This is the Only Appropriate Way to Interact With Minorities
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Smacked the saltine right outta him.
That will teach him to negotiate with sheboons.
while an entertaining clip I'd like to know the context
Bring back slavery.
Hey there, Soros bot!
white zoomers rise up
What's wrong with slavery?
Fuck off, leaf. You take Shanequia then. Fucking idiot.
Slaves are too expensive
Think about how did you get to this point, and when it started to get fucked up.
slavery is what got us in this fucking mess. Get them out. OUT OUT OUT!
Part of me almost welcomes more videos like this. Whites need to be pushed a lot more before we can rise up. We’re too comfortable. Maybe if more people see their fellow whites getting smacked with a dustpan by a fat moon cricket they will start to wake up. We can’t live with these animals. They have to go. One way or another
Assault. Assault with a deadly weapon. Aggravated battery.
Off to Nigger College she goes
but instead of slavery it's just gas chambers.
They eventually receive citizenship and destroy your nation/empire
Based and redpilled
He will think twice before relaxing around miscolored people next time
lol, the dude fixes his hair. What a mad man
user, we don't do context here... you might have an independent thought and come to your own conclusions...
To any black people watching this.. . your kid does that to my kid, i'm killing you both. On the courthouse steps. In front of Jesus. Just saying...
Either it’s tranny shills acting like boomer retards or we’ve had an influx of T_D tards since Covington Catholic
That's one mad monkey
$400 can get you a strong one in the slave markets popping up in the South Mediterranean area.
Fun fact, a single healthy human can yield 34 MILLION bux worth of black-market organs.
Killing a nigger does nothing. They kill themselves everyday without our help. They wouldn't be in our schools if it weren't for the kikes in the media. Don't let your anger obfuscate reality
user I'm fucking ready, so are most other people I know. The blacks just need one big push to violate NAP I'm hoping revocation of welfare does it.
Based KWEEN.
This is an older video so I can't remember for sure but if I'm not mistaken that sheboon wasn't just another animal in his class but the fucking teacher.
Whitoids won't do shit go snort some more Oxycontin while the jews who sold it to you laugh about killing you with it.
Epic roast and upboated my le dude
>Old greatest generation whore voted for civil rights and to let millions of hateful niggers and beaners in because "they're good christians not like my hippy kids"
Do you honestly expect me to feel sorry for it? I wish the sheboon murdered her save me $ on end of life care on that stupid old whore clinging to life on my dime.
Niggers are lazy workers with no skills.
Whites deserve worse
>$400 can get you a strong one in the slave markets popping up in the South Mediterranean area.
>Fun fact, a single healthy human can yield 34 MILLION bux worth of black-market organs.
For $400 you're getting an AIDS spreading monkey people want good organs not HIV organs filled with parasites.
we have machines now
Never go for the low niggas
Always aim high nigga
You're not going to do anything you're not even going to leave your room. Maybe if a nigger came into your room you'd do something?
Pfft, as soon as you sell the organ who gives a flying fuck?
>biggest black market organ market is China
I see literally no downside.
>Hey there, Soros bot!
Right Wing Smirk Squads
Damn, I would have gouged her eyes out with my thumbs. This guy can take some shit.
Is anyone able to make it into a WEBM?
Whites commit 80% of all racially motivated crimes. Whites have committed the worse acts of racially motivated atrocities in human history. If any one is going to rise up its nonwhites in revenge for all the fucked up shit whites have done
>what's wrong with burdening yourself long-term with the responsibility of lesser beings for the short term benefit of avoiding work?
GEE user IDK
Gonna need citation for that.
Why didn't natural selection take care of them along time ago?
nah, slavery is why we have niggers here in the first place
we need segregation
This is what did it for me. Some nigger kicked the door (I didn't reinforce the latch very well when) in while I was in my workshop and ran off when he saw I was inside. Now I'm closing off my yard except for one side.
Life was simpler back then... Look at how they've lived in africa for millenia.
These animals are not fit for the west.
I hardly think they are fit for Africa
>keeping niggers around to work
we have mexicans for that now. ship them back or kill them
No sympathy but that bitch getting assault charges.
When in class, never relax.
The context is he is in the same space as a highly irrational animal with an IQ lower than 70. He might have insulted her Mother, called her a nigger or it could be that the sound of his pen on paper was annoying her a little bit.
The context is that animals do not belong in the countries of men.
There is not a creature in his country that is allowed to behave towards him in such a manner.
