Rep. Ilhan Omar may have deleted her tweet, but the internet is forever and Nate Madden has you covered.
She's a terrorist. How is it someone like this gets into our Government?
Rep. Ilhan Omar may have deleted her tweet, but the internet is forever and Nate Madden has you covered.
She's a terrorist. How is it someone like this gets into our Government?
Other urls found in this thread:
what tweet?
This one..
Alhamdulillah, I was worried she made us look bad but I see nothing wrong with that tweet
I fucking hate this bitch.
expose the kikes, sand niggers and other foreign traitorous scum
That filthy mouth. Does this bitch thinks Jewish or something?
>unless its Ilhan Omars car. That Muslim probably has it rigged to blow.
these people are literally enemies.
she deleted it ? what a pussy
Oh boi, r u blind?!
Is it just me or does anyone find her with the hijab incredibly fuckable?
Uh all life on the planet is in peril and we are probably already lost to pedo baby killing cunts of the lowest bottom dwelling variety ever shat out of the void. Its really quite sinister.
Yup, and this one too.
Some Somalian girls are QTs, but not this one
>How is it someone like this gets into our Government?
Who the fuck is that hook noses bird beak prostitute
That tweet is amazingly stupid and ill-informed. I'm not seeing where it is "terrorist." What did I miss?
a mohammadan who hates Catholics, shocking
Not sure, I'm into the hijabi. That jew bitch on the left can get gassed for all I care.
>How is it someone like this gets into our Government?
Insane backlash from very angry leftist because IT WAS HER TURN, SHE DESERVED TO WIN, ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!! The system shock of 2016 among these people is huge, and they reacted by turning out and electing idiots to congress.
And they say Germans kill anyone who has humor.
I'm surprised you can see anything at all, having an IQ of 12 (upper-requirement for Islam)
Ok, Checks out
She was a state Rep already. Her district is all Somalis.
Iman is so far a real QT one.
oh the irony, has this bitch ever read the Quran or Hadith
the Catholics hold closer to beliefs to her religion than the liberals she is siding with
>It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the man who wears women’s clothing and the woman who wears men’s clothing. Narrated by Abu Dawood (4098) and classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi in al-Majmoo’ (4/469) and by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
>As al-Nawawi said, this indicates that it is haraam for men to imitate women and vice versa, because if it is haraam with regard to clothing then imitating them in one’s movements and tone of voice is even more abhorrent. So it is haraam for men to imitate women and vice versa with regard to clothing that is unique to one sex, and the one who does that is subject to the threat of being cursed. -Al-Mannaawi (may Allaah have mercy on him)
it's our lieutenant governor peggy flanagan
Right on //
I'm a minnesotan. She represents the slums of minneapolis and st paul which are all black. They voted for her because "fuck whitey"
We cannot let this tweet die
That shit is a straight up fucking lie
Let's make her choke on it
What’d trigger have to say?
Get this dumb false religion dimwit out of our Congress please what a joke
Checked. This entire country is ripe for a civil war. Niggers keep pushing whitey into a corner. It's been 74 years since we had a genocide. I am sitting back laughing because they really have never seen white people in action. Ask the Jews.
Her and AOC really demonstrate just how comically despicable and dense the new generation of millennial government will be. It's clear she fucking hates white people.
That said, I want her and AOC to dominate me. I could use some SPH from them as they take all their rage against white bois out on me
This elected official terrorist outright lies, spews venom all over, and the MSM is silent, of course, or join in with her lies...but, let's not insult her, after all she is the new face of the DEM party!!! The right ethnic group and religion!
It truly is. I'm NatGuard and If a civil war does break out, i'll be the first one to put down the fucking antifa
That would be unconstitutional goyim.
Well she isn't wrong. It's a shame that the PC snowflake right-wing forced her to delete the truth.
So she mocks Jesus or maybe for a split second she's pretending to be christian? Either way....what a joke. Embarrassing for the USA. This is what the people have allowed to happen
somali sand nigger rapists took over minnesota
Please tell me this is fake. Don't fall for the trick guys. Her religion wants us all wiped out. She's shilling hard. This is fucking disgusting
Shut up and go fuck your goat Mohammed.
weak bait
Obama sprinkled her state with Somalis. He BLACKED one of the whitest states on purpose, specifically to fuck with the electorate.
Bush and Clinton brought them in after Operation Gothic Serpent (Black Hawk Down)
Yeah I'm in St paul. Came for work and should have stayed in wi, difference in cost of living basically makes the difference in wages negligible.
Whatever happened about her marrying her brother for citizenship? It was all but proven which would lead to criminal charges and deportation.
she was democratically elected by the citizens of her district. that's how a democracy works.
Islam has been illegal since 1786. Anybody that tells you differently is a traitor or ignorant. Ask Thomas Jefferson.
I miss Andrew so much.
how ? why ?
the answer is always
Democracy is terrorism.
So moking someone's religion on Twitter is okay if you're female and muslime?
Anyone can mock Christianity on social media and face no repercussions. It's because Christianity is true.
Just in case you were wondering elected POS like this have no requirement to get a security clearance!!
Just like the Kenyean in Chief.
i dont think so christcuck!
>meme flag
>put a somalian refugee into congress
>put a palestinian who graduated from cooley law into congress
>put an angry latina meme into congress
>expect anything besides unremitting stupidity
what did people expect? if trump hadn't won and made the dems go haywire, these 3 retards would've never gotten a vote.
yeah they sure got to our ol' boy and took him out before he could spill the beans on all these pedo freaks, I feel like Patrice (black philip show) got the same treatment, then again he was a fat diabetic so you never know
>She's a terrorist. How is it someone like this gets into our Government?
Muslims are taking over cities and towns in Michigan and New Jersey. There are other areas they will take over soon. We're fucked because no one wants to be politically incorrect and ban Islam and Muslims.
FACT: It is useless to have an American Military, the 3rd World trash will simply just legally move to America, then run for office here, and then squash the white man while they sit in the halls of Congress...... she is proof of it
Sad thing is, there are NOT enough pieces of 3rd world trash in her district for her to win, there were loads of white folks who voted for her, especially white women, white women will ALWAYS backstab us
Her district is 67% white, she was elected by white cuckolds (probably descended from Swedes) who wanted to virtue signal by electing a sandnigger to Congress
shoulda stayed with what she new, virtue signaling and placating to her race
gets into actual political theater, cant hide under that veil now
Mashallah Omar
we WILL defeat the white race and take over their countries