What's next? Aborting 5-year olds?
What's next? Aborting 5-year olds?
>so long as the mother's health is at risk
It's gonna go the same way as "medicinal" weed, you pay the doctor $100 and your health is now "at-risk".
Wanna bet?!
>mothers health is at risk
I have no problem with this assuming she would die giving birth but we all know this just means mommy wont be able to go out and fuck jamal in the club ladies night with a newborn
well, they ARE looking for a way around due process as it regards killing people.
Exactly. Is-Ought comes to mind.
It's loosely defined that way on purpose.
hell it's a nice racket that could be a word of mouth sell for your office AND seen as virtuous by certain demographics.
I hope so, hell, remove the limit entirely because human life is worthless.
less black gentlemen
It's the slippery-slope shit all over again.
I used to not believe in this "stupid" argument by "gay-haters", of course it won't devolve our society into hellish nightmares JUST for tolerating open-gayness, right?
Then today in the news, this shit shows up, literal drag-queens reading to little kids in the library, we are gonna go protest.
It seems they have cancelled the reading, because of "right-EXTREMISTS"
FUCK our media, Jesus Christ...
There's always a risk of complications. This is insane.
I’m assuming this is going to include mental health like having a baby, but usually mothers after about 5 months I hope to god aren’t retarded and want the baby and are aware of its existence.
It says up-until the due-date, what the fuck?!
You and I both know 90% of women aren't gonna think rationally and instead think "how am I gonna play farmville if I have to change diapers? shit, better abort!"
Luckily it will be mostly niggers and white trash nigger lovers so I guess its ok
>Lynch niggers
>Deport the spics
>Gas the kikes
>B-but muh life of the unborn, plz stop
Sometimes you guys are just massive faggots. If a girl don't want to be pregnant why should she have to be?
I suppose you are ok with paying for said girls abortions every year cause she dont like condoms?
>1 post by this ID
If a girl didn't want to get pregnant she should accept a little bit of personal responsibility and don't have unprotected sex. BC is cheap, condoms are even cheaper. But asking women to hold responsibility for their actions is too much for their little fragile minds.
This. After enough abortions the whores can't reproduce anymore. I wouldn't choose it for my family but I won't stop the dregs of society from limiting their numbers
That's the one bit of the argument I yield to. With that said, your taxes pay for an unlimited amount of stupid shit - how much money have you personally pumped into some random middle eastern shithole country you'd rather didn't even exist.
Money aside, what's the big deal?
They fuck up on BC, so what? They just have to be saddled down with a kid they don't want for the rest of their life? Trump is President even after grab her by the pussy, life moves on. ruining your life because of a mistake is the biggest faggot mentality ever
>When the baby's head emerges, the doctor drills a hole in the skull and stirs the newborn's brain, killing it.
Defend it now.
I'm just talking about abortion in general. i don't get why it's this big fuckin cross to die on for otherwise cold rational people
maybe your 15 year old daughter gets fucked by the qb of the hs football team at a party. like why would you want her to fuck up the rest of her life and not have an abortion
i'll go one further, what if the qb was black
actually yes that is the end goal to legalize their satanic practices.
it's the whores fault for going to a party with negroes present
hi alex
so you throw your own daughter under the bus? what was the point in not just aborting her yourself?
> what race is it
The Irish. Always determined to destroy the white man's work.
You’re dumb as fucking rocks, mick. I’m starting to see why my ancestors lumped you in with niggers.
If your daughter is degenerate enough to fuck a football team, you’ve failed as a parent. There’s more than one way to prevent a birth, namely not being a fucking whore to begin with.
I wouldn’t mind aborting 5 year olds, as long as we only abort the autistic (and other forms of retarded) ones
Seriously, why do we keep the monsters alive?
I have no problem with abortion.
1) the child would grow up in a household that won't provide it with a decent upbringing
2) remove genetic predisposition towards abortion
Furthermore, who the fuck cares? Let the degenerates be degenerate. I understand the concern is that tax dollars are being spent on this shit, and I agree that is bullshit. At the same time, I can only have so much sympathy for either side, my own included, so long as the maximum effort to combat this is memes and post-ironic comments on an image board. If you don't want abortion, burn the fucking clinics down. All you people do is virtue signal for a desert deity.
