Venezuela Live Stream of the Civil War

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What happened today can someone give a quick rundown?


US should mind their own business

A new interim President has been recognized

CIA wants to destroy Venezuela for rich-oil.

And its beautiful

>A new interim President has been recognized
Who is a well-known CIA agent.

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Be careful, Am*rica will backstab you for your oil. They will do the same for Saudi Arabia.

here's your (You)

be mad. we venezuela now.

Well done Venezuela, hunt the commies down, burn them in their homes, eat their kids and make venezuela great again.

Lots of leaders of the american continent declared that the president of Venezuela was an antagonist who self-proclaimed chief of the executive on the congress.

Bolsonaro, Trump, Canada, Chile and Paraguai all pushed it today. 40mins ago.

>Bolsonaro, Trump, Canada, Chile and Paraguai
All CIA agents and Am*rica's puppets.

oh shit shots fired.
i thought this was just another fake Happening


Looks and sounds like California

The entire world is waking up filthy commie. Quick reminder that the suicide rate of trannies is 40% and you will eventually kys discord faggot. Your parents hate you and no one cares about you.

Aw, poor little commies getting sodomized by the big boys again?

kys leaf

Is this military versus revolutionaries?

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Commies BTFO, how can they even compete?

Not clear yet - military hasn't shown it's hand, but security services have decidedly thrown down on Maduro's side

What the fuck is going on over there?

This is going to get interesting

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Maduro is getting fried

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Probably clashes between red fanatics and people who got tired of getting starved.

For real.

CIA is destroying another small, defenseless country for their rich resources.

are the niggers in the vid pro or anti maduro?


Show your flag, Avi. here's your (You)

>50 people max
Pick one
>Or is this because their communism induced famine caused them to eat each other and these are all that remains?

The real National Assembly (which Maduro banished to exile after losing the majority in the last election) just elected a new interim president. Most countries in Latin America, including Bolsonaro’s Brasil, and even The Trump administration have recognized the new President.

Either Maduro’s head rolls or hundreds are shot down


You mean a communist is getting what he deserves

kek this probably
They install a new guy

the commie is right though, doesn't mean communism is right, but this is entirely cia backed

And thats a good thing

There's 32 million people in Venezuela.
So if about 15% of their population flees as refugees, that's almost 5 million new democrat voters that will come across the border ready to vote in the communists. Hooray for the culture and delicious ethnic food they will bring.

And? you're point?

>And thats a good thing
It's because you're an agent yourself. KYS

Viva la Maduro

Shouldn't have starved the country, esse

Another Commie Country biting the dust.

You must be young. Bush started Afghanistan in 2001, Obama ramped it up.

I mean cia nigger actions hardly ever benefit white people, since the agency is almost entirely run by kikes at upper level

>Venezuelan civil war
Will they be fighting with sticks or broken pieces of glass?

Looking forward to seeing piles of non white bodies.

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Its going be fun watching this commie hang in the street
enjoy your Sopa de Macaco COMMIE BITCH

kill yourself tranny


>the agency is almost entirely run by kikes at upper level
You mean Am*ricans?

Or: Years of shitty mishandled socialism is causing the country to collapse in on itself.
How do you fuck up so hard being an oil rich country? That's like a plus handicap on the world stage, socialism shits on everything it touches.

is there an american stream or at least one without a non-hue chat

How do you know it's CIA? What if it's Bolsonaro in order to stop Arepaniggers coming to country.

day of the rope is coming, filthy kike

Dead (((commies))) benefit white people friend

I was expecting to see bombs and gunfire. Extremely disappointed.

Stay mad memeflag
your nigger is getting tossed

>but this is entirely cia backed

And that's a good thing.

what a dump. looks almost as bad as france.

Trump just BTFO again. Venezuela no longer recognizes us! All Americans there told to exit within 48 hours.

There is nothing happening.
No riots, no shootings, nothing

We produce more oil than any other country. We have all of our oil storage facilities at capacity. We legitimately have more oil than we know what to do with. I don't see why anyone would want to take on the messy task of removing Maduro just to get some oil that we don't need

Maduro wont even be there in 48 hrs

When? I want to see all dead Am*rican devils on the street.

Shep Smith just said it.


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Venezuela breaking diplomatic relations with US after its attempt to stage coup – President Maduro


They have shitty worthless oil. The spooks want to stabilize it so the rest of the continent is effected by the spill over.
Problem is with their average IQ of 80 and desperation they are becoming impossible to control.

usa faggot piece of shit zionist cocksucker

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How will the US ever recover!

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USA is dying from LGBT,racial structure

Its falling apart

GOD is on our side


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by letting these shitskins kill each other and starve to death because of a failed socialist

commie tranny fake country cant even remove kabab properly without getting BTFO nigger lover


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What? Their oil is complete shit.

Where is this live stream? Presidential house?

Nam, cambodia, laos, haiti, afganistan, irak, syria, whats your fucking point kraut ?, south america state coups ... the guy recognized IS A CIA AGENT.


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its convenient this is the ONLY stream coming from there, on multiple platforms, same stream

That's the Canadian military you retard. Do you think the US would have the British crown on their uniforms? Fucking subhuman slave.

Everyone on the streets is fucking thin

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based Serbz

KEK - Don't forget poor as dirt

Communist fitness programs are superior

Maduro is not doing anything yet.

why is Mexico recognizing Maduro ? Pre-AMLO cartels trying to fuck with Trump regime?

Maduro jut asked people to fight against the "coup"

Turns out not having food is a good way of losing weight.

albanian mafia smuggling organs of ethnic serbs out of kosovo to guess who? all while nato puppets bomb serbs and send mujahedins into bosnia

Our president tries really hard to have everyone like him so he remains neutral in almost every topic.

But I'm sure if everyone starts kicking Maduro's ass he'll suddenly change his mind.

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commies getting dabbed on worldwide

this is some crazy shit....

history on its making

I bet maduro is going to flee to cuba or mexico, most likely cuba and live like a fucking millionaire for the rest of his life.

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>CIA plant

Yeah, I guess if the CIA goal is to make us even more communist? What does Trudeau have to do with Trump, Bolsonaro?


No civil war would be better for Mexico.