Eating once a day

Is it true that eating a high calorie meal once a day is best for you? That’s what our ancestors did and sometimes they went multiple days without eating. There’s an old native saying that roughly translates to “eat once a day”

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Other urls found in this thread:,19&q=intermittent fasting caloric restriction &btnG=

Our ancestors also blamed diseases on ghosts and died when they were 30 you retard.

Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting indisputably increase health in nearly every measure.,19&q=intermittent fasting caloric restriction &btnG=

Too many papers to even link.

If you're ok with shrinking grey matter, lower sex drive, lower energy levels, and increased depression, you *might* be able to live longer. Maybe.


Did this same old native fix refrigerators in the Army and hassle Catholics?

dude I lmao all day and forget to eat. wooooooooo

The first time I click on a filtered post in months and what is it? A leafpost with no merit. I guess Canada can remain in my Jow Forums X flag filter with all the rest of the memeflags. Go fuck yourself Canada, useless faggots all.

Filter leafs with 4chanX frens.

/^Black Lives Matter$/i;
/^Tree Hugger$/i;
/^United Nations$/i;
/^National Bolshevik$/i;
/^White Supremacist$/i;
/^Tree\ Hugger$/i;

That's our manlet post-agricultural ancestors you retard.

Our tribal ancestors were chad as fuck in health. Before the agricultural revolution, our ancestors, no matter what continent, were way taller and had no degenerative dental diseases. The reason why the life expectancy was around '30' is because of high infant mortality, but the ones that survived to adulthood usually made it to old age no problem.

The injuns in America, were stronger, hardier, and taller than the Europeans that came. It's documented.

With the agricultural revolution, our ancestors traded healthy, micro-nutrient dense, variable foods for surplus of calories without the nutrition. The surplus of calories made us able to proliferate in terms of number, but decrease in quality. The average Roman soldier was a manlet of 5'4, whereas the skeletons found in the same area before the agricultural revolution was easily 5'9-5'10.

Anyways, OP, if your stomach is big enough to eat the amount that you need to get all the proper nutrition, try eating once a day. Personally, my stomach isn't built to eat much in 1 sitting so I eat frequently in small portions throughout 10 hours then i do intermittent fasting for the next 14.

It's about what works for you.

You're talking to yourself, faggot.

they didnt die at 30. half of them died as a kid and the other half made it to 60

you will be raked first

>This user ate one high calorie meal per die and this is what happened to his brain

>fasting then gorging one meal, on a daily
Literally fucking your metabolism in its ass, bro; enjoy your fat ass 40's.

Yeah im currently trying to go that way.

Check out "Intermittent fasting"

You dont know shit

with moderately severe chron's disease, I agree wholeheartedly. 1 big meal a day and sometimes separated by days two or three of fasting. Its a great way to cleanse and loose weight. :D

Man, fuck that. I was doing that for a while and my metabolism is so fucking amped that I went from 175 to 142 at 6ft 1. I was a fucking skeleton. Now I do a diet of steady eating multiple meals through the day and gym every morning and I'm back to 175 and looking/feeling great.
If you're a fucking fatass or have shit genetics, then yes- eat one meal a day.


The way I've taken to looking at the situation is that, so long as I don't get morbidly obese, I should try to maintain a surplus weight (not fat) because eventually (hopefully) there will be a large scale collapse, calories will be in short supply, and so on. Furthermore, even if this shit doesn't collapse, I don't want to live long. If I manage to have kids (a BIG "if" ) I still want to die no later than 50 or so. Fuck being old

Read an academic paper fag

>made it to 60
So in the best cases they only lived 66% of what we currently do? Oh wait, your country is obese and you only live 56 years kek. Then I guess the indians were healthier than you.

>Is it true that eating a high calorie meal once a day is best for you?
It can be. The only way to know is to try.

Tell me more about this metabolism fucking. Will I go into starvation mode? Should I eat a nice low-fat diet? Maybe eat more to speed up the metabolism?

