You’ve been raping us for decades, 40 years or more. You and the Republican Party are in cahoots and always have been. Well here’s a news flash for ya, we’re FUCKING SICK AND TIRED of it and our Queen will lead us to victory!

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No nation in the history of everything was able to successfully tax the wealthiest at such rates. But I'm sure it'll work this time guys.

Reminder that ucc codes are unconstitutional

Tits magee over here already called for reparations.
She's already DOA

They mean disastrous for her. Committed suicide while stuffed in a duffel bag concreted to a river disastrous.

>Bess Levin
Yes goyim pay your fair share

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Its always important to ask yourself: Does this person love the poor or just hate the rich?

The tax rate on marginal income over $400,000 in the 1950s was more than 90% under Eisenhower, a Republican, and we had plenty of millionaires. You’ve been brainwashed.

Thanks Bess (((Levin)))

atlas shrugged op

There were ways around it. You've been brainwashed.’s possible to love the poor and hate the injustice of the thieving rich simultaneously.

Its just a discussion piece. If she manages to move the overton window that they pay 5% more and without using loopholes, she moved alot of billions.

t. 30 year old boomer

People's minds have been conditioned to accept the current wealth inequality status in the world, especially in the US. People have been conditioned to associate any change in wealth inequality with communism / socialism instead of associating it with fairness and an equal society where those at the top pay their fair share to the society they live in.

But of course, everyone wants to live in multi million dollar mega mansions, and everyone is going to be a multi-millionaire earning in excess of 10 million USD per year, right? We're all just waiting for our chance, so fuck you for trying to tax the wealthy, surely we'll all be earning over 10 million some day.

>*tips tinfoil hat*

Yas qweeen slaaaeeeeee

come on we all know they did not really pay those rates

There are still fucking “ways around it” you fucking moron. Why do you think Trump doesn’t want you to see his tax returns???? He doesn’t pay taxes. It’s a myth that companies pay taxes because they simply pass the cost of paying them on to you in goods and services. Ultra wealthy people don’t pay taxes faggot.

>fiat currency is real

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Well put user. All these fucks are just temporarily broke paycheck to paycheck motherfuckers...they’re all billionaires in waiting...any day now it will be their turn.

I don't think anyone in the house should make anywhere near $200,000.00.

They need to cut their wages and be taxed at the highest bracket they put on others.

Economy works only because at some point, money just vanishes, and then interest makes more.

If we share all the money equally, it would be worthless and after 4 weeks poor people would have given it back to rich people.

Nah. She just want to take land and money from whites for her own people.
Funny thing, a lot of billionaires in the US are (((whites))). It would be a shame if these honest working white looking rich people were taxed....
The day you realize all our current problems come from billionaires, that some people are too rich and destroy us for more, you stop being a bluepilled moron. Anyman owning more than he should is a cancer for society.
I will make it simple:
No billionaires ?
No mass immigration. No wars for Israel. No mass gibs to breed more niggers. No theft of taxpayers money through government corruption. No corrupted pharma and food industries.
Do you start to understand ?

Holy fuck...not you again.

Karl Marx would be proud of this dumb cunt. Is her 15 minutes up yet?

Still are retard
>soros owed 6.5 billion, gets around it
> warren buffett : I pay less taxes than my secretary

I like how "disastrous" is in quotation marks, but not "fair share".

>The brain weighs only a few pounds, yet it uses a majority of the body's energy.
>This is severely problematic, so doctors will start performing surgery to redirect half of the brain's energy to the other organ systems
>It's only fair, after all

Billionaires absolutely should be taxed to hell and back. Nobody has ever done anything in the history of humanity that makes them *deserve* a billion dollars in their personal account. Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to write a law that can grab those assholes without fucking up everyone downstream. You end up cutting down every law in England to get at the devil.

Don't worry. In your case, doctors will have to do the opposite.

Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, she'll go nowhere.

