I’m gonna move out west
I expect you to do the same.
I can’t wait lads
can I move to this place as a Bulgarian?
so what exactly are you going to do about the five million spics in washington state?
You missed the Butler Plan thread this morning user
What do you think?
too close to California
Fuck off, we're full
Also: who gives a Fuck what YOU EXPECT???
Fuck off, faggot. We're full.
>we're full guys I swear. No more room anywhere
What about the wide open Eastern half of the state... You know... The part that's almost entirely conservative, and predominately white?
It’s closer to 700,000
>Following the meme
LMFAO fucking incels
Why don’t conservatives colonize New England instead? It’s alresdy the closest thing to an ethnostate in the US other than WV. Already has great hunting and hiking and pretty based gun laws. Very few real men there as well. Just a bunch of microbrew touring numales.
Prepare your anus left coast.
Of course this shitty site mixes up my image with some stupid irrelevant reaction image posted by someone else.
Let's try this again.
Fuck off Larpers.
If you try, you will loose to America.
fuck off we're full
New England lacks the land and resources to sustain itself as a successful ethnostate and homeland for whites.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
Just like those rice farmers and goat fuckers did right?
>tfw no Greater Cascadia to rub the nose of hippies in that want retard socialist cascadia
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
Glad to see the teacher gave you your phone back after the vocab test buddy
It's actually one if the reasons the NW is so viable. The leftists are soft, and would be easily broken. The wouldnt have the capability to withstand blows to morale.
One sign of actual nazis and they’d up and leave
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
Can I get US citizenship and move to the Northwest as a Aussie of Eternal Anglo descent?
Also, Fuck off stop stealing our line.
It's spreading, what a surprise.
We encourage the anglosphere especially to make the move, you cunts are alright
Stay the fuck out, Faggots. You won't survive out here.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
>To all mods and janitors: We have just started sending you your tickets for this year's gay scat orgy, so they should be in your mail by Tuesday. Please make sure to sign them and remember that due to last year's extremely high demand for Vaseline, you will be required to bring your own this time.
Pretty much. The only real obstacle I could foresee is loyalist american troops.
ANTIFA/Left most likely wouldnt have the logistics to engage in operations, nor the organization, nor the training. In fact, if you think about it, they're the best enemy anyone can ask for.
Imagine - 1000 of these punks having surrender, and interring them in a labor camp under strict control... just to put them to work making munitions that will be used against their buddies.
14 hour shifts, 2 hours for food breaks(isolated), 8 hours for sleep. 24/7.
That'd be justice to me.
Covington addressed alot of that stuff in his book s, its just fiction of course but alot of it can be applied to other situations aswell.
Yo AngloBro. I had heard people talk about the Northwest being the place to set up an Ethnostate. I only got introduced to the Northwest plan 2 months ago but I thought it was a just some high minded idea, I didn't know people were actually doing it (I figure as demographics change more people will move to the Northwest, especially as parts of Evropea collapse like Swedenistan, and Texas is overrun by fence jumpers and Commiefornains fleeing the very thing they created). I love my nation will all my heart (I live in Queensland, the great white north of Australia, and we don't get any snow) but if we continue to cuck for aliens, commies and especially if we move Australia day, I'm gonna try to get out.
I was wondering Which of the Northwests are you heading to if you don't mind sharing. I figure Washington state, particularly Seattle will be the last place to take because of the Lefty population. Where should an aspiring Cascadian go?
By what metric retard? More counties went red in 2016 than in 2012, and the democratic percentage only increased by 0.13% from 2012 to 2016 which is beyond negligible.
The eastern half is full of Mexicans and white trash that leech off the Puget Sound area. And did you see the midterm results? They aren't as conservative as you might think.
I suspect he had intelligence ties, so I'm cautious of the late covington.
Fuck off, we're full
I like you guys but don't think that we all need to run there. Definitely do it if you really want to but know we also need to stand and fight in other states. Except California...fuck that place. It's lost. So is Florida probably...
First to Indiana for wife-findin', then to the Ozarks for me lad. Longer growing season, milder temps, and cheaper land. Just as white, and very old-school (Old-Testamenty) religious in most parts.
Doubt they would be welcoming of pagans. Or anyone who despises Christianity for that matter.
Pushing NWF on these poor, simple bastards. Kek, well played, glow nigga!
Not sure how they roll with such things. My guess is that most would just leave you alone, etc. Also, I could have been more clear that part of my post was referring to the Ozarks, rather than Indiana.
You gonna squeal like a piggy boy.
meh, i just saw these posts on cripple-chan, and thought they were worth saving. whether you like it or not, it makes sense, glow in the dark or not.
we must make ourselves unconquerable.
Purists will say no but to be honest the answer is probably yes
it's probably not as bad as the demo data suggests. On paper I'm a spic, but when I tell people my last name is Garcia they always say "I thought you were White?" I'm very white presenting: pale as fuck, blue eyes, curly brown hair. My brother's 23andme says we're 82% European and 14% Native American. I identify as white