How do we feel about the Black Hebrews aka True Jews?
How do we feel about the Black Hebrews aka True Jews?
Samuel Nelson
Gabriel Murphy
Hilarious and don’t pose an actual threat because Jews don’t consider them to be real Jews anyway so it’s just senseless larping
Asher Jenkins
Better trolls than the alt right
Grayson Miller
Jackson Martinez
I hope they don't stop until there are nogs in every synagogue in America.
Connor Young
I have been on Jow Forums for a while and I never new that fat fuck was real. I just thought the meme was a joke or whatever.
Parker Garcia
I think they should get their ancestral homeland. Israel should go to them.
Ethan Rodriguez
they are all welcome to sit on my lap
Kayden Scott
Niggers get the rope
Carson Martin
Disgusting niggers larping as disgusting kikes. Theres no shit more foul.