This utter cunt ( a nurse ) raped a woman who has survived in an almost vegative state her whole life and made her pregnant -- cunt has watched Kill Bill far too many times
what to do with him ?
This utter cunt ( a nurse ) raped a woman who has survived in an almost vegative state her whole life and made her pregnant -- cunt has watched Kill Bill far too many times
what to do with him ?
gift him a 4channel pass!
Its a victimless crime though
poke him in the eye!
>American flag
>defending black man who raped white woman in coma
Nobody suffered though. If she woke up by the time the news got tired of the story she would never know what happened
Who cares? God will sort them out in the end m8. Obviously it's fucking awful what this cunt did, but it's not my place to pass judgement on him. I can condemn his actions, and vow never to let shit like that happen around me, but aside from that I'm just along for the ride like everyone else.
Seriously. If i was in charge of shit and free to do whatever the fuck I want like Kim-Jong-Un I would sentence him to the rest of his life in prison to wear a special uniform that let's inmates know that they can fuck him when and where they want at any time (unless he's sleeping or eating or showering). No other violence is to be done to him though. Simply buttfucking for the taking when they want.
obvious nigger is too obvious.