The White Italian Salvini just made Self Defense laws even looser to deal with the Nigger Problem how can White European Men be this Based in life ?
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The last sane man in Italy?
this is the reason his party is doing well
>Invaded by niggers
WWII all over again.
can pastabros buy ar15's and defend their homesteads yet?
We're gonna' need more guns.
el salvador salvini
We can already buy AR15, but magazines have limited capacity or have to be registered or some bullshit.
I think there are also laws against folding stocks and foregrips, but that's about it.
The major difference between here and a cucked state like california is that we are in no way allowed to have concealed carry permits unless very special cases.
that sounds exactly like California and New York.
Meds > Nords
As a CA resident, Bay Area, it is effectively impossible to get a CCW here as well. Also open carry is illegal
How do you get guns in Italy?
Do you have to register or can you buy them at the local equivalent of Walmart?
welcome to the club
Sargon is outta control
Your best bet if you can’t get an AR is a BM59 or carcano
This news gives me hope
Give me a 2nd amendment in Italy bro.
Nothing else from the USA, just that.
beretta ... In short time we can shoot germans who come here for holiday.
Italy is lame. italians are stupid. This will end in disaster.
Meds based as always.
don't you dare to come here for holiday moron ... we will shoot you right away!!
>White Italian
>Jewish ape
Where is the chart showing israeli control over western nations?
Please can we stop giving food, water, and medicine to these people? If they deserve to survive they will
>The bill will introduce rules similar to the US stand-your-ground laws where virtually all forms of self-defence on one’s property against intruders are deemed legitimate.
Italy is getting a castle doctrine!
The rise of the right. I'm all for it. 1488 %
I havent followed this news but i think its just a rollback of some weird rule that said you could only shoot an invader at night and now you can shoot them at any time. just guessing though dont quote me on this.
t.greasy kike
Salvini is a disgusting self hating sandnigger.. If hes white then I guess race is indeed racial construct
Keep sucking german dick and be ready for sharia
wrong, dirty sand nigger
That's a big deal. The fact that you gained a right back is substantial in of itself.
I hope this backfires and you end up all killing eachother. Italy is the new Brazil, it's no coincidence both countries are run by kike lovers
t. Goldberg
You are quoting an unapproved media source. Please bring some credible links
muhammad is MAD, stop fucking your goat
Probably this is what will happen to you
It’s true
Sure thing, Ibrahim.
top kek
I'm so happy that my Pastabros are getting a chance to get out of this mess and save themselves!
We're not on the same path however and I fear that they expect some of us in the wreckage, brothers.
>we can now shoot Neapolitans on sight
About fucking time
I don't know, you guys have been pretty based in the past 9 weeks!
salvini does seem pretty based, is there any actual non-meme counterargument?
stop going on voiceofeurope. It's a fucking honeypot.
I heard Salvini did some shit with Qatar though, can a Italibro confirm this ?
God bless this man.
Pretty stereotypical there, how do you know they don't have other modern rifles?
>White Italian
Fuck off (((Meme Flag)))
Europe needs this.
Proud to be working on my Italian citizenship jus sanguinis via my great great grandfather.
>Italy is the new Brazil
Brazil just now repealed their Gun Control laws because of course Criminals don’t follow Laws KYS FAGGOT
How? What harm can an online news site possibly do?
there are 70,000 CC permits in California, with a state pop over 39 million
>less than 0.2%
It sounds like it may be easier to acquire one in Italy
Looks like I'm moving to Italy.
You can get a sporting license now which is now just a background/security check. Much easier now than under PD.
Have you started a fire?
New York within city + nearby counties makes it similarly hard to get carry permits. Outside of the city's sphere of influence, handed out easily, but the city doesn't have reciprocity.
who could...
I think you've been doing rather well recently,
you former cheese-eating surrender-monkeys.
Italians are not white so who cares
Buongiorno, arrividerci. Time to brush up my Italian and prepare to move. Good thing I like noodles, I mean: pasta.
>Site regularly lists ethnicity and religion of suspects
>This is a bad thing
You can buy them freely (and keep them in your house), but you need a licence for either sport, hunting or self defence (very hard to obtain) reasons in order to carry it around
Not sure if Freudian slip or intentional.
90 minutes away in Sacramento, you can easily get a concealed carry permit.
Not that we're any less cucked and pozzed.
Lmao deluded shitalians still believe anything is gonna change. Not with communist judges all over the country ready to sentence you to life in prison for self defense. This country is a joke.
Lolz. Fucking jews, you're old news.
Viva Italia, motherfucker!
shut the fuck up somalia
The irony is that Chicago has it easier than both — all you need is a good amount of money and a shitload of free time to spend passing your training classes. But even the state police here know no one needs a bigger reason than “self defense” in a place like this.
I left that shit hole for Texas and I carry every single fucking day, everywhere I go, unless I plan on having a drink.
shitalians are shitskins
I wouldn't get my hopes up. The big wigs in the Constitutional Court are already gearing up to disassemble the law and the lefty judges and prosecutors have already gone on record saying that the current law "is enough" and that the new law could literally legalize homicide. Part of the government isn't too happy about it either because they're crypto-commies so when push comes to shove they'll be happy to gut the law and give us something symbolic instead.
so can you just buy a gun if you're an Italian citizen nowadays?
Actually, we're the most sane and based population of the whole planet.
>oh waaaaa I can’t assault white people and invade their homes with no risk anymore
Absolutely fake news.
Shut up sandnigger.
Yes, you are. Italians are the best at seeing through bullshit.
Salvini is like Jacques Massu in the Algerian War. He may win a temporary, tactical victory against the non-whites and be hailed as a savior for that, but in the end demographics will keep pushing millions of African in the Mediterranean and the secular humanism of Western peoples will not accept the deaths necessary to keep the borders closed.
Italy will be African by the end of this century. It is as inevitable as the end of French Algeria.
>and the secular humanism of Western peoples will not accept the deaths necessary to keep the borders closed.
It might look dreadful but if you think about it, well executed drone strike can kill up to 10 thousand niggers.
If they want to reach europe,they will have to cross Mediterranean sea on bodies of their brethren
It's a mere survival instinct.