When was the last time Ruth Bader Ginsburg was seen?

When was the last time Ruth Bader Ginsburg was seen?
The democrats say she's just working from home but after how much time can we demand proof of life?

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I know for a FACT that she was alive in March of 2018.

At any point after that, anything is up for grabs, I put NOTHING past the Left to keep her body in a freezer packed on ice for the next 6 years, if it means announcing her "sudden death" 10 minutes after a Democrat president arrives on scene



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Oyez! Of course she's alive. She's been in my chambers knocking my gavel for the past three weeks. And let me tell you, she has the stamina of a young Lady Liberty. Justice on the bench but an outlaw in the sack. She has the right to remain sexy. Thank God for Roe v Wade, cause we're gonna have to planned Parenthood after she hangs my jury out to dry.

Attached: sexy_justice.jpg (197x256, 5K)

After multiple attempts to secure proof of life it has been determined that Ruth Ginsburg is deceased.

laugh if you want, incels, but she will likely outlive many of you, given your obese size and poor eating and exercise habits. Also even at her age she probably has regular sex, unlike most here.

Would the dems stoop so low as to hide her death for as long as possible so Trump can't put in a replacement for her?

Can someone explain why the fuck they're building a cult around this woman? She's going to die soon, wtf is the point???

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Of course they would.
Have you seen the shit they've been pulling lately?

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