Commander Rockwell Thread

Was he a competent movement leader? Nowadays we just have old guard greybeards with blogs. And our most promising movement is a multi-ethnic group of Frog Shamans

Attached: ProphetOfKek.jpg (1484x1038, 258K)

Tbh natsoc doesnt suit your land.
But let postmodernity advance and see the internet raising youth along the current social ills.
There will be change and radical subcultures once the presdure mounts and, the boomerlifestyle becomes a privilege of the few.

Attached: George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, delivering a speech..jpg (1100x841, 496K)

I don't want to be be natsoc but a form of identity politics for us would be nice.

Read the comments. Tried to link on an audio of the real interview, and got this.

Attached: Censorship.png (1680x919, 84K)

/thread surprisingly by a kraut

He is rotting in hell and your nation is our now

Balkanization of the United States is the the only way it could work in a smaller less "diverse" setting. To be fair though, Rockwell's days America was 85 or so percent white.

the real Nazi's died in berlin. Let their image rest. we need something new. The new ethnostate will start on the internet


>Was he a competent movement leader?
No. He was either an enemy agent or a moron. I don't know why he would associate the survival of white people with Nazism after Nazism had just been defeated in a terrible war. Its like he couldn't think of anything else.

We cannot scede an inch of soil to the muds or the kikes, they'll use it as a spearhead to invade. Balkanization would only limit our control, theoretical control that people of like minds may have in the future

There were nothing but kikes in his party, do your research.

>Tbh natsoc doesnt suit your land
True. I'm huwhite with a qt olive-skinned spic. I'm a neo-fascist.
>I hate Jews, Degeneracy and Media with a passion
>I hate filthy immigrants, but not necessarily because of their skin tone. Just because they're fucking barbarians.

Attached: americano.png (500x973, 599K)

National socialism is actually probably one of the most viable models for ethnic preservation - the internationalist Anglophone-Jewish market model just happens to be more efficient. The majority of socialist infighting actually pertains to whether the revolution will be fought in a truly organic international uprising or by way of a national vanguard.

centralization is death. better to have multiple self-sufficient groups than one large one. every time there has been catastrophic collapse or subversion in european societies it has been preceded by centralization (see: the fronde).

>The majority of socialist infighting actually pertains to whether the revolution will be fought in a truly organic international uprising or by way of a national vanguard.
they'll decide that once they've already replaced the white population

This is not true. You really think they'd want war? Lol They'd get BTFO'd. As far as limiting our control that's retarded, it would give us ultimate power in our "country". Unless you'd rather live under the current political climate, be my guest.

Centralization is necessary in some aspects of society, not all. Right now it's centrally jewish, this must be changed

We already have two nations bordering ours, we don't need a wakanda in america claimining independance an shieeeet

>Not a Christian
thats where you fuck up

Give it time, user. The left wing, retards couldn't maintain a country. It would collapse. After it collapses (or they try to fight us) we takeover, until we have it all back.

It won't collapse, our population will continue to be slowly replaced and murdered. Then the kikes will have full control over the goy

you can't change it. what will happen is whites will break off into parallel societies or they will be subsumed into a civic imperium. varg unironically has the right idea with starting a tribe. whites need strong kin bonds in tight knit communities. the tribe is the obvious mechanism to fulfill that need.

sys-tem-a-tic red-pill-ing notyourcastalineinthe5footcrickweakassshit

checkd and I agree, but ZOG and internationalists can and will chase us into a corner to prevent expansion. A parallel society would take a war to create

Like the Soviet Union? Of course it will collapse. You say we will slowly be replaced and murdered, you're right. If we continue the way we are. If the United States Balkanized and we had a white country, it would drastically stop that.

It can't be balkanized. The commies would make the other side of the "balkanization" a stronghold. Balkanization should remain in the Balkans

We carry their embers to be sure, but we have to renew the fire in our own way, with our own fuel.
Natsoc was a product of their time, we have to find our own way.
If you want to outsmart your enemy, be unpredictable. They know how nazis operate.

