Jow Forums will defend this
Jow Forums will defend this
They were lazy scum
They had like 10 hour days back then. Fuck off shill!
>wtf, why are these seasonal farmers working less hours that modern office works
>contributing to society is bad
t. some niger
>contributing to jewish pockets is good
hows that brexit goin
With great freedom comes great responsibility. Society no longer only has to hold itself up, it has to elevate the future.
>works more hours
>lives better than a feudal Lord
Did any medieval king have an F-350, Mastercraft bass boat, Browning Citori 12 guage, jet-ski, in-ground pool, lake house, PXG golf clubs, ATV, and 15 acres of land?
Cuz there's millions of Rednecks that have that lifestyle.
simply because sunday is worship day, and they had all these religious holidays.
also they worked fewer hours but the work mustve been 10x tougher to accomplish without modern equipment
they had to stop working when it went dark, we have light bulbs now
>Be me
>Some surf in medieval europe
>Get to harvesting the nobles crops
>5 hours pass
>go to the tavern because your wife died of some diesease
>Get drunk
>Go to sleep because tired
>bed uncomfy as hell
>Wake up with entire body hurting because of the bed and that infection you got 10 years ago
>Against honest hard working people, making a decent living
You aren't Communist who just wants free stuff, are you?
Americans are richer than peasants
based worker bee
they also ate like 6 meals and could support a wife and 5 kids no problem
Didn't medieval peasants only work for about 6 months out of year though?
what seems to be the problem you fucking pussy?
if medieval peasants knew how big the taxes would eventually become the French revolution and people's spring would never happen
they all had lice or worse they all lived in huts with mud floors they all had no entertainment and disgusting wives with pussys that smell like rotting vinegar
What is your problem? i just described the life of a medieval peasant.
>15 acres of land
All of the land was his. Why would you brag about land ownage to a king?
autism alert
we've foundtwo of them
that nose tho
no, but they had butlers, jesters, wenches, maids, the best food and clothes money could buy, and an entire nation under their belt
regardless, we're talking about peasants and not kings.
They also died before adulthood.
Brought to you by
>muh jerbs
>C O P E
Look at all the butthurt wagies! Congrats, you spend the overwhelming majority of your life working, but you get chink plastic, iPhones, and a car for your two hour commute. Are you going to unironically tell me you’re happier than the typical peasant?
you can still work less and live like a medieval peasant
>found the 30 year old basement dweller
of course i am happiness is a modern concept
Sure you are... working 50 hours a week so you can watch BLACKED in 4K is real fulfilling
Maybe that's why they were peasants.
I know this may be a difficult concept for you, but when you earn your money (short of necessities and taxes) you can do what you want with it. Save, spend, on whatever you want. The fact that you brought up blacked is kinda hilarious. Do you like watching interracial porn user?
lazy peasants
Haha. I love how the wagie bootlickers defend it with “muh materialism.” Please tell me how cheap chink plastic is more fulfilling than actually having free time
no i work about 30 hours a week and i only rarely blow my load to solo pawgs on my oculus
usually i just fuck my wife while our daughter is sleeping - i have convinced her to give me head a couple times while i lay back and enjoy some 18 year old sitting on my face in 3d - its quite the experience
Stop being poor.
I don't buy that shit, its useless all i need is my legs and the cheapest mobile phone i could get.
Medieval peasant doesn’t have indoor plumbing, toilets, 7 meals a day, chicken tendies, healthcare, electric power, an idiot box, an idiot brick, central airconditioning nor 100 changes of clothes.
The average American has a car, television, internet, and guns.
spamming post linkers should be banned and deserve the rope.
The founding fathers would've supported NEETs
Most of them were pretty much NEETs
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>*hand rubbing intensifies*
Average American literally live lives that Kings and Queens of the past could only dream of