Just what the fuck is even going on anymore?

Just what the fuck is even going on anymore?

>Democrats/The left constantly wants to war with russia
>Democrats/The left wants to enforce the way people speak and think while calling it tolerence
>Democrats/The left do nothing but doublespeak when talking about gender or transgender issues and homosexuality/sexuality in general
>Democrats/The left are ingrained i identity politics, you are worth only what your skin color, religion, what bathroom you use, and who you want to have sex with
>Democrats/The left control the media and social media. the news is constantly biased into brainwashing people to think how they want and places like twitter enforce it by leaning trends and removing dissent
>Democrats/The left control the mass consumption in things like Facebook and Google who know everything about everyone. It's basically survelience out of every screen everyone interacts with everyday
>Democrats/The left unperson undesirable people such as Alex Jones and now many more
And just now
>Democrats/The left actually made "Facecrime" a real life thing with the Covington/Sandman incident


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Other urls found in this thread:


we have a fatal parasite

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Orwell was a socialist and he'd call you a dumbass

Eer you realize the left wants socialism right? And they want it through nazi means.

And I had forgot to mention more of all the censorship and literal rewriting of history

remember when they tore down confederste statues?
Or how about historical accuracy thrown out the window for "inclusion"

People don't realize it because they are brainlets

pic very related

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we need to cull half of earth’s population

What you don't realize is that it isn't a left/right thing. Big Brother is the government as a whole. (((They))) constantly divide and direct our hatred at each other to deflect it from them. Trump and Hillary are best friends. The whole ideological split is just theater. There was never going to be a wall. The country is the exact same it would have been if Hillary won. It was all planned out.

And the fact that people will respond to this post call me a Demshit shill or whatever is just proof that their left/right divide works to deflect the angry off themselves perfectly

Like being democratically elected? Because that's how Hitler became chancellor.

Telescreens are actually real and cameras and mics are everywhere. More than just Facebook and Google knows everything about you.

a lot of people are aware
there are just a lot more people that are willfully ignorant or even cheerlead for the oppressors because they're on their side

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>nazi means
Stop using fiction to relate to reality.

I don't understand how people can cheerlead the oppresors when its only going to lead to them being oppressed.

>the left censors everything
>the left wants to ban people
>the left literally advocates killing off undesirables

Sounds Nazi to me and this ain't no fiction.

"Orwell is a socialist" is as good of an argument as "Jesus was a Jew"

Which is to say it isn't


Go outside once in a while. People on the streets don't know or care about any of that shit. It's all made up drama on the internet to distract you. None of that shit is happening at nearly as high rates as you think it is.

you guys don't understand anything. Tim Cook goes to dinner with Bolsonaro. you keep calling right-wing groups leftists.

no corporation run by centrally organized board of rich men is a leftist group. just because they use progressive propaganda doesn't make them leftists anymore than North Korea calling itself a Democratic Republic makes it so.

the rich ownership class has control over everything. unless you view things from this type of class basis, the alliances do not make sense. when you realize the same people banning Alex Jones help the Chinese government censor information, are against labor unions, are using tax havens you realize that the wealthy speak out of both sides of their mouth in order to gain favorable conditions for their continued accrual of capital and ownership of everything.

Corporate Democrats will blame Corporate Republicans, Corporate Republicans blame Corporate Democrats. But meanwhile, the same CIA coups, foreign interventions, increase of the surveillance state, lessening of labor rights, lessening of proletariat access to property ownership get worse and worse.

the solutions are all there. Progressive taxes, no more third-world outsourcing, no more employers using illegal labor, no more tax havens. These are the things that would be legitimately lefitst, because these are the things that would legitimately empower an American working class.

instead, people call neoconservative Obama a socialist because he creates a healthcare system that's a giveaway to insurance companies. They say Trump speaks for the white working class, while he employs illegal labor and gives tax breaks to the same swamp he promised to clean up.

None of this gets better until people realize whatever social issue disagreements the wealthy may have, pale in comparison to their overall desire to stay wealthy.

nazis aren't real. Everything you just said is fictional.

Let me guess, the people who bombed pearl harbor called themselves Japs?

in their minds (with short attention spans) they believe that they will be protected if they show allegiance. which is also a part of facecrime
full facecrime excerpt from 1984 (and I'm typing this from the book that I have right here):
>It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen.
>A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself--anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide.
>In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (TO LOOK INCREDULOUS WHEN A VICTORY WAS ANNOUNCED, for example) was itself a punishable offense.
>There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime it was called.

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You are an idiot

go get fucked in a dumpster.

What are you a disinfo shill? How do you not see all that is going on right now?

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You must be fucking blind if you can't see the mass censorship, literal rewriting of history, and unpersonning that the left is doing everyday. As well the narrative manipulation and media control. Its all straight out of 1932.

