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This show is utterly hilarious. Loosen up and actually watch it OP. Or screech that I'm an Israeli netflix shill, which is what I expect.
We don't have enough gas for this degeneracy.
Fuck off kike
I watched about two episodes and I didn’t really see anything that’s particularly funny. Unless you think “haha that looks like a pee pee and the other thing looks like a vajayjay and they have silly voices “ to be funny
garbage. why do we need to delve deeper into learning about sexuality? seems retarded to me.
I've watched a few episodes to see what all the kvetching was about.
It's not funny at all, it's a show created by a jew about a demon teaching young children about sex and sexual perversion.
I don't care how good the writing is (and I doubt it's anything more than mindless drivel anyway), the animation is utterly repulsive and I refuse to watch anymore than I've already been subjected to by my brother.
This is good because it gives a glimpse into the mind of der juden.
I have and it's garbage. Actually, no, that's an insult to garbage.
Hideous art style, brutally unfunny and completely degenerate. Nick Kroll is a talentless kike who has only achieved a modicum of success due to Jewish nepotism via his daddy's clout.
We should appropriate hormone monster as /our/ meme to own the libs
>why do we need to delve deeper into learning about sexuality?
to normalize pedophilia. LGBTQP is not a meme
>watches cartoons
>watches netflix
Jesus Christ
You are even worse than people who watch Chinese Cartoons.
(((They))) aren't even trying to hide anymore, how did we let it get this bad?
It's an un-funny degenerate show with clear Lucefarian dogma, also happened to be created by a jew. Oh and fuck off kike faggot.
>blue collar comedy
Nick kroll is literally a mossad agent. Look into it.
>this cartoon makes me angry
Then don't watch it. The fuck is your problem?
No shit - even says God is a her in the disgusting clip
How the fuck are you still watching kikeflix?
>tfw I unironically like this show
The jews got me this time.
After the 5th penis joke in the first episode it gets old fast. The show hits you over the head too many times and the pacing is terrible.
>tehehehe it’s netfix we can say whatever we want
>blatant shilling for planned parenthood
>look at how cool gay people are
>don’t be bigoted, embrace your sex urges
>literal demons teaching children about sex
That’s the show. I will say the Jewish sterotyepes are spot fucking on.
>teaching kids about bleached buttholes
*sigh* Jews
I'm aware. His daddy glows in the fucking dark.
>paying the jew to expose it self
worth every penny.
I need the audio on this asap
Good lord you bunch of spergelords really can't have any fun can you? #1 it's not promoting pedophilia because it's all a bunch of 13ish year old kids and their relationships with other 13ish year old kids. It's one of the most honest and hilarious portrayals of what it's like to be a fucking raging horned out pre-teen going to through puberty Ive ever seen on TV. For those of you raving about muh degeneracy, apparently you have not yet gone through puberty, are too old to remember, or are fucking larping or lying. Because you are literally a walking talking pile of degeneracy at that stage of development. And the show does a great job of poking fun at that through the main character Andrew. The utterly absurd shit that makes him horny and that he jerks off to is fucking dead on for a kid that age.
Anyways, I'm sure you'll call me a kike or whatever, but you guys got it wrong on this one. The show is basically just a funny and crude version of the wonder years, nothing malicious there.
Jews push degeneracy because they hate Jesus. They envy his dominion and resent his grace for the hated Gentiles. They subvert the Church with scandals to undermine its authority and appeal to the lost. Imagine being so insane it becomes a matter of habit to oppose the Divine and corrupt His children. That is why antisemitism is a righteous cause, and why (((they))) prop up progressive multiculturism; to hide behind, being shielded from all reproach.
Jews make me want to throw up
Show your flag. The fuck is your problem jew?
sex was not on my mind at 13 and should never be on a 13 year old mind.
gas the kikes
The Discord is working overtime.
Tik tok jew. Search it out.
Netflix was created by (((Marc Bernays Randolph))), grandson to (((Edward Bernays))) who pioneered the use of propaganda, renamed to public relations for the purpose of mass manipulation in a consumer society. Everything that Netflix produces is made to brainwash you. The documentary The Century of the Self describes Edward Bernays work.
Randolph’s paternal granduncle was psychoanalysis pioneer (((Sigmund Freud))).
If you think this is actually entertaining or funny, you need to go see a doctor.
There’s hardly anything funny about it, way worse than watching South Park.