>Billionaire gets taxed to shit
>Moves to another country

Now what fuck wit

Thats like saying there aren't any loopholes currently that businesses and people go through to not pay taxes. The issue with the tax system is the amount of write offs and deductions that come with such high tax rates and amount of brackets. There is already so much waste when it comes to tax dollars. They don't give a shit about "making rich people pay" as much as they just want money for their wide-eyed utopia. A flat tax is the most logical, moral and has worked where its been implemented. You don't need loopholes when the math is literally x.1 = taxes.

The top 1% have been practicing wealth redistribution for’s time to redistribute it back the other direction.

I'm a libertarian but I also just want these people to suffer. Go Alex!

AOC was laughed at by the left elite when her 70% tax was brought up. It also forced climate scientist to call her 12 years til the end of the world prediction retarded. Face it the elder left isn't gong to let her keep flapping her horse face gums.

Picture of dead bitch talking

>Why do you think Trump doesn’t want you to see his tax returns???? He doesn’t pay taxes.
Ask Rachael Maddow what he pays.

Absudria Ocrazeeo-Ortez is a pure psycho, even Bono disputes her, and refuted her assertions.

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Nothing is stopping Warren Buffett from donating more of his own money to the government.

>Moves to another country
>Still gets taxed because he made all his money in the States
Have you never paid taxes?

Why you booing? You know he's right.

They don't think that everybody will be a billionaire. They think that the most "worthy" (supposedly the most intelligent, moral, capable, etc) will inevitably be the most successful, and that it's okay if poverty and misery still exist because poverty and misery are just the fault of those experiencing them. Or sometimes they just claim that poverty and misery exist because of people who oppose inequality and what it's tied to, so they can just smear their own opponents as being the REAL enemies of the poor.

You know who gets the taxes though?

Let me give you a hint; it rhymes with Piss real.

You only continue to pay tax if you don't renounce your citizenship

This is radical collectivism even by commie rates.

US citizens living abroad still have to pay taxes to the US.

Yeah and that undercuts your whole premise dumbasses. Only a faggot would turn 90% of his income over to government and stick around. Pointing out that there are ways to diminish your tax burden now, doesn't rebut the fact that nobody paid the apocryphal 90% tax rate of the past that dumbshit commies like to cite as they run their finger around our society's collective butthole while whispering "just the social democratic tip".

>put all rich people on the no fly list
>seize their yachts and private jets before any announcements are made

problem solved. honestly, fuck rich people. you will never be rich and have nothing to gain for protecting them.

Changing your flag doesn’t fool anyone faggot.

Then you're banned from the country.
I've got a billionaire acquaintance that did that to the US and now lives in the Bahamas. He refers to it as a prison because he's bored as fuck.
You're also operating under the assumption "We'll just use EXISTING laws for the NEW laws" because you're too dumb to understand what I meant by "cutting down every law in England to get to the Devil"

>Implying commies aren't by definition radical collectivists

See That's how it works in other places anyway unless the "land of the free" does it differently. If you start taxing a billionaire every time they want to take a shit, then you can bet that they'll do everything they can to avoid that to keep their money, even if that means renouncing their citizenship and running their business elsewhere.

Jeezus...of’s always the Jews. I should have known. Yeah, Trump gives them billions of it...that’s true.

>You end up cutting down every law in England to get at the devil.
I see your browser that thread yesterday too.

If you think Rockefeller was paying 90% on his trillion dollars nigga you cray.

They get some of the money from the government, but a lot of the wealth going there comes from private citizens. Wealthy Jewish people in the US donate money to Israeli causes.

Fuck off commie.

Jesus christ what a cancerous "meme"

You’ve been successfully mind fucked by the machine user.

>90% of his income
Do you not know how income tax works?

This bitch finna assinated

Remember when Maddcow got a hand on his Tax returns dipshit? He pays a higher percentage then both Obama and Hillary faggatron

Rich fucks on suicide watch. OP single handedly broke the white patriarchy.

>Then you're banned from the country.

Lose $100 million a year due to pants on head retarded high taxes or never enter burger land again

What do you think the billionaire is going to choose?

>(((Bess Levin)))

Triggered much, sweatie?