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>literal rewriting of history
How ironic considering you're touting rewritten history as fact. What you're describing is actually what happened in soviet russia, not germany.

google is not leftist you retard

Keep believing this.

I remember 1984 was on top of the charts when Trump was elected president. The left has just internalized every page of it.

Really? Book burning didn't happen in Germany? Or the secret police? Hmm?

says the guy who still believes in cartoon ebil natzhees

Are you retarded or misinformed? Google literally held a meeting on Nov 9 2016 pledging to make Trump a one-off event
Search for "The Good Censor"

They burnt books on being a faggot and how to have sex with kids.

You would be against that.

it is the single most valuable capitalist institution on the planet and works with the US government on multiple fronts. I thought you guys liked Assange, yet somehow you don't get this. The US is not leftist and neither are megacorps that act as 4th generation intelligence agencies

1984 was a novel, not an instruction manual. The dems didn't get that.

How the FUCK do you explain all the absolute bias in their rigged algorithms as well as the mass censorship of videos they disagree with, i.e. right wing on youtube?

inb4: "is that true or did you see it on fox news"?

calling it now.

>The US is not leftist
Holy shit. Imagine actually fucking believing this in 2019. Do you even SEE WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS NATION? ARE YOU THAT FUCKING BLIND?

Liberals are the true fascists.

Nigger, search for any political topic YouTube right now. Whether it be Venezuela or Brexit, MSM videos are at the top despite having few views

you misunderstand, i agree with the statement that google is a horrible marixst entity.

no, you are. Leftism isn't just trannies and gays you fucking morons. It's class based analysis of society before it is any of those other things.

The US government is a ruthlessly capitalistic nation where the elites have consistently found new ways to disempower labor movements. We are about to invade Venezuela because their leader is a left-wing dictator. We are allies with Brazil's fascist government, Israel's ethnonationalist government, Saudi Arabia's monarchy. The CIA spent decades overthrowing south American governments for US business interests.

Google is unquestionably giving their data and algorithms to government sectors. There are emails from Facebook leadership asking how they can help US intervention in Syria.

If Google was leftist, they would be promoting worker control and ownership of Google. You will never hear Sergey Brin do this. You will never hear Bill Gates advocate worker ownership or control of anything. These people are capitalists through and through.

They use the same tax havens every other rich company does. Apple manufactures products with foreign labor. You know who came up with outsourcing? Rich capitalists that saw an untapped labor market they could pay less.

You're forgetting more examples

Doublespeak: The concept of "tolerance" for lefties when they are clad in black bandanas and weilding bike locks

Newspeak: terms like POC, Microaggression, cisgender, etc and the ramifications of "misgendering" someone

2 minutes of hate: Literally what all the mainstream media and even social media was doing to people like Kavanaugh and now Sandman and of course Trump

Well explain


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Thoughtcrime is also real already
When people get arrested for posts they made on social media OR EVEN TEACHING A DOG HOW TO HEIL

1984 is a masterpiece because everyone has their own interpretations. A lot of the politics of ingsoc can be applied to the wave of far-right populism spreading across the world. By comparison, a piece of shit book like Atlas Shrugged only has one interpretation.

Chad catholic vs virgin Indian savage when?

Islam is Peace
Gender is Slavery
Diversity is Strength

Relax. We are rolling to hell, just enjoy the sights and wait for second comming.

People use newspeak to describe trumps limited vocabulary as well.
Alternative facts anyone?
Have some self-awareness here.

I wonder if there was some NPC program or method that was executed at the time to have everybody on the left buy a copy of 1984 and use it as an instruction guide.

Jesus fucking hell

To be fair, these events are mostly contained to the media. But the images and events of the media are what dominate people’s thoughts.

That was because of kellyann conway's comments, lmao.

This, he has already left the throne room, en route to meet his bride right now. It’s gonna be glorious.

Leftism is more than a severe mental illness. It's a cancer.

The existing power structures want you watching corporate produced content because they have more control on it. And right-wing capitalists are divided between socially liberal figures and socially conservative ones, but a lot of this is marketing. Edward Bernays sold cigarettes as progressive and feminist icons, but he still helped the CIA take control of Guatamala on behalf of Rockefeller invested United Fruit Company.

Something like Infowars is still something they have less control over. Even then, Infowars is pro-Zionist and connected to Roger Stone.

To rich capitalists that believe in putting a liberal veneer on a society completely controlled by employers, Trump is of course a threat. Capitalists will work with fascists, as you can see with Tim Cook meeting with Bolsonaro, but you'd better believe he would rather Bolsonaro be socially liberal. It's better marketing and makes it less likely people are going to do anything that legitimately challenges corporate hegemony.

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These are nothing compared to the many, many tweets in a similar vein that got 100,000+ hearts.

