I am tired of this. Vegan is bullshit high carb based diets are causing diabetes, demasucultizing and lowering iq...

I am tired of this. Vegan is bullshit high carb based diets are causing diabetes, demasucultizing and lowering iq. They are even trying to push a tax on meat because of ma 'greenhouse gases' AND THE STRAIN ON THE MEDICAL SYSTEM. anyways carnivore has changed my life. I have changed my relationship with food from one of endless pleasure seeking to fueling my body. this is fucked tho and super transparent... They want you feeble not to mention shoveling bullshit into millions makes them tons of cash because it cost nothing to produce. They are even fertilizing the corn crops with your literal shit that grows the sugar laden cereal you go on to shit out.


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Other urls found in this thread:


"We genuinely care about the health and well-being of our fellow humans..."

Well it's not possible to lie, so this site is legit.

GG, guys. An all meat diet is bad for you!

EDIT: Run a "whois" here (put meatharms.com into the search)...


All the registrant fields are "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY". If they're just a concerned citizen looking out for their fellow man, why is it so important that you don't know a single thing about them? (Your last clue: Corporate agenda)

not even emasculating alone, they are robbing all humans of passion and its fucked

the mental disease and amount of people we see on medication is DIRECTLY correlated to when the standard american diet (SAD) was introduced. Look at countries heath stats before and after SAD was introduced and you will see a spike in mental disease and tons of other bullshit.

I love that painting! Look up John Stossel Green Tyranny


look at the fucking testimonials it makes my blood boil

I understand you believe your diet is superior but keep in mind you are using very POOR examples of vegans. If you grow your own vegetables (not hard to do) and add in healthy fats and oils, you can be vegan and not be subjugated to the poison that is 'commercial agriculture'. This isn't even touching on the subject of the amount of sugar and carbs most people consume. I can recommend noteworthy sources for those who are interested.

I do disagree however I feel bad since I felt attacked which is why i said vegan is bullshit. I can respect your right to a choice however we evolved to eat meat, plain and simple. Yes we can limp along with vegetables and other sources of nutrients. I know how much i pooped and farted on a vegetarian diet compared to how much i do now. I cannot find the article however a dude with this bag (not a colostomy bag but the one right after it comes out of your stomach) the tube of which would NEVER get blocked by meat, but any time there was a blockage it was a vegetable. He even ate huge chunks of meat without chewing fully to see if he could clog it and he never was able to. Cows have like 3 stomachs to digest greens while other herbivores have specially designed digestive systems. Our stomachs and body do not properly utilize vegetables for subsistence. Vegetables DO NOT want to be eaten and have evolved accordingly, animals only have physical defenses but the meat itself is made to be eaten.

or at least, meat has never set out, or had reason to, not be digested properly.

It's important to note I didn't state anything is wrong with eating meat, I simply wanted to note that your view of a vegan diet might be skewed by your interpretation of its fairly recent popularity. I also feel as if you are not qualified to make the statement that vegetables do not want to be eaten. I'm not sure if you understand the totality of that statement. Your enthusiasm shows that maybe this switch to mostly meat is somewhat recent? Have YOU been living this way for 5, 10, 15 years?

yeah definitely a recent change - 4 months. The only way, from a evolution standpoint that plants could want to be eaten, is if their seeds would be spread by poop. A lot of vegetables in their current form are modern inventions.

however it makes me uneasy you are not addressing the points i brought up on a factual basis, but on a personal one

I've been vegan for three years and have had no negative effects. You're full of shit

you dont know how you would feel otherwise, you dont have an autoimmune disease that veganism is making life unsustainable for you. I know this girl who has to get blood transfusions every 6 months or so and stays vegan

im not really here to argue with vegans (although i am fine with doing that) i am here to say there are people trying very hard to push this diet on others and it will cause me and those i care for all sort problems and I will not stand for it.

I was a meat eater for 20 years, I switched to veganism at 20. It made no difference in how I felt, except I was less constipated because it forced me to eat more fiber. My hair didn't fall out, my teeth didn't fall out, I started lifting weights in September and have gained 20lbs so far. My bloodwork was fine too.

Can you eat a shitty low nutrition vegan diet? Sure. But most people do anyway with meat. I'm not saying it's a superior diet, I'm just saying it's not an inferior diet. It's just a different way of going things.

just a couple more years till you realize
and accept that we're in hell in a closed
loop system cut off from god and everything
around us is shit.

meat eater =/ carnivore, interactions with other foods change results. There are probably subtle things you are not aware of that have changed mentally. I really dont want to shit on your beliefs but i do disagree. I think brainpower and overall positive emotions will always increase, while inflammation and a taxing of the digestive system will always decrease on a high fat, ketogenic diet versus one which draws energy from carbohydrates. Yes there is a difference between vegetarians vegans and bredians absolutely.

Dont delude yourself to thinking you do not have a choice because you do, and you are making and reinforcing it with every action you take which reinforces your perspective, which drives you to make the same decisions. (SEE THE CLOSED LOOP SYSTE) You can change it. Y closed loop system perpetuates something much different from what you purpose.

the closed loop system is they system you have imposed on yourself. Everything is a loop. I was skiing recently for example and the biggest problem with newbies is that in order to slow down you turn side to side on the slope. Well that first shift is scary, especially when youre going fast. So what do these people do? They dont turn, they go straight down and pick up a ton of speed which makes it EVEN more scary to turn which causes them to pick up more speed, do you see where im going with this?

is the system*

>The only way
I am certain now, that you are not qualified to discuss THAT subject. However, to your points mentioned. Look where you are, are you really surprised at how false information is spread? The first website you linked has been around less than 200 days! Certainly no credible source of information if I wanted to quit eating meat. Also, it was only recently that the carnivore diet gained popularity (especially on these boards). Joe Rogan podcast and others have promoted this diet frequently in 2018. Why did you not seek this knowledge on your own before hand? Even with the "knowledge" you have now about meat, what will you do? Are you monitoring the process from start to finish of the meat you consume? How certain are you that what YOU are eating is honest and pure? I leave you with this. Whatever you do consume, make sure you understand the repercussions of having someone else as the source.

Big gov, big ag and big pharma are pro meat. Broccoli doesn't make anyone rich. People who don't need diabetes, blood pressure and other meds don't make anyone rich.

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