>It can't be balkanized.
Of course it can.

We cannot give an inch to them! We must take back what they've stolen. Splitting into separate societies will only give us less room to work with. We have the lands, we must win back the minds, and the wombs

not true. it begins with you.
>grow your own food
>homeschool your children
>structure your assets in a way that you are minimally engaged with the financial system
these are three simple steps that cut the beast off at the knees. these are things any family (or individual) can do and it provides substantial insulation from subversive external pressures. eventually, we would have our own parallel institutions that provide what the formal ones do not. from there, the parallel society begins to emerge without a single shot being fired.

Eventually is too late. The systems we have now must be returned to our control, or else we face extinction

We cannot expect a movement designed in the 20th century to save us in the 21st

We could be natsoc if we weren't a multiracial country.

We're far too gone. We have to build that society again. Balkanizing is the only way that's going to happen. We're not going to be able to just "take back" what they've stolen. It has to be strategic, and current political climate, indoctrination, and open hostility to whites we're stuck. If we Balkanize, we can build our ideal society, and make the beautiful country we desire and lead rather than fight a battle we're not going to win.

We can win the battle. Once whites are an absolute minority it will be a different story. You'll just be living on a white reservation, still controlled by the international jew

the idea of the modern liberal state is an enlightenment anachronism. they, their institutions and their instruments of power will not survive the century. it's "paint covering rust". parallel societies, institutions and so on are not only necessary -- they are desirable.

There's too many anti-white whites. Pro-white whites are an absolute minority.

there are many pro whites who don't know they're pro white. We need to undo the disinfo and false dogmas the jews conditoned into them

Their instutions will evolve, I'd move to a white parallel society right away. The problem is creating and defending it against a hostile international order

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they won't evolve because the people who control them won't evolve. we have thousands of years of recorded history of them. not once in that history have they deviated from their standard behavior. it's the same story again and again. the point i'm driving at is you don't move to a parallel society -- you create one. when i say it begins with you i'm addressing everyone affected by the movement. literally do it yourself. ghandi made his own clothes. the cong ate leaves. today, india and vietnam are independent. if we are to call it an occupation then it's time to start acting like it.

I don't disagree, but every outlet we have, we get banned. You want to play a game with the cards stacked completely against you. We could easily level the playing field.

ghandi was a commie and the brits couldn't sustain anything, Veitnamese sacrificed many men to achieve what they did. The Jews do evolve, the internationalists don't play by the orthodox rules, even if their jewish nature remains unchanged.
I'm trying to do the best for myself, but I want to do what's best for the nation, but I don't have an army or a group of men willing to die for a new ethnostate

We can't form a new society without men and women. There aren't enough, at least in America, willing to suffer the growing pains of a new nation/parallel society/ethnostate

there are things you can do. i listed a few earlier in the thread. you have no army, so what. starve them economically and socially. even if it's only you, you'll know that it's one less for them. that's my attitude and if everyone had it then it would be millions less. micro changes absolutely have an impact on a macro scale.

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This is stupid. Whites would naturally gravitate toward white only areas. It wouldn't be a hell hole multi-cultural nightmare. It won't happen overnight, but it would happen. It's much more likely to get whites to live in a white only country, than to overtake the entire United States.

So what? So if we can't use force to suppress the parasitic elements we will continue to be genocided. I don't want to be the last white man standing

Take control of the federal govenment, state governments, and the federal reserve and we'll have the tools necessary to reshape the nation. The creation of a white ethnostate within the US would be supressed before it even began

How do you plan to do this? Certainly not through the polls. You said there isn't enough white men and women in America willing to suffer the growing pains of a new nation, surely you don't think there's enough to take over the federal/state governments, and the federal reserve?

Using a variety of tactics, which would include the polls. The chair of the fed is appointed by the president from the pool of fed governors.
Taking over state by state is more realistic than forming an entirely new whites only ethnostate