>Then you're banned from the country.
There are things called visas dumbass.
>I've got a billionaire acquaintance
Could you possibly be more full of shit?

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Boomer tier meme

im natsoc you fucking bootlicker. capitalism is the root of our cultural, economic, spiritual and ethnic decay. you can ignore the truth but thats how it is. capitalism is just as jewish as communism. besides, america isnt even capitalist, its a hereditary oligarchy. the game is rigged.

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>you will never be rich
Not with the taxes you fucking idiots want to put in place

im not a commie. try again sweetie

>heh why should i care if the country goes majority non white?
>heh its about ideology not race. Bigots
>wait why are you voting to take all my shit? why is society so different?
i cant wait until we get to eat these fucks.

Shut the fuck up kid, there's nothing you're saying now that I didn't think first back when I was fifteen years old.

Have fun getting up at 5 in the morning to stand in line for 6 hours to get a loaf of bread.

Do you think I give a shit about arguing semantics with a communist.

Raid the ROBBER barons, kill the rothchilds, racwar now.

even without them you wont. the silent generation who grew up in the 50s are the only generation to experience the american dream. theyre all fucking millionaires. the elites dont want people to be wealthy. this shit is rigged and needs to be destroyed

You gotta love that misleading and borderline Orwellian title.

And go where? Everywhere else has some sort of nigger or ridiculous climate.

>I'm natsoc
No you're not.
Look up the tax rates under the Nazi government. Protip: they were no where near your commie redistributive "eat the rich" bullshit. In fact, if anything they LOWERED taxes.

I see right through you red.

>even without them you wont.
What are you talking about? Modern millionaires are made all the time with good business and good ideas. The only way to reduce the number of wealthy people even more post "american dream" is to take away their incentive by taxing the fuck out of anyone who becomes successful.

>Jesus christ what a cancerous "meme"
Why is it cancerous?

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she wants 70% of our 401k's while they still bundled together. dont be fooled

>Everywhere else has some sort of nigger or ridiculous climate.
>Implying USA isn't already this, with possibly increased taxes

Let's see if you can figure this out:
>Have 2 Billion dollars
>US asks for 300 million that you should legally pay
>Say "No"
>Still get to have 2 Billion dollars, but now you're stuck in tax havens for the rest of your life
>Stuck with *only* 1.7 Billion dollars
>But get to do whatever the fuck you want with it for the rest of your life
Why have a billion dollars if you're stuck in a tax haven that you're bored out of your mind on?
>It's literally impossible for people to know billionaires!
Stupid fuck.

Billionaires already have their billions. You can't tax it.

She wants open borders and to murder all whites. Fact

That's not how taxes work you stupid fuck.

>US asks for 300 million that you should legally pay
Stopped reading here. The discussion is to what should be considered a "legal amount". You can't just pick an arbitrary number and call it the legal amount. People who earn their money don't want to lose a larger percentage of their earnings than those who earn less. It's as simple as that. You take away more of their money, you take away business incentive.

Why do the poor not deserve to be poor? What have they done to not be poor?

rich people moved our jobs overseas, let women work, brought in mexicans and fucked with the currency to keep us poor. unless we can make it so a janitor gets paid $50/hr like the 1950s, we need to go after the rich. at least the government is too inefficient and retarded to be a threat.

>What have they done to not be poor?
Not be rich, obviously

I'm a natsoc and trying to fight the (((rich))) by taxing or any other is not gonna stop them.
Hitler tried stopping them, but ended up getting tricked and backstabbed 2 times. Never underestimate them you fag. Or else your gonna end up doing the same mistakes.

they bust their asses at brutal jobs under psychopath managers with zero empathy.

what is the best way to defeat them?

It appears I'm discussing this with literal retards, and just like that, I've lost interest in the thread.

Yeah but the rich here have their hills above the swamp and the entire population sucks their dicks without asking because of money. We have awesome healthcare and other laws that let them haave what they want. Humor me a second...what does America have or have to offee that would put this whole "billionaires will leave" argument. Is our money at least guaranteed to hold weight? Why do they stay in the first place? Asking like a brainlet here.