NYC Legalizes infanticide - Catholic Church Silent

Why hasn't Cardinal Dolan excommunicated the divorced pro-gay marriage pro-baby murder "catholic" Governor Cuomo?

I thought the Catholic Church was against abortion? I instead the Archdiocese of NY is dead silent, like all the babies NY is about to murder.

Attached: 90823-Timeline-of-Pregnancy-Chart_media-01.jpg (700x700, 176K)

They're moving on from pedophilia to necrophilia to demonstrate how progressive they've become.

I'm starting to believe the progressives innpower are actually satanists

And soon enough full-on penetrative anal sex will become a catechism-sanctioned sacrament.

>largest demographic that gets abortions are blacks and latinos

>somehow thats a bad thing

Step it up OP, we’ve been over this

Attached: 4A480B3F-32A7-4598-9550-C39F6B23BEB7.jpg (948x1024, 77K)

The Catholic church is too busy siding with the beast and throwing its flock under the bus for not getting to their knees and begging for forgiveness from a native American.


The Jews at the Frankfurt institute which created Critical Theory were Cabalists and Frankist-Sabbataeans and after WWII they set up shop in America and helped the CIA develop MKULTRA.
Progressivism is clearly Satanic with a pedigree like that.

Good, fuck papists.

Majority of murders are also blacks and latinos killing each other. Should we legalize that?