You're supposed to eat small amounts intermittently while partially fasting; not one giant fucking meal & then nothing again for 24 hours.
Do that shit long term & your body's metabolism will stop burning through it so quickly, to compensate for the reduction in frequency. It will prefer storing fat far more to build up a reserve.
Literlly playing mind tricks on yourself.

And by small I mean SMALL, not Merican "small".

>Talking shit about obesity
You are so fucking dumb.

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You think you were eating the same amount of calories and fasting changed your metabolism so much you dropped 30lbs? Are you serious?

>Amulet of power

Found the n00b

i hear tide pods will provide all your nutrients, its just a psyop not to eat them, the elites want the pods all for themselves

Sh... shut up

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No; digestion is actually hard on the heart and overeating can put strain on your heart, especially withnsaltier foods which then require drink more water, increasing blood volume and putting additional strain on your heart. Small meals 4-5 times a day is better

No, I'm saying my metabolism has always been juiced. Once I went to one meal a day and not exercising, I turned into a skeleton.

At least we die our heads attached.

I've been eating one meal a day for years, and I'm not fat. I'm not a manlet either, and I certainly don't have any other health issues. I also can't remember the last time I was sick, but that might be more due to the fact that I drink obscene amounts of water every single day as well.

I never eat breakfast and when I go to mcdonalds or somewhere with high calory food I skip diner
Never had any problems

Don't trust the nutrition jew.
They change their minds every couple of years saying that you need 3 meals a day, then 5 small meals, then you are supposed to eat a lot of bread and grains, then you are supposed to eat only meat and fats and skip the grain, now they are telling me that meat and dairy are bad and you are supposed to eat mostly vegetables... it's all political bullshit made by (((farmers))) trying to get more money.
In a couple of years they will be saying that all those vegetables are bad and you are supposed to eat roaches or lab grown meat

What is really important is your calory intake - if you eat more than you burn you get fatter, if not you get thinner. Simple as that.

And don't trust anybody who says "IF YOU EAT ONCE A DAY YOUR BODY WILL THINK THAT YOU ARE STARVING AND YOU ARE GOING TO GET FAT" bullshit. These are lies. Your mind is in control of your body, not the other way around. You eat a meal a day, your body will adapt and you wont even feel hungry

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Godly advice, user. Best post of the day.

Did it for many years. Works out fine but there will be initial difficulty in adjusting to it.

>Yes Goy, be a rabid consumerist and eat 20 a day and don't forget to snack in between to keep insulin up.

>I've been eating one meal a day for years, and I'm not fat. I'm not a manlet either, and I certainly don't have any other health issues
Same here all around. Then I hit my late 30's.
Went from hovering between 170 & 180 my whole life without major change to ballooning up to 220 over a year, with no lifestyle changes at all to "cause" it.

This Nigger disagree

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What kind of a nigger knocks a girl up without meaning to do so?

i used to do that when i was young.
now i'm 30 and i can't keep it up, i got stomach ache all day when i do it, for multiple days.

That nigger isn't even 30 yet.

Take the KetoOMADcoldshowerspill.

Intermittent fasting 16-20 hours each day with 4-8 eating window works and it's easy to do with some practice.

Google leangains

The idea of eating like your ancestors has a lot of merit. But the idea is to use that as a foundation and then use modern technology and availability of nutrition to make yourself a total beast in body and mind.

Fasting has obvious, well documented benefits in a lot of different areas. If you eat right and healthy, a single meal a day, or a 4 hour eating period is easily handled without even feeling hungry.

I eat between 4pm and 8pm every day only and I even do heavy lifting three times a week and I am literally never hungry and need to eat. To me, that's pretty clear evidence my body is running efficiently.

If you have to eat every few hours, you have metabolic issues.

Pick one Sven

check the video

>mm really good nigger dik, me like nigger dick
why swedes are such nigger lovers?

watch the video bosse.

He seems to be knowing hes shit.

>If you have to eat every few hours, you have metabolic issues
You shouldn't be eating actual "meal", even a "light" one, every few hours, no. But you should be giving your body tiny amounts of something decently nutritious to work; unless you're doing absolutely nothing & just sitting around.

red herring

>know something.