You forgot the elderly, soon it will be young children and the elderly
>so long as the mother's health is at risk
Nothing wrong with that.
If they're black yes.
The full term baby has to come out, Why is it healthier for the mother if a doctor murders it first? More time and trauma why can't they just deliver it and let someone adopt it? Fucking hell, the world has gone mad.
>>Surely the Lord is coming back soon.
Unless there’s a full list of ICD-10 codes that determine what is and isn’t a “risk”, this law basically legalizing 3rd trimester abortions
This is odd. If the mothers health is at risk on the due date she can deliver the baby then kill it? Is it mental health we are considering? Good job New York. Bravo.
You do realize that childbirth is a health risk in an of itself automatically don't you
>obese retards complaining about a 92.5% white country with the 5th highest gdp per capita in the world
Oy veyim lets sell some baby parts amirite goyim?
Oy vey we're now legally going to kill the white healthy baby and make a false claim about mother life being in jeopardy.
Here is a video. Sorry for posting it but ppl need to see what they do.
not an argument
For you demon
>as long as we only abort the autistic
there would be no users on Jow Forums then you fucking genius great plan
Ireland is dead.
Blood in the Boyne for nothing
exactly what i was thinking as well user bro
hows it hangin in the low lands btw my dude
Murder is murder. And in case you haven't been paying attention, the left fully supports the slippery slope. First, abortion. Then, late term abortion. Then late late term. Then as they enter the world. Then they'll push for post-birth abortion. End-game for them is legalized child murder as far into life as they can get. Many of them already do this behind closed doors.
I may be pro-life, but I do support very early for irrefutable risk of death of the mother.
I’m not the one making up what-if scenarios about my daughter getting gangbanged like filth to justify literal fucking baby murder, leprechaun.
how is it not an argument? why have kids at all if you're gonna disown them for doing stupid shit. that makes you just like all the absentee nigger dads you no doubt hate.
you're a caricature. that's just alex jones level garbage.
>What's next? Aborting 5-year olds?
hopefully aborting 75 yr olds
you're a retard. the abortion debate is over. you might as well be protesting the jim crow laws.
Then go crawl in a ditch and die for all I care. Of all your posts you only make yourself out to seem like a doormat. I can continue to oppose murdering babies and you can go on supporting your daughter after shenfucks fifty niggers and decides last moment to scramble its brain as its exiting her vagina you fucking spineless cuckold.
Funniest part is that the self declared moral high ground against the third Reich is shrinking a whole lot due to shit like this.
it is tremendously retarded to choose fetuse's life over the mother's. Like not even a catholic retard from here could possible argument for that without "muh wimen are mean they should die hurr durr". Also get off your fucking high horse, you are not the one who dies because a fetus inside you is killing you, it's really easy for you to say
Why would c-section not work in such cases? Any medical user here in the know?
Potatonigger what do you think they fucking do with child rape victims once they're done with them? Let them go? 30k trafficked people die every year and 20% of them are kids. Get FUCKED.
A human life form carried to nine months and in the process of being birthed is still a fetus?
I honestly have zero idea how to escape this shit. It only gets worse and there is zero resistance. Just make peace with God guys, end of times is here and death is inevitable, just be ready.
and all of your posts make you seem like the typical fat retard american. i just don't get the double standard.
>women are worthless degenerate whores who don't deserve to live. i'll disown any bitch daughter of mine who fucks niggers
>gets furiously outraged over a bunch of cells the size of an apple seed being shitted out after 5 or 6 weeks
Including "mental health"?
>Muh babby will stress me out.
>What's next? Aborting 5-year olds?
That's just a Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory!
Where did I say I was disowning her?
>so you throw your own daughter under the bus?
She isn't doing the family any favors. Why should the family continue to support her? Thots everywhere need to realize there are consequences for their actions, and that the guilt-trip played against white men has lost it's pizzazz.
