proposed #PODA in to infographs, memes and spread them like a 12 dollar hooker.
Public Officials Disclosure Act #PODA #PODA2019
P.O.D.A shall include all federal, state and local elected and appointed positions:
◦ Full present and past name(s)
◦ Date of birth, origin of birth
◦ Any pending or past criminal or civil charges
◦ Any domestic violence orders
◦ Any and all ties to foreign nations
◦ Any allegations of sexual abuse
◦ Full financial disclosure dating 5 years prior to election
Several anons have filed FOIA requests and have been denied. A possible solution to this is do not ask for specific names of congressmen, ask for numbers! What are the numbers of congressmen holding dual citizenship. No matter if (((Jill Egglestein))) denies your request or not, SAVE THEIR RESPONSE! Once you receive it, RE-CREATE THIS THREAD AND BUMP ALL RELATED THREADS!
We must bring light to this problem as well as a solution, perhaps a final solution.
Previous threads,
>Everyone is fucking pissed dude
I don't know any of those people. Hope it goes into triple digits.
he unironically is though. he got 70k people furloughed from the IRS and is shutting down all of the programs. it's amazing, one of the most exciting political developments I've ever had the privilege to witness. and all because democrats fell for the red herring of the wall. they've cut off their nose to spite the face. let's see how that works for them once people burn through their 2 weeks of savings.
Who fucking cares.
look mom i posted it again
It will cut it by more than half according to every actual expert. Shill harder leftypol.
It just makes the US decline more obvious. GDP will take a hit as well.
people that don't want a functional government and don't want to live like we're in the last of us
people that want*
Hi discord tranny
No president that cant keep the government open should be allowed in office
DC isnt even part of the country. You can all fucking die
Tell your fellow plebbit fags i said hi
You're going to make this thread every day aren't you?
You're not demoralizing anyone.
death to lecherous government
walls work, though
I've not met any of those people. Maybe they should get a real job or just shoot themselves in the head
can't believe how retarded people are
>Video game reference
You know what I get it, that DC might be mad. I bet half the population has been furloughed.
>non essential
He literally gave her everything she wanted... everything. She won't budge an inch on the wall. She's being unreasonable and not negotiating in good faith.
My dad is an immigration attorney. The wall won't do anything. 90% of his cases seeking asylum are granted because somewhere along the lines the law enforcement agency broke the law in the processing of the asylum seeker. My dad points this out in court to the federal judge, who was banking on you not saying anything, and the clients get asylum. It's literally this fucking simple. No judge wants to be caught dead saying "THE LAWS WE HAVE DECIDED UPON DO NOT APPLY BECAUSE WE BROKE THE LAW".
I mean, tell the enforcement authorities to follow procedure...they keep breaking it thinking that it won't go recognized in court. It's laughable and pathetic as fuck
Good one, chink.
The District of Columbia is a federal district that is not a part of any state, so yeah, fuck off and die. You're all garbage and everybody hates your unconstitutional parasite legal loophole of a shit hole. Burn in hell with your pet niggers
"""Everything""", in exchange for a fucking wall. An exchange that NOBODY ASKED FOR. Democrats will keep saying NO to the petulant child. Children won't learn unless the adults are consistent with their actions. I thought Democrats have been pulling retarded strategies for a while, but if they stay firm, the GOP that everybody has known since the 1970's is over.
hey retard, people in the states surrounding the district commute to it to work believe it or not.
Not for the last 33 days lmao loser. Get a real job you fucking bum
>the wall no one asked for
promise of the wall is what got him elected
Nigger OP is worried about his food stamps.
the whole reason anyone has a job in this country is to pay taxes and serve the interests of the government which determines our laws and how the country is governed you larping wannabe anarchist lol
Yeah, but the republicans are definitely going to cuck, this rendering this negotiation strategy that Trump was banking on completely null and void. I heard the senate is going in to negotiations today... So we will end up with some cucked deal to pass another CR. Just the fact that they're even going in to talks when McConnell said before he wouldn't even bring a bill forward that didn't meet Trump's demands tells me we are in for another cuck out. It's like Trump said when he took office, he has to teach these clowns how to win. They're winning, they would win if they just held out until the February chimpout starts... But they just can't figure out that if they stand their ground, like with kavanaugh, they win.
i personally have a job because i like food, booze, and shelter, but ok
>no one was employed before 1913
Drop some more of your dank knowledge bombs you fucking parasite
I don’t think that’s the only rasin
Wait so almost all NASA workers are out?
Time to breach through that guarded Antarctica ice wall
SES is going bye bye baby
Trump is biding time until the State of the Union, where he can make his case to the American people. He will trot out the most heartbreaking victims of Illegal Aliens, and democrats will sit stonefaced on national television as they are exposed as heartless, unpatriotic, anti-american traitors. Imagine Pelosi's wrinkled anus-face shriveled up in discomfort behind Trump's podium for an hour as he talks about the importance of the Wall, and shows the world some poor family who lost their daugther to an illegal alien who was deported twice already. It will be the decisive, and permanent btfo of the democratic party and that's why Pelosi is terrified of the SOTU.
purge all non essential government workers
I'm a federal employee for a cabinet level agency, holding two masters degrees and 15 years of international financial diplomacy. You're welcome to ask me questions about what its like to be furloughed.
imagine believing this
Hard to negotiate when alcoholic Nancy Pelosi won't even go the table.
expecting sympathy?
imagine believing this. I stopped reading at "Pelosi is terrified"
Hopefully it never reopens.
