This man died in Badghis Province, Afghanistan. What did he die for? For what good?

This man died in Badghis Province, Afghanistan. What did he die for? For what good?

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He died for the Israel like all amerimutts should.

>huehuehue he died for israel huehuehuehue

that's the response you want right

global opium trade

>invading Afghanistan was wrong

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he's cute but I will take away points for being a brainwashed murderer and a loser
also he's dead so next

to bring delicious heroin to small town amerikike!
thank you for your service

For his personal honor as a soldier and scheming kikes who have hijacked our military.

must you really ask

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Goodluck trying to convince Muslims to stop killing eachother.

At least the poppy fields are safe.

he died to secure imperialist interest and speculative merchandise. some people still think they fight for freedom lolll

what a good goy

he died because he was easily led into the coffin his own ego. But if he didn't kill women and children we probably have to press 1 for English and get mobbed for smiling

17 fucking years m8, I know some faggots posting here weren't even alive hen the war started fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

it lead to the rapeugee influx

1 post by this ID

Fuck off and kill yourself Jew.

He died to promote the atheistic Western religon of social democracy, namely gay rights, feminism and gun control as a policy of white genocide against the white Pashtun majority of Afghanistan. He was a race traitor and fully deserved his death.

two posts by this ID

He died for your freedoms. Show some respect.

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My own personal jeebus.

He died because he was unworthy. He chose the wrong life and natural selection removed him from the genepool. That's what he died for, to make humanity evolve.


It’s not wrong. It’s a waste of time.

Low IQ'ed stinking niggers.

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He died for...

... probably around 40k per year.

He died for the specter of honor, instilled in him since birth, that his "country" was worth dying for, when in reality all he did was provide a sob story for the kikes that orchestrated his death, to further convince other Americans that his death was necessary

For America's imperial interests, just like everyone whos died in a war for any empire ever. RIP, hope he atleast has kids.

"It is entirely seemly, for a young man killed in battle, to lay mangled and cucked for Israel and white genocide. In his death, all things appear fake and gay." -Homer

>This man died in Badghis Province, Afghanistan. What did he die for? For what good?

Army vet here.....

I was just a regular artillery fukkk...this dude is infantry, BEYOND AIRBORNE, EXPERT IN EVERY WEAPON, all the combat regions...probably the captain of the football team, fukkked the head cheerleader.....

This are the people dying right some NIGGER on welfare that will NEVER contribute to this country but the TOP of the line! The Best! The ones we want to breed and make White babies!

It makes me sick to my stomach....the best are dying and the NIGGERS are collecting free rent, food, affirmative action and when they join the military they pick the MOS farthest away from the combat!

It's time to Fight for White!

>What did he die for?
His parents' reverse mortgage.
Seriously, he should have killed those cowards instead.

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This Green Beret also died

I'm sure he was a solid fucking dude and more of a man than most on this board.

"He is survived by his wife and two children."
his family is destroyed, his kids will never again have their father

He died to further the political interests of politicians. Soldiers are just tools meant to fight someone else's battles. He knew what he signed up for and was rewarded accordingly for it. So no one should care much about it. It's the way of the world.

Atleast they can look up to him and his comrades will help his family raise them

Artillarymen dont get into Valhalla

This,fuck him and his worthless life.

Useles occupying imperial piece of shit

Sucks. Dying is a part of that job though. Especially if you've got dat slick tan beret.

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so everyone of you that didn't go to the desert,

just, round it down to that.


He died so Jews could harvest opium and then kill people in his community and nation with it.



>ethnic food

No thanks

He got his reward.

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I've heard two conflicting stories as to why he was killed.
1. He was a showboating hot shot who was going to get his fellow soldiers needlessly killed, so they friendly-fired him.
2. He found out that we were there to protect opium plantations for the CIA and was going to blow the whistle, so they friendly-fired him.

I can believe either story.

where did you hear that


He has the ultimate chad/warrior face

He probably killed a few sand niggers so he's based in my book

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That's why it's so sad that he was killed. If only he had woken up earlier and figured out what was what. He would have been an invaluable asset to our side.

I don’t know but I bet he doesn’t regret it.
I spent 3 years in Syria and I’ll tell you that gunfights are some of the most fun a man can have. I’m sure he went down without fear or sadness.

>I don’t know but I bet he doesn’t regret it.
>I spent 3 years in Syria and I’ll tell you that gunfights are some of the most fun a man can have.

this is true, some refer to it as military high. You just feel "in place" during those high stress manly situations. sort of a yolo with meaning.

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Oil pipeline

Gas pipeline

Precious Minerals

Precious Gems

World's Opiate supply

Take your pick

He seems to have been a pretty cool dude. He probably had honorable motives. Too bad he was misguided and listened to the wrong people.

He was killed by his own men.

The first four aren't very plausible. The last one is most likely.

He died to increase the onions to testosterone ratio among the white male population.

He died so we can have politician in office that don't know that world war 2 happened already

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He probably killed more than a few, those guys are fighting a lot over there as basically the only combat force left.


He died for higher democratic ideals than walnut-brained skinheads and isolationists can ever comprehend.