>the Jew Capital of America legalized the highest most potent form of sacrifice, the ritual of snuffing life in the very place it is created
Then you sacrificed babies because the gods said to
Now you sacrifice babies because the gods (government, media, doctors) say to
Nothing has changed.
That’s where you’re wrong potato nigger. I don’t give a fuck about abortion as a whole, as long as my taxes aren’t used to fund it. Any woman getting an abortion without a good medical reason should be immediately sterilized if she takes tax dollars to do so. I also don’t give a fuck about what the Bible says on the matter either.
I’m just calling it like it is. When you drill a hole into the skull of a baby as it’s crowning and purée it’s brain as it’s being birthed, it’s straight up infanticide. The child should live and the mother should die because at least the child has a chance at contributing to society.
>it's the whores fault for going to a party with negroes present
I inferred from 'it's the whore's fault' that you didn't have any interest in raising a black grandchild
So if she doesn't use tax dollars to pay for it it's fine? I'd agree with that. And as I said, I'm talking about early term abortion, not drilling a hole into a baby's head.
So what? Abortions are great, you stupid Christcucks and children aren't even humans until the age of 3 or something
I support this if it means the mother is actually going to die, but you know to SJWs health means feelings too.
If they don’t use public funding for birth control, abortion, etc then I don’t give even a single fuck. The welfare state should be abolished altogether.
>get off your fucking high horse
Bitch please, the left figuratively cannibalizes itself. I'd give zero fucks if they started literally doing so. Eugenics and population control are necessary for third-worlders because they can't fucking control themselves. It doesn't change the fact that cells are alive, and the left is murdering people as they leave the womb.
Because killing children is wrong? Imagine if you applied that line of reasoning to ANYTHING else. ANYTHING else.
“If a guy doesn’t want to spend 20% of his life slaving for the government, why should he pay taxes?”
You people have a welfare state. The welfare state relies on working age people to care for the elderly. Do women who refuse to produce children get excluded from the welfare state? NO! They abuse it more! So why the fuck should they have a CHOICE when choosing antisocial anti-civilizational bullshit has no consequences!?
This exact kind of cringe liberal bullshit is why I do not consider myself one anymore, you people are not CAPABLE of having an adult conversation about duty and responsibility.
Even better, just abort the mom too as she's getting the abortion. The 'ol two for one.
If a mother wouldn't sacrifice her life for her children then she's a crappy mom
Also you're a kike
What son of a bitch do you have to be to abort a fully formed baby?
Fuck you
day of the rope won't be gentle with you
>Complains about women abusing the welfare state for abortions
>Doesn't realise it's infinitely cheaper in the long run than actually having the kid.
I'm right wing as fuck, just not the autistic american bible bashing kind. More of the kind of abortions you're talking about means less child benefit, less food stamps, less public school costs etc. Make your mind up.
We're talking about white babies
>killing a baby on its due date
Why on earth would you kill a baby the day its due to save the mother life?
It's all about virtue signaling to appear supportive of "women's rights."
Can you see why out of all the peoples we found around the globe we treat the Irish as the most stupid? I wouldn’t argue with it, there’s literally no way to get through to it with reason. You need £5 worth of fish, chips and white cider to change his ‘mind’.
>From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce. (at 12 weeks)
Tell me, how's brexit going?
Because any time a human can be spared existence it is a huge victory. One day we will have the courage to abort the entire human race.
dont have to give a shit about the bible to not want to kill white babies and also to celebrate niggers killing their babies. what's so hard to understand about that?
And are you looking forward to Comrade Corbyn as your PM? Have the pakis taken over yet?
So abortion is fine for niggers and bad for whites. Do you want legal abortion or not? Also do you realise that most of the abortions involving tax payers money are black?
What's your actual stance, please outline it for me
Like I give a fuck. Less niggers, single moms, and white trash.
What a strange coincidence, together with the evidence that planned parenthood sells the bodies of the babies they kill
Exactly. There is literally zero benefit to the mother in killing the baby at term. None. Zero. The baby would survive even an emergency c-section. This makes no sense other than to legalize killing your children if you don’t want them.
Michael (((Rozman)))