Based Fox News
Fuck off, shill
>God made us in her image
citation needed
Imagine being this triggered bya cartoon. Whew.
Liar detected
The subtitles on the video
>Nick Kroll
I didn't know he was even involved. Fuck that ugly kike. He is fucking garbage. Proof that you can have absolutely zero talent and make it in Hollywood with the right family.
>he thinks I have an cuckflix account.
Find the closest bridge and jump off it, please.
He is Exhibit 1A on what centuries of inbreeding can do to your descendants.
Best line of the series is in season 2
>I’m not white, I’m jewish.
> degeneracy, the show
This show has already red-pilled my family. Use it in your revolt against the modern world.
Ehhhhh it's a funny show I gotta admit.
>Anyways, I'm sure you'll call me a kike or whatever
Not at all.
You just have bad taste and fall for Jewish tricks. You're hardly alone in that, as glaning out your front door for 5 seconds will easily demonstrate.
*glancing out your front door
So this kind of extreme degenerate thinking was going through the minds of the people who laughed at me at 13 because I was a "stupid kid doing kid stuff".
>omg what do you mean you don't drink cheap alcohol?
>hey, let's talk about some porn sites
Every day I'm happier that I "lost on my youth" knowing that degenerates literally cannot believe we are and were not the same. The levels of projection are huge.
"Happy!" Is pretty good though.
You will burn in Hell you degenerate scum. You've already been programmed by Evil to have reasoning parallel to Satan itself. I wouldn't even be surprised if you're originally a demon.
>Still not figured out how to illegally stream in fullHD without paying any Jews
I want Jews to spread that thinking more and more. That distinction has to be made so they can't hide down the line.
And it's all sung by Satan. They really don't hide it.
Big Mouth is funny. So is that Bill Burr cartoon.
Yikes. Lots of really miserable losers on this site.
Cheer up, little dorks. Things will get better.
So youre really poor? Maybe its time to get a job, Klaus.
>literal demon promoting repulsive degeneracy
>You are going to accuse me of being an Israeli netflix shill, I KNEW IT.
Fuck off glow in the dark nigger
This reply is for you too, faggot
It's sad because he's decent in The League, because he plays as himself a kike.
What kind of retard pays for something, Jewish owned, that he can get for free?
Seriously you shills need to commit suicide already.
What’s with all the noses in this show? Like I mean all the characters noses are hooked and shit
Are you referring to the overt child pornography?
Get a job, loser. Or don't I dont care. Just know that you're inferior and always will be.
Begone degenerate faggot. That webm in the OP was complete garbage. How can anyone ever find that funny? I guess you must be gay.
Go look up who made
American Pie
Animal House
Old School
Every film or tv show that pushes perversity at minors is made by over 80% Jews. Every music video that tells little girls to go out there and have sex is produced and directed by Jews. They want to destroy our culture and largely have. Making 6 million into lampshades is the only way out, with everyone knowing why
Netflix is what, $13 a month? Imagine being so poor $13 was a life-changing amount of money.
upvoted this EPIC post you tell them alt right nazis queen.
True. This -> shill needs to repent and ask for forgiveness from God. If you can't help yourself in fixing yourself then do us all a favor mate.
>meme flag
You know how I know youre a virgin? lol kill yourself, little bitch. You're never going to amount to anything.
that show isn't that bad
I think it's time to flex. Should I flex?
In all Jewish humor the joke is how far they cross over the line of morality. Pay attention and watch. That is all of their jokes
That waste of talent was the worst part of the comedy "The league". Even if the show has alot of blue pill kikery, nick kroll was the worst part of the show. I despised the episodes revolving around him. His ravenous hunger for infant foreskin bled through in to his performances, I think.
Do you like being gay AND retarded?
This is a show for adults. I don't let my kid watch this show. Me and my wife watch this show, and it's funny.
call me a kike I don't care.
>Paying anything for poison
Go buy a pack of cigarettes and suck those down if you like paying for things which destroy you
Roasties begone.
>he's decent in The League
Lying is bad. Stop lying.
It's nice having money. My chick and I are going to Vegas next month. Flying JetBlue. Tickets were a little over $300. Thats less than a day's wages for me.
I'm actually pretty bummed that John Mullaney tied his name to this bullshit show. It isn't funny but John is, so it's a shame what happened
Shekels are just a bonus in media, the message is what they want
Is your low IQ natural or the result of a devastating cranium injury?
Not even meming here. Honest question.
stop enabling and its barely funny