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Will you take the chastity pill and save your sexual prowess for a good gf?

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You can masturbate without watching porn. You just use your mind and don't become a degenerate. It's not easy if you're used to porn though, so a short nofap is necessary


No I want to continue watching porn, there is no convincing reason to give it up.

Attached: Lexi2.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Reminder that Owen stopped watching porn.

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Would you be willing to settle for clothed soft core? Like Belle Delphine tier?

stay mad faggot I just emptied my balls to hot shit on about 3 hours ago. My cumrag is soaked this week.

I had an ex that thought it would be fine if she went on vacation with her friend which turned out to be friend plus friends’ coworkers which included other guys. Girlfriend knew I wasn’t cool with it but still went. Comes back, thinks things are fine but I already checked out. Gossip mill gets back to me that the friend was flashing her tits for coworker dudes at the resort club. Told gf, she starts explaining but I wasn’t listening. Told her So guys see this hoe, then see my girlfriend and thinks she’s a hoe too. Being there means she doesn’t respect the relationship and didn’t respect me. Queue the crying and pleading and explaining BUT BUT I RESPECT YOU! You’re the best guy I’ve ever dated! Please! Just walked away and put the phone on silent

Clean your dick, bucko.