Based Hebrew Israelite Rapes young evil white girl in semi-coma

Nurse Arrested In Connection To Case Where Woman In Incapacitated State Gave Birth

When will white society learn their fucking place?


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Not accepting the pudding pop of reparations is RACIST even if you’re in a COMMA.

Being a woman is life on easy mode - you could literally be in a coma and complete your main quest.

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My fetish
we put in coma women and impregnate them maybe that way they won't be whores

>white girl in semi-coma

She was a Native American dumbass...

Nigga looks like Jeffrey Wright with a black eye

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She was not white you fuck she was an Indian like the feather ones not the pooo in looo

So this is the fabled superior race?

Don't they all?

>DNA matches

pretty sure the doctor saw it was a nigger baby and saw a nigger nurse 2+2 = nigger

>When the staff saw the babies lazy eye they knew they had their man...

It’s sexual assault, not rape. Rape = sex without consent - power. Black people don’t have power, which is why the news rightly reported it as sexual assault

End your own life

His name is Buck and he likes to fuck

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Why aren't we putting them all in induced coma for life? That would solve so many problems at once


Thought the same thing

He was most likely fucking her and blowing up inside her for years before she finally go knocked up.

He was living the dream for awhile.

I wonder how they figured he was the one they should check for DNA?

I'm guessing the cops took a look at the employee pictures and ranked them as least likely to be able to get laid in the real world.
I'm guessing he was the first guy they checked.

The child should be supported b whoever gets custody. The custodial parent will receive the benefits of the child's companionship, loyalty, and love, and should have to pay for it. There should be no paternity testing, and no child support. If some cunt thinks that she will improve her life by having a kid, she should foot the bills. No one else should have to subsidize her happiness. All good things in life have a cost. The cunts need to pay for the joys of motherhood.


And we would not need to give the comatose females rights.

>Nigger looks like another nigger

>being this desperate
Fake news, not a Black Hebrew.

>a nigger

Now watch the media bury this story.

This is fucking disgusting. They should have aborted the child. Fuck this piece of shit, he should be executed. This is why I don't trust hospitals and will never put myself in a prolonged state of unconsciousness, unless it was a military hospital. I honestly believe coma patient prostitution goes on regularly, it's impossible to catch if you're not there working. This guy probably fucked up and forgot to clean up his mess.

If the patient was white, surely they could have narrowed down suspects by looking at the kid

>DNA evidence
I would laugh my ass off if they revealed the employment records of all male nurses at the time and place and he's the only black one.

They didn't even know she was pregnant. There were no assessments for a year or so. There have been a lot of resignations since.

They were extremely fucking negligent or he was covering it up. You can't get fatter while in a coma. Fucking scum. Rape needs to be punishable by death outside of husband and wife debacle.

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I remember seeing him on street in NYC preaching. There was some controversy over him being caught wearing pink panties. I'm not surprised over this.

Dang bros... she loved the BBC so much she even got some while comatose... how can white boys like us even compete?

Fuck NYC