How long have you been on this site and board? You think that’s good b8? Fucking pathetic.
Even if the labor is free, you still get the lazy and nearly nonexistent "work ethic" of the nigger. No thanks, I'd rather pay for my labor to ensure shit's being done properly.
Real solution; "reparations" (gibs duh) and a one way ticket to their "motherland". Let those jungle and desert niggers deal with them.
How anyone can look at the state of nigger "culture" and not immediately see there's a huge problem should also be on the fucking ships as well. As food, because they'll never make the trip alive on a ship full of these subhumans.
The idiot pouring the petrol got lit up as well lol
>poor bait
5/10 lurk moar faggit
look how chill he responds.
>roll with hit
>roll again, start bringing up arms
>roll again, finish getting arms up to deflect
>see there is no more incoming attacks and repurpose raised arms to suavely fix hair with condescending look on face
kid is based
Uh guys.. what is wrong in america where she isnt expelled for this? And none of the blacks in class stop her and they arent in trouble either?
What is wrong with you guys where whites are now the victims of blacks? And just have to put up with it?
No thats not based at all that’s what makes this cucked as fuck. He is like the bullied kid pretending its not a big deal
>Nigger College
nigs gonna nog
you're welcome
>Two White men beat up black
Hate crime
>5 blacks kidnap, torture and scalp White boy
Probation —-
>Puts lighter fluid on self
>Lights lighter
>Runs out of fucking shower
>Runs back in shower
>Still no water
>Fire smothered out rather than used water
You disgusting nigger that's some white person's grandmother you absolute fucking degenerate die in a fire
dead niggers can’t do this shit
We have a nigger problem dipshit, followed by an SJW kike infestation to enable them. What does it look like, you barless trapeze swing?
if he had responded in any other way he'd be swarmed immediately, if not worse.
he kept his head and went with the only way out that left him with any real ground to stand on.
smirk and hair fix still make it clear who's in the drivers seat.
Every time I lay my racist to slumber he arises fierce and furious yet again.
Why could our ancestors have left those nigger apes in the jungle?
Feeding niggers is a waste of resources. Genocide now.
>Uh guys.. what is wrong in america where she isnt expelled for this?
Obama literally made a presidential order telling the dept of edu not to discipline niggers because it is racist. The only way she will get punished by the school is if they also expel the white kid she assaulted to keep that stats balanced.
7 niggers jump on one white kid is called a fight and the white kid is suspended with one of the 7 niggers. The remaining six get pretty much nothing. It get downgraded to "unwanted touching". Same this happens to sexual assault.
Integration was huge mistake.
Fact that he didn't retaliate and just tried to brush it off tells me he probably wasn't the instigator. I'd like to know context still, this isn't Twitter, but that's probably the best we're getting.
>Being white in a multicultural enrichment zone.
>whites are murdered and raped hourly by nonwhites
>white parents are watching their brain washed kids breeding with nonwhites and destroying themselves
>whites tax dollars are being given by the billions to fund and support immigrants both legal and illegal who deflate wages and keep things like effective health care systems out of reach
Yeah dude I'm tots sure a few more videos of sheboons slapping pussy ass white boys are going to wake whites up. The camels.back has GOT to break at some point r-right? It's gotta happen any day now r-right? Whites won't just sit passively by until the exact moment they're completely shoved into ghettos like afrikaneers r-right?
Slavery has been nonviable economically since the 1910's. There is no reason to have blacks anymore.
His dad needs to go in there and kill some niggers.
Ship them back to Africa.
The Chinese are colonizing Africa and will soon cleanse the continent.
Nigger gets triggered and chimps out. Same shit, different day.
The “ok” hand gesture is racist
Saying “its ok to be white” and “all lives matter” is racist
As the way the wind is blowing Smirking will be the new hip racist gesture of 2019.
>wanting to live alongside negros
No thanks cunt. Bring back genocide instead
Fuck boomers.
Weakest generation in all of human history
why waste money keeping slaves alive when you can just pay them a little money and have them buy food from you?
Niggers are such degenerate animals
>importing millions of blacks
What could possibly go wrong?
No, get rid of them; forever.
NO! Put them on a space ship to the sun
Fuck Jannies
they were honestly better off. so what if every once in a while someone got beat. they are living in far worse conditions than they were. it must be noted that not all black people were slaves, and that not all need to be slaves. the more savage ones are much better off as slaves.
Same Shit Different Dindu
not even the same species