Id rather just call you a condescending prick and tell you to go fuck yourself
Has it been 33 days? Yikes. Well none of is affecting me I still go to work and get payed. If this is what it's like without government then what was it like with government? Feels exactly the same. I mean I get some people are more affected by this than others but you know, better you than I, right? Keep it shutdown I say, I wanna see what happens.
God Emperor
whats it like knowing that you're going to get several months worth of pay for having done nothing once the shut down has ended?
No, not at all. I know what I signed up for. I'm just bored of reading all morning and playing Elder Scrolls, so I thought having an anonymous conversation would be fun.
Sounds like a new Seamaster for the 'ol hard work watch collection
>willingly sets aside that the electoral college got him the win
>3 million more Americans voted for Hillary
>Trump does """damage control""", not satisfied with not winning the popular vote, by saying 3 million illegal immigrants/dead people voted
>made a commission to investigate voter fraud
>found nothing
>durr promise of the wall is what got him elected
The wall is going to do absolutely nothing to prevent illegal immigration from happening. It's all b-but, MY FEELINGS. Democrats offer more technologically advanced way of dealing with illegal immigration?
>lol no i want wall cuz i deserve it wahhh
tl;dr: He is never getting that wall.
>he thinks he's anonymous
All those degrees and you're still dumb as shit. Why am I not surprised. We aren't hiring our best, folks.
Actually, its quite disconcerting. I was in the middle of an international negotiation and had a lot of work to do on some financial pro formas that I can't perform now. I was also about to conduct an audit on (depending on how you value it) accounts worth about $4 billion. So, there's you're shut down for you.
since you are going to be paid for the last 33+ days why dont you, umm go to work
please stop feeding the 1 post by this ID leftypedo who makes these threads
because doing so is a federal crime, genius.
>Democrat walls work on the border
>Republican walls don’t work on the border
so you are one of the guys responsible for the west going to shit
How do you sleep at night ?
4D chess man fuckin' npc
she is, and that's why she is trying to cancel it. Trump will have it with or without her approval, with or without her and the democrats attendance. If they show up, great, we get the optics of them sitting down. If they don't show up, even better, because we'll have a big empty chair behind Trump for Pelosi and half of an empty auditorium for the democrats, showing the world just which side is unwilling to work on opening the government.
Democrats were stupid to let Trump back them into this corner.
>I want 20 billion for a concrete wall
>we will give you 0
>Alright 15 billion and amnesty for Dreamers
>Alright 5.7 billion for a steel slat wall and amnesty for dreamers
>libtards: stuphith drumphf doesntfh he know how to negoshite????
it's absolutely drumpf's fault
Dems are offering him money now, but no new constructions. They'll come around eventually.
Food Stamps just ran out of funding; so the Dems are terrified of nigger riots destroying their cities.
Laws only apply to Republicans, so you'll be fine.
I guess that depends on your point of view. If anything I'm a proponent of internationalism/multilateralism. I've worked closely with people from your government to forge deals with the intent of furthering our mutual interest. It's not my fault POTUS and his immediate advisors can't see beyond their myopic world view.
>I live in dc and people are pissed.
Well of course they are. Worthless goldbricking leeches. Get a real job.
>I live in DC
DC is a majority-nigger shithole full of parasites and lefty moonbat scum. You faggots are traitors to real America, especially the people that have to deal with your pet beaner criminals.
government wouldn't be shut down if people voted republican
Only here to roll a 33
I hope EBT goes unfunded and imported Africa rapes you to death
Actually!!! I am a Republican. I voted for GWB twice. I'm one of the very few people in my agency that is a Republican. But because I worked so heavily with the previous administration, the current lot immediately assume I'm a Democrat. I've literally had political appointees straight up ask me my political affiliation, not that it should matter as a civil servant.
> millions of parasitical bureaucratic jobbies are now out of work or working for free.
> mechanisms supplying free gibs to parasitical sub-humans are not being funded any longer
> america first policy still standing firm
Lolbertarians rejoice
Kill yourself. You become more disgusting with every post
Why do you think letting the US have a trade deficit is a good thing?
Why do you get triggered by tariffs and other protectionist measures that give the US and advantage?
Why did the Dems shift from being pro-protectionism to anti-protectionism when Trump got elected? Is the Dems' strategy literally just "fuck white people" now?
Fuck DC and everyone in it
>what are demographic changes
Actually DC is far more diverse that it has been, say, 20 years ago with a lot more young, educated and affluent individuals moving to the city. It's still heavily Democratic but its no longer a 'chocolate' city as they used to refer to the district.
Fuck DC. Go put on your pussy hat and get flogged in public by your fellow coffee shop employees.
Keep ignoring the main point, senpai. It's absolutely exhilarating to see you dodge.
This might be the greatest moment for conservatives in 100 years. Everyone sees that nothing changes with government suspended, then start wondering what they're paying all those taxes for
>It's Trump's fault that the Democrats have a very suspicious dependency on open borders and call the wall racist based on no logic
If Democrats are so confident the wall will fail then why not let Trump build it so he owns the failure? Don't give me the "but muh billions of dollars!" line, everybody knows Democrats don't give a fuck about wasting taxpayer money.