The_Donald user here. I’m starting to think you guys might be right about the Jews

the_Donald user here. I’m starting to think you guys might be right about the Jews.

Attached: BEFC19E9-F623-43F3-B5FB-EF72D1E43043.jpg (231x218, 10K)

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Your late

Hello fren

Post proof

Attached: HlVvKMQ.jpg (1024x845, 60K)

6mil goy never forget

Proof of what?

Daily and sick and tired of this reminder that the jews are not the problem and in fact have made amazing contributions to all aspects of humanity. The are a convenient scapegoat for the weak and failing and stupid, and despite the weak and stupid nature of these blamers they can be dangerous and we must eradicate them. For these people I say if they want to find the true source of their failure they simply need to look into a mirror.

>might be
go back, faggot


God bless Israel