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>Is it true that eating a high calorie meal once a day is best for you?
It must be. It works wonders for sumo wrestlers.

>There’s an old native saying that roughly translates to “eat once a day”
The idiomatic translations is, "Hey hey-ey-ah-yey, smoke weed everyday."

This nigger would be twice as big if he ate wild meat Göran

Sounds dumb
Pic related is nigger tier

Have a sage nigger

Your probably a fat fuck and also shitty at english + dont understand the words he uses even in french.

post the in store prices

This is my favorite insult of the day :D

Yes. fasting is the ultimate redpill against the foodjew.

I'm saying if you eat nutritious food in one sitting and maintain proper metabolic function and blood sugars, you will have full steam energy all day without eating no problem at all.

I can tell immediately when my diet slips because I start getting hungry in the mornings. I examine my actions and guess what? I've been eating less nutritious meals and food generally.
Start eating a massive steak covered in butter and some sweet potatoes every night for a week and you'll stop being hungry during the day because that meal is nutritious enough to sustain you easily.

no fag, i'm normal, but you're a Swedish nigger lover nonetheless.

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The fact that he looks like this and is in his like 50´s was sure enough to gave me pause and spark an interest.

He basically says that your body is amazing and can adapt to 1 meal a day and use that meal more efficiently.

tldr: Intermittent fasting can supposedly boost your endogene production of HGH by up to 2000%

Ive watched a tons of videos from other ppl as well and basically you dont have to go this hardcore to get an effect just limit your window of eating as much as possible. And outside of that window you cant have anything accept like water and black coffee... you have to more than 12 hours for your body to start go into the catabolic phase for these effects to start occuring. But you should probably go at least 16 hours for real effect.

Wtf do I do if I have said metabolic issues then?

Stop eating processed shit and synthetic sugars.

I respect knowledge that may benefit me regardless of source.

1 meal a day rises your cortisol level. Thats terrible for IQ

Okay guys. Help me out

>be me
>shitting greasy, fatty, foul smelling shits
>going on for about 4 months
>otherwise i feel fine
>doesnt seem to matter what i eat
>for example, eat nothing but chicken and plain rice, and it still happens
>used to drink alcohol but not enough to damage pancreas seemingly
>cutting alcohol or milk out of diet doesnt fix problem
>dicyclomine doesnt fix problem

what is wrong with me? anyone have experience with this kind of stuff and curing it without going to the (((doctor)))

>that's even pre-crisis levels (2015)

damn Sweden, you dun fucked up

literally watched a group of Swedish teens - 1 blonde girl, 2 arabian whores, 1 dude and a nigger - of course the blonde girl and the nigger were kissing passionately.

i don't, i eat pretty healthy, cook my own food and avoid processed shit.

no you're a nigger lover, from all the fucking people on earth talking about being Jow Forums on youtube, you had to choose a fucking vegan nigger.
off yourself.

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>Wtf do I do if I have said metabolic issues then?
Generally speaking you would go pretty low carb and eliminate all processed foods. Simple carbs, sugars, and processed foods are well known to cause large swings in blood sugar and insulin levels. Basically it's like gasoline all processed and ready to burn, so your body has to go into overdrive to handle it with massive insulin bursts and you end up just roller coastering all day with high blood sugar then low blood sugar.

If you get to eating things that take proper time to digest, then blood sugars stay on a relatively even keel, and you don't get hungry. Your body instead burns your natural fat stores and you feel fine.

Basically sugar and processed foods are like drugs. You are shooting yourself up feeling great and then coming down all day long when you eat them.

Your diet should be mostly saturated fats and protein. Lots of salt.

Cut the carbs, look up keto diet and snake diet

Hes the most impressing one. Your blinded by hatred to make use of information that could benefit you. That is unwise.

Hes using pretty advanced terms to explain this stuff so I realise you probably do not understand what he is saying. Otherwise I would advise you to give this video a shot. I found it inspiring

lol. based.

