I still don’t see what there is such animosity against Islam here

>strong patriarchal values
>btfos fags and thots

If it wasn’t for the fact that most Muslims are brown, Islam would be the perfect religion for whites

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Islam is good, but Muslims are bad. Christianity is bad, but Christians are good. Now you know why?

>trade your semitism for more semitism
yeah nah

I dont like the clothes and the beards.

Europe would be better off if it was Islamic

Alphas have beards and there is nothing wrong with women covering themselves head to toe

>checks flag

t. Shafiq abu dabi

Lol the hussies here at UT who walk around in their hijabs will be the first to be at the lgbt rallies and the first to be sucking white cock on tinder.
When you chill with a mussy at your apartment and that hijab comes off you know at a minimum you’re about to buy in a mouth. Plus the love anal because they consider themselves virgins still.

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Muslims are inbred savage morons and Islam is a terrible belief system. Most Muslims I've met have retarded hypocrites why would I, or any sane white, want anything to do with it?

Islam is the fastest growing religion, if we were all bad you'd literally get BTFO within a year if war was declared. 3 Billion by 2030.

Except Muslims have proven they can't into modern warfare. That's why you have to resort to terrorist operations.

Will I be able to buy slaves if I am not a muslim?

Islam is is a fake religion worshipping demonic entities working force the coming of the antechrist.

Plus it's just a weak copy paste of Christianity, there are more relevant things about Jesus and Marie than their false prophet.

Also it's a very demonic kind of writing leading to compulsion.

>there is no compulsion in religion


Seriously it's not just a meme Islam is bad.

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To bad for you I guess since it will be your state religion in a couple of years.

Couldn't possibly be because it's a religion of war

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because the jews infiltrated first and convinced everyone to hate the muslims

Can't suicide bomb aircrafts, Mohammed.

What's in the box?

Slide thread. If you can't see what's wrong with Muslims you're a fucking dolt who needs euthanising for the sake of Europe.

Islam is a perversion based on a book of lies.

based khoya

and how is it exactly bad that it is a religion of war?
war is the essence of humanity and its survival instinct, way better than muh turn the other cheek

so how come Muslims ALWAYS align themselves with leftists so that they can demoralize and destroy similar values in the host culture?

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yeah that’s why an iranian proxy BTFOd israel in 2006 at the lebanese borders

IDK, maybe because they are terrorists?

You have to go back

strange how there was no movements of islamic terrorism before the US invaded the middle east

Islam has been terrorising the rest of the world since the time of Muhammad.

>Islam would be the perfect religion for whites
No, whites value freedom and creativity. Muslims do not.

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I’m a Christian, and I like both.
> but Islam will take over the West
No the West is lost to degenerates. Muslims who come here turn into whores sadly.
> Christianity is ded!!
In the West maybe. But it’s growing enormously in Latin America, Africa, and east Asia. It’s never going anywhere
> but Islam is nothing like it!
It’s almost the exact same religion. Abraham/Ibrahim, Solomon/Suleiman, Jesus/Isa, God/Allah. They have the exact same prophets and narrative as the Bible except translated to Arabic, and we disagree on the nature of Christ. Christianity and Islam are only different because while both were born in the Middle East, one was raised in Europe, the other in Arabia.
> t Arab Christian

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it's still islam
fuck off pedo meteorite worshipper

It's mostly outspoken "Muslim" woman who don't cover themselves in public spaces who do this. Plus if people are willingly offering to support your cause, why wouldn't you take the help.

There is no fucking way that picture us real!

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Well, it used to be that you'd post something to piss people off, now everyone thinks this place is where you start a movement. I mean, maybe a bowel movement, but surely nothing of any importance. Unless you swallowed something valuable, then I suppose a bowel movement would be pretty important.

But... Jesus was brown too.

There's a documentary on that woman from years ago.

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nope, pretty much all Muslims in Sweden vote Social democrat or further left. also why would you accept "help" from someone who is immoral? why would someone who believes in certain moral principles vote for people who are working to destroy even more of those similar morals in the host culture? how does it support your cause to attack your own moral beliefs just for government handouts? How come Muslims are willing to sell their morals down the river for some easy money? Are Muslims secretly Jews?

Why do they vote for lefties in excess of 75%? Does sage grow well in your caliphate?


Sucking dick?!

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Islam is the final redpill
All frenchbros in this thread are right


islam is a goat herder religion for goat herders
it has a prepared answer on whether you're allowed to suck the milk out of a dead camel's udders but it can't tell you if murder is a sin or not
in fact there's no sin, no morality whatsoever, just law
and law says murder is only a problem if a deceased has relatives to demand reparations from you

maybe it was a good enough system keep goat herders organized and in check, but it offers absolutely nothing spiritually and its statutes are way underdeveloped to govern a civilized society

>there are no sins in Islam
What kind of drug are you on?

What that user is getting at is there is no moral framework in Islam only arbitrary rules dictated by Mohammad.

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it doesn't belong in the west Ahmed
its cancer on par with modern feminism and faggots pushing their tranny feitsh on their children

Behind every ruling there is a meaning
As it is said in the Quran you are supposed to reflect upon your actions. Fasting during Ramadan for example; your fast is meaningless if you do not reflect upon God during that period and make jihad on your soul and desires

because ((someone)) wants you end your religion.

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It's too blatantly the masturbatory fantasy of an Arab bandit chief/pedophile. If they won, I still couldn't take it seriously and would end up being executed for apostasy or something. No thanks.

>Behind every ruling there is a meaning
that you cannot know because you're a human and your place is to do, not to think
the meaning behind quranic commandments is unknowable, don't even try to claim otherwise

I saw docu movies about them, now I saw them suck a cock... well they live in a western sociaty after all, so im not surprised, but stil... DAMN!!

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i want to believe

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No pork

My mother is Moroccan and these values are all falsely attributed to Islam, but when I meet Arabs of any kind, they all behave like morally depraved trash. Why is that?

job offer? or probably photoshopped

To be honest, I agree.

>most inbred people in existence
no thanks


Fuck these sand nigger motherfuckers!

that pic though

It’s just kike shills

White Islam now

Islam does not allow for creativity, does not allow for innovation, it does not allow for exceptional people. It's a death cult.

Yes it's OK to trade with non Muslims except if you are in war with.

I think you need to go back.

Whites already have perfect religion- no religion.

Islam is based as long as they stay in their fucking countries. when they start swarming into our countries blowing shit up, raping and setting up sharia zones they become cancer.

Honestly that sounds like the american foreign policy

fuck those cia niggers too. neocons, neolibs, cia fags all deserve the rope.

Lol the history of western civilization is one of kicking your peoples ass. Quick run down
Conquest of Alexander the Great
Battle of Tours
Battle of Lepanto
Siege of Malta
Siege of Vienna
The crusades in general
The Reconquista

Pretty much every stage of history we have fucked you up.

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