What's /pols/ opinion on weed, how do you quit this shit, does slowly reducing use over time work?

what's /pols/ opinion on weed, how do you quit this shit, does slowly reducing use over time work?

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I quit it because I'm trying to run a marathon and won't let any fucking thing waylay me


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Just stop smoking. You'll probably feel bored for a day or two, so fill in those gaps with fun things. If you didn't already exercise, then do it. Idiots are predisposed to using cannabis, so it has a bad rep. It's totally possible to remain productive on it. Microdosing is also very possible.

Just stop it
It's really that simple and the same goes for cigs too
It's only hard the first couple days and after a week tops you should be over it
I treat weed like alcohol, where I mostly do it socially

why? running is terrible for your heart and knees

Just quit cold Turkey. I was a heavy user daily. Wake and Baker. First week tough. Sleep sucks and having lucid dreams. I didnt smoke for 5 months. Now I occasionally smoke but take many weeks off in between. Feels good user

I just gave it up, 15 years ago after smoking it daily. I had nicotine withdrawals for a few weeks after but didn't miss the weed. It took a few weeks for the cloudiness to go from my brain. I gave it up because it was giving me anxiety attacks. I don't think there's any benefit to it other than it's fun and relaxing, but it's better than drinking. If you don't currently smoke it I wouldn't bother starting. Peple say it doesn't make them lazy, but I suspect that's cope, it definitely made me lazy and my life is much better without it.

Running with jew running shoes is bad but not with minimalist shoes.

I quit for several months a few times, but I always find myself going back to it eventually and once I use again it opens up the flood gates and I quickly revert back to my old ways.