We are slowly reshaping Afghanistan to be free and equal.

The very same way America is being reshaped.

Both will accelerate toward freedom faster after the shameful orange freak is gone.

God, Allah, and Spaghetti Monster bless this man.

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Sheep-dipped so he can live on and perform sekret conspiracy psyops involving fully semi automatic assault weapons


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So gays can get married and so his son can transition into a woman and date a nigger.

Seriously soldiers are the biggest cuckolds on this planet, fighting for Goldstein, not for America because not even white men are allowed a Nation or family anymore.

He died in Afghanistan, fighting against the guy that orchestrated 9/11... until the CIA recently came out and stated Bin Laden has nothing to do with 9/11.

So he died for da joos, just like every other solder.

Yeah it's totally his fault and not because of whiney weak "men" such as yourself. You totally aren't a cuck.

He just wanted to give 110%. Go for the big win. Ya see america was mid game, in the big drive when it stallled at the Afghan 40. That’s when boys have to step up and act like men. Go out there and give it their all. Sure, they had some bad bounces, but you have to line up and stare your adversary in the eye and execute, produce those wins through sweat and tears. He listened, and trusted coach, who has eyes on the whole picture and the big prize. With Gods grace the whole team will do that, and in the effort find the courage that makes a team like America.

Also, Jews.

Satire so masterly that it is indistinguishable from genuine poz. Kudos, sir or madam.

>until the CIA recently came out and stated Bin Laden has nothing to do with 9/11
When did this happen?

>until the CIA recently came out and stated Bin Laden has nothing to do with 9/11.
Link, please.

He had the choice of fighting for Israel
Or fighting for his nation and he chose the first, it is his fault you faggot.

Maybe he was fighting for his brothers in arms that were beside him. Something you'll never experience.

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Yes, the truth is indeed why we come here

Did he have any children?

>tfw an incel who accidentally impregnates a prostitute might be more genetically successfully than this guy

Is he lifting one of his brows or does he have something wrong with his right eye?

Fighting among his Brothers who also each one individually decided to die for isreal.

Yeah the military totally doesn't benefit the US at all. We should just disband it amirite?

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I think his hair used to be alive

Afghanistan attacked us you fucking idiots.

You guys are the most pathetic faggots the world has ever seen. You wouldn't know service, duty, or courage if it bit you in the ass, and your Israel memes are a joke. Did the Russians die in Afghanistan for 10 years because of Israel?
Biggest fucking faggot retards I've ever seen in my life are always drawn to these threads like flies to shit.

Shut the fuck up you worthless fat sack of incel shit. He did more than you'll ever do in your life and I'm proud to call him my countryman.

He should have known better

Afghanistan is the herion capital of the mideast. Also known for human and arms trafficking.

Yeah no answers from you fat cock-sucking bitches. That's right, because you're all garbage and you've never done a single thing of worth or merit in your entire lives. Shut the fuck up about your betters.

He died because a military force is only as strong as the IRL combat it sees, thus our military fights battles in places where there's no environments to ruin and no civilians or people in general who are worth a single fuck, to keep themselves combat ready. He was just one of the casualties required to maintain a powerful military.

Sorry, you cannot have a strong military that does not actually fight. It's impossible. Mock training isn't useful for preparing troops for actual combat.

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Get a load of this ZOGbot

Nice argument hehe. Got em!!

I was in the military for several years. I still think our military isn't used for its proper purpose, which is defending America from attack. We are invading and ruining a bunch of Middle Eastern countries solely for Israel's benefit. I do not hate and insult my fellow soldiers and sailors. I hate seeing them misused like this. My family has been in this country for over 300 years. They fought in the American Revolution and the Civil War. Every man in my family has spent some time in the service. So get off your high horse and calm your tits, Shlomo.

This guy didn't do a single thing to better his country or it's inhabitants.
He got suckered into a war and lost his life for what?
"Killing a few sandniggers"?
He was fooled and lost his life serving faces he's never even seen for an unjust cause.
A waste of potential.

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To secure the existence of white opiates and a future for jewish children

more than your transexual friends will discordfag

Lol Kissinger was an NCO in the Army and saw combat in WW2. This quote is wrong... also he knows A LOT about the alien presence and the political and economic implications

>He died because a military force is only as strong as the IRL combat it sees, thus our military fights battles in places where there's no environments to ruin and no civilians or people in general who are worth a single fuck, to keep themselves combat ready.

Wow how can China, Russia or India even have a military without fighting a 20 year unwinnable quagmire of a war to "be combat ready".

Seriously I would like to see your kind giving a lecture in military science to the Chinese generall staff about how America is so smart waging this endless "war on terror" because now your mil is "combat ready" and they totally missed out on this grat opportunity

You really are the dumbest of goyim

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Their military forces couldn't win a war against the US in any way. They don't have the combat experience. Plain and simple.

Go ahead, Genghis Khan. Tell me how it's possible to be combat ready without having combat experience.


Shekelnigger Trump and his shekelnigger family

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You filthy fucking hypocrite. American soldiers are on the same level as welfare queens.