What happens is:
Imagine an musician father wants to make his children goes to school.
This father say to his son "if you go to the school everyday santa claus will give you a nintendo switch at christimas", the father dont believe at that shit but say that to FORCE (with lites) the children go to school.
This is the tatic the elites do with people.

The thing is that the children, because is extremely excited about this awesome guy called santa, because he didnt understood very well the story or just he has some questions about it, may ask:
"How is santa claus able to move faster than light?"
The father will have to come with some theory about it.

Then the children will them ask "but how his clothes wont burn while he move this fast?"
The father will also answer it with some fake explanation.

Then children ask "but if santa claus will clone a nintendo switch and give it to me thats literally mp3 piracy that you, as a musician complain about, but with real life itens. Are you ok with me being ok with piracy"

Now the children created a situation the father cant escape, he can say its ok to receive the nintendo switch from santa claus, but by saying that he is also saying its ok to be ok with piracy.
Or he can say piracy is a bad thing, but them the children wont go to school anymore because getting a nintendo switch was the only reason to go to school.
The father will be forced to contradict himself, if he wants the children to go to school and will say "yes piracy is ok".

After more and more questions the father will have an hard time to come with explanations, and will say to his sons, "do you have any prejudice against bearded people?", "do you have prejudice against fat people?", the idea is to make this son stop making questions without having to answer them. The answer is also to make sure that his brothers stop listening to this questioning son.

Some of the brothers will start to think everyone that question santa claus has prejudice against bearded people and will complain, and will complain with this guy and everyone at school, everytime they question santa claus theory.

Anyway, the fact that this father dont really believe at this santa claus theory, create alot of plot holes, and assuming an children still believe the santa claus theory, this means the children dont really understand it and can't fully discuss it and like the father will have alot of plot holes at their explanations.

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wait , who was that who said "dont believe what you see or hear"??

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"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final most essential command."

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think again

PC is literally newspeak and doublethink.

this, obviously

They would unironically latch onto it and call it "Powerful".

>Trump lying about size of rallies

It seems like none of you guys want a discussion, you just want to circlejerk in your echo chamber. Fair enough.
Leaving with some truths:
Outliers are being used to represent what you consider "leftists", this is intentionally done to polarize you. The NPC meme was so close to getting to the truth. Right-wingers realized that their concept of a "leftist" or "SJW" didn't actually exist. Unfortunately, they doubled down and went full dehumanization.
1984 has many interpretations, Orwell scholars use it to describe Trump's politics.

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George Orwell? More like George Oracle.


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>SJW didn't actually exist
>when theres clear media and social media evidence every single day
Here's your (You) disinfo shill

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Trump's runs on getting rid of illegals while employing them, runs on working class white rhetoric while giving tax breaks to the very people that broke the white working class.

It's all spectacle and division, like portrayed in HyperNormalization. It's rich corps acting progressive while using sweatshop labor. The world is run by David Icke's shape-shifting lizards, telling people whatever they want to hear as long as they don't rock the boat and keep bailing out Wall Street's criminal rackets.

Shouldn't he be pro-everlasting war if he's truly the 1984 candidate? Seems rather peaceful compared to the increasingly hawkish left.

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You shills are truly sick people. I don’t understand why you want to be destructive for your pleasure and get high off it.

cause im not autistic and don't have evil visions in my mind. pull your head outta your ass and quit fucking worring about what other people are doing and worry about yourself, ie..
>why am i a whiney faggot and how do i fix that?

Remember before the election the left actually wanted war with Russia.

Remember HRC's campaign about sending our daughters to war?


we're intervening in Venezuela to topple it's leader

Democrats aren't the Left. the left doesn't like neoconservative Hillary Clinton.


lol i think hey have created /VG/ already.

Feminists exist, black activists exist, and transgender activists exist. The idea that these people want to kill you or harm you in some way is false. The evidence you have is cherry-picked, this is why Sargon lost his debate against Richard Carrier and had to apologize for his performance.
Sargon would say
>SJWs are this, they are these violent people who are ruining
Then Richard would say:
>Well no, those people aren't very influential or notable in the field, and here is the evidence of the large infrastructure of social justice projects that you would likely agree with.
Trigglypuff does not represent people with left-wing ideas. Nor does Kathy Griffin or whoever.
I was in the anti-sjw circlejerk for years, here is a good video on the subject if you are truly open to a new idea: youtube.com/watch?v=69obN625Fjs&t=1s

>no true scotsman
I'll take Clinton over gulag politics, thank you.

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There may be some Truth to what you are saying. The worst thing about it all is people still back them and the right which are really no better

The no true scotsmans falacy doesn't work here

These insane leftists who want to destroy our way of life as we know are still part of the left even if you try to say they aren't