>The fact that he looks like this and is in his like 50´s
He's in his early 40s (even that, he could be lying about), and he's almost certainly lying about how he eats and what he does to look like that.

He's a health guru and a bodybuilder, and neither should ever be expected to be truthful when asked about their diet and drug regimen. Health gurus are trying to be different to build a brand, and bodybuilders are almost always on drugs and normally lie about it.

There are sources claiming that intermittent fasting combined with keto-diet is fucking amazing.





That's what goldfish do & it works great

Agreed , still ... Hes making good points , and hes backing it with insightfull "facts". I myself am now trying out just to minimize my eatingwindow to 8 hours a day. And only consume water (or black coffee, no kcals) during the rest of the time. So far it feels fucking awesome.

I used to do this by habit of being busy and not hungry in the morning and it is bad for you. Actually gained a lot of fat. I reasoned that my body was in hunger mode and was holding onto every calorie. Since Switching to 2 to 3 small meals or snacks a day, my metabolism is working again and the fat is gone and higher sustained energy levels.

yes , I agree

>When a mexican mass grave still only fits 1 person

Quality of your food is the most important thing in your entire life. Get some self respect.
You are literally comprised out of the things you eat. Imagining you can reach your potential being made up of tendies and big macs is a joke.

I can tell by looking at someone if they are made of nutritious food or shit. One glance, I'll tell you your diet. Fast food eaters are flabby and sickly looking.

>If you're ok with shrinking grey matter, lower sex drive, lower energy levels, and increased depression, you *might* be able to live longer. Maybe.
I actually experienced the opposite. My brain fog and depression went away when I cut out sugars and carbs and started eating more fat and now I'm only hungry once a day.

As in you are based now.
Sugar is poison and ruins everything in the body. Anyone saying otherwise is either an in denial moron or purposely trying to disseminate harmful health advice.

What's my diet, faggot?

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I've been doing that and it's been WAY easier than I thought it would be, I'm still hungry all the time but nowhere near as bad as before I started eating healthier a few months ago

Probably tons of low quality protein and grape drink.

Fuck he's good.

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>nowhere near as bad as before
This will continue to improve over time. Keep plugging, eating right is hard, but it makes an enormous difference in every thing you do from sleep to mood.
Something that helped me, I started looking at those times I would still get hungry as just part of the conditioning process. If I got hungry, I'd just think, "by not eating now, I'm training my body to learn to use it's fat stores for energy."

This stuff only works long term if you are properly nourished. Make sure and constantly seek to improve the QUALITY of your food. Godspeed.

It can lead to inconsistent levels of energy and uneven strain on the body, also you're body will think that food is "sparce" if you go for long periods of hunger so it will try to hold onto whatever you do injest instead of using it efficiently. At least have 2 meals, even if it's only a small meal to start the day and a big one to end it.

Eat right and don't overdo it, you'll be good to go. If you can exercise a bit as well you really win it.

Perfect example of shit advice.
>small meal to start the day
Worst thing ever to do. Literally just disrupts your fast (BREAK the FAST) and starts the blood sugar cycle going up and down as early as possible.

A healthy person will sleep well, in the morning, their circadian rhythm will release cortisol which mobilizes fat stores and gives you immediate energy to go about your day. Worst thing you can do is eat an early small breakfast.
This advice is so bad it's as if it were designed to sabotage someone with good intentions of getting healthy.

fishing lvl?

Eating 1 meal a day is absolutely the way to go.

Started it in my mid-twenties, easily lost 100 pounds over the course of 1-2 years. 10 years later I'm still in the best shape I've ever been in, I feel great, and rarely experience hunger. Plus it's way cheaper.

2,000 calories a day is a Jewish trick, I'm sure of it.
>t. 5'11, 160lbs

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Technically, the healthiest known eating pattern is to get all your calories within a 4 hour window once a day post exercise. This leads to the best outcome in all metrics. The type of calories don't even matter that much, other than transfats or a crud ton of refined sugar, as long as you do that pattern of eating. It is constant sugar intake throughout the whole day that really messes up a person.

>Eating once a day
unironically based and redpilled