Please, read SIEGE

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ok since you're a pretty white girl =)


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Whats Siege and what do you eat it with?


It's a very based book all hot girls are reading now!

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Oh, user

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Looks like some kike shit to me.

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Ok but only because rilak kuma is recommending it to me. Never took him for the kid of guy who would promote open rebellion.

>bunch of LARPing satanic neo-nazi death cult faggots
No thanks senpai. Btw, great job getting all your 16 year old members arrested in Britain.

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>do thing
post tits or gtfo you dumb bitch

I just finished was the ravings of a butthurt man that never accomplished anything worthwhile in his lifetime so he decides to spent years worth of articles blaming other people for their faults. Some good info in there. Cautionary tales, but I've never read a book a National Socialism and came out more confused about what it actually is. He doesn't explain anything and you can sum up most of his advice as: "Do Something. Do Anything!" Like I said not terrible...but not very good. And boring as fuck.

Come on boys, SIEGE is cool!

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More like saged lmao

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Because it is advanced National Socialism. It presupposes you already read Mein Kampf, White Power and other introductory books.

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That just makes me think more of kikes...

Its a well established jewish strategy to appeal to the "animal brain" via behavioral psychology.

It is for this reason that they refer to the rest of peole as goym, cattle; because they are herded via their animal brain through behavioral psychology.

Go back to Israel.

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That lack of trigger discipline really kills the boner


There is even a manga version now!

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I wanna sniff Bratass

Kikes getting desperate.

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how to find natsoc breeding gf?

Don't worry! SIEGE teaches you how to find cute natsoc gfs!

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Natzis are just bleached kikes!

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Hitler used brainwashed Germans to select the fittest among the Jews, thus creating the human capital necessary to create the zionist state of Israel.

And Germans payed for that state by paying even more reparations; while being brainwashed to turn into HOMOSEXUALS.

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AtomWaffen isn't even real NatSoc. Stop pushing your Siege shit, you're just bastardizing actual polical movements with your LARPing satanic bullcrap.

That's a pretty cool shirt. I might rip the design off and make a nice fashy shirt for myself.

Sacrifice more white people to the Jewish gods...

Divide and conquer, or unite and prosper.

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I'm not a satanist. I just want a cute natsoc girlfriend! And reading SIEGE will help me.

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Fuck off you satanic nigger

wikipedia gives no information about the book or the author other than he is a neo-nazi.

should I disregard it and read it anyways?


Women don't have political ideologies. They just go with the status quo or what their boyfriends like. They are beyond easy to redpill, this is why cults like the Manson Family were mostly made up of women.


All you need to know about sigh is found on Jow Forums

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So it is easier to get a normie gf and teach national socialism her?

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fuck, even James Masons flag has Kike written all over it.

oats and squats faggot!

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Do you see faggot?

You can be a Nazi and die for Israel, or get your shit together, stop blaming the kikes, stop your "master race" nonsense, and traine yourself to be a provider and defender.

Hate destroys you from within.

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Yes. Even when you look at the most emboldened of Feminist SJW women they didn't get those beliefs on their own. The were "empowered" by kike university professors and Social Media. Were I for example came to my beliefs by literally just observing the world around me. Women are natural followers.

>natsoc is bad, don't do it, goy = No one listens
>natsoc is Jewish, you shouldn't do it, goy = "fuck those ebil nazis and their controlled opposition asses"

I'm a borderline nazi and even I think atomwaffen needs to calm down.

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I will try. Thank you senpai!

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Read Siege by James Pewdiepie.

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here, have a Jew from my Nazi folder.

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Hot. Who is she?

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Hotter still.


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Even hotter.


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My dick is on fire.

Here. Have an audiobook version : 3c

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Or maybe you need to step up. We are at war for our lives and a future for white people.

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your day is coming nigger lover

Those are some really nice milkers.

I really want a redpilled gf

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The Aryan Blood Line is Stronger then Semitic or any other Blood Line.

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Seige is just a fucking Charles Manson fanfic. Shits fucking awful, great read when you're drunk with friends.

>Kill the milk man with a Zip gun and bury him in the woods

Post links. And not to some FBI honeypot URL

don't read Siege, Atomwaffen Division is just luring LARPers so they can sexually abuse people like the degenerates they are

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>I reallly want a brainless whore

Just date a normie girl who is basically politically retarded. They're a dime-a-dozen and easy to convert.

stopped reading right there

My dick just exploded.

You can't just use Shadfans like that!

What if it's not hate of the other, but the love and desire to preserve your people?

Paying exuberant taxes to these groups as well as dying in their wars that only support their interests seems counter to protecting and preserving my own people.

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Read a real book you faggot

I've read it, is nothing special in terms of natsoc literature

SIEGE is a real book. And it is BASED.

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No. Tell me how reading a book changes anything?

>egyptian stylized makeup
>thor hammer
>black sun
>atomic symbol
>communist weapon
>german name
>cute bear

None of this shit makes sense. Consider the fact that the "jew" always adopts and hides behind whatever culture they wish to destroy.

>covering face behind a skull mask
Oooooh, so edgy, such angst.
Give me a break.
You need to seriously kys yourself if you buy this seige bullshit.

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My wife started as a radical feminist. Now she notices Jews and wants to raise white children.

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>You need to seriously kys yourself if you buy this seige bullshit.
It is Siege, not seige.

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>A fucking leaf
Well I appreciate you letting me know I can disregard everything you say.

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Still doesn't answer my question and I purposfully added taht spelling mistake to get this kind of reaction.
kill yourself your a faggot

They all are bro.

Good job, user!

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Why are you so hostile?

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Whats your point? You cant be strong, a good provider, and defender unless you adopt a jewish engineered social mentality? Because that what Natzis are; all they just change Jew to German/White. This whole Master Race shit is just Jewish shit...

Scared of a book.

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What are your favorite quotes from this book called Siege?

Can I buy it at my local bookstore?

>preference and service to your own people is a Jewish psyop

Have you gotten anyone to take this bait?

Cause you're full of shit and an animu posting bitch. You're shit stinks and I want you to stand by what you believe in and express in a clear and strong way why reading a book changes anything and what exactly Siege has to bring to any issue in 20-- setting
>Join our group
>Believe in what we believe in
>Everyone but us must die
>lel hitler and nazi
No, fuck you, your shit stinks and you all glow in the dark.

Only one book I am scared of and that is an ancient book that teaches everyone to be part of a death cult and worship evil.

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