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these rats should revolt against their lives

noone gives a fuck about these spics

But you are the one spreading cultural marxism. Start with yourself, be an example.

Patron saint of wreckage incoming.

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Stream pls

Is now a good time to start a helicopter rental service?

I’d prefer Venezuelans moving to America than Mexicans. They’ll be based as fuck since they know what socialism is actually like.

>Venezuelans rise up more in 1 day than yellow vests in 2 months

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Okay, why does Venezuela look nicer than most U.S. cities in that photo?

What makes you think that is venezuela, look how they are dressed, you don't need winter attire at all there.


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burgers will bomb them to hell in a week


You think it will take a week? You act like bombing brown people isn't our specialty.

>liberal initiative
ehm, NO!
Let the commies kill themselves.

Have a kekcopter for sum much needed rides.

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no that's about how much longer it will take before they feel they've formed consent to do so

Darren Soto of a Florida already wants to import them by the thousands into a state thats already having trouble due to adopting much of Puerto Rico, into areas with challenging housing situations. Good for you Venezuela fighting Marxist retards but for fucks sake stay there and bring your own country up. Our countrys media, democratic party, and much of the internet is pushing to shit hole our own country out of boredom, womanly spite, and to split the middle class open forever like a pinata for POC who are too shitty and retarded to keep out of prison for generations.

Please tell me your trolling

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What exactly do Venezuelans as a people want?

It's in Porto, Portugal

>50 people

Dude Venezuelans just want to live normal lives. Venezuelans and Americans are nearly identical in every sense. Venezuelans literally act american. They think trump is crazy but they want him to take out Maduro.

Maduro dead.

Hasta la vista Marxistas

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theres atleast 100,000 people there

real time for sure

Not in the OP's pic.

Didn't these fuckin retards vote overwhelmingly in favor of that commie fuck Chavez?

They deserve what they get. Hopefully they get a civil war and it lets them slaughter lots of actual commies in the streets.

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atleast 150,000 in OPs pic m8

hope the get shoot

>They think trump is crazy but they want him to take out Maduro.
Literal traitors okay you said its okay so it must be okay to take out who ever the fuck anyones like right you fucking mug...fuck you an your shitty leader expect gallows if lucky.

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fuck off

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>hispanic people learning

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t-thanks CNN

who voted in socialism in Venezuela? retard Venezuelans

ur welcome

it wasn't true socialism retards

>Didn't these fuckin retards vote overwhelmingly in favor of that commie fuck Chavez? They deserve what they get. Hopefully they get a civil war and it lets them slaughter lots of actual commies in the streets.

I lived in Venezuela for 3 years. They still fucking love Chavez but they think Maduro fucked it all up. Like much of Latin America they fucking love far left social and economic policy. They are damn near communist.

>I’d prefer Venezuelans moving to America than Mexicans.
That isn't an option.
>They’ll be based as fuck since they know what socialism is actually like.
Oh okay, you're retarded.
>muh magic commie spics will work hard and be grateful for a chance to live in the land of the free

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Remember that Venezuela has been in this state of protest in/out for more than 5 years now

>No marxism

so, translated into american, what you're saying is that venezuelans love the cheeseburgers but hate the heart attacks, and now they just want the heart attack to stop so they can eat more cheeseburgers?

>dude socialism is the reason why all these countries are shit holes
>wtf? IQ that's racist bro, they're BASED dude, trust me, they dont like that socialism so that makes it alright

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Underrated. Would make a good parody meme of the antifa logo.

>love Chavez but they think Maduro fucked it all up

do they have the memory capacity of a amoeba? Chavez fucked their country up, especial their oil industry. Maduro just took over a burning pile of rubble and added shit, now its a burning shitheap.

They need to murder the fucking commie trash asap before the transformation happens. These cunts can't be allowed to live and poison the soon to be made system.

Okay, as long as they cover the carbon tax

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This war will spread. Russia will invade through mexico. I hope you boys are ready to kill for your country. MAGA

Death to american imperialism and death to capitalism, anyone who support the opposition is a neocon


>They think trump is crazy but they want him to take out Maduro.
We think trump is crazy and want him to take out congress.

Go to bed, Nord

does this mean we have to pee in the radiator of our truck to escape to the mountains!!?

Dipshit mutts - "Let's invade for humanitarian reasons. "

Me - "No. Fuck it."

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When was the last time something like this happened in Venezuela? Are they just pissed that their leader is as shitty as their last one or do they want to change the entire system? Sorry I do not know too much about their history. It almost seems like all of South America are on the fence when it comes to these things, and that any moment something big like this could break out.

I hope some extremist right wing group manages to capture Maduro and stream his live torture and execution

i know some venezuelans here in florida
they look white and are indeed based as fuck

You mean liberal american loving cucks?

Fuck Russia. France has a higher GDP than Russia.

are people there literally starving? how do people eat? or pay for rent? do you have to pay for rent?

If they are violent and seeking blood, why not

Give me some (you)s frens

Take all my energy Venezuelabros!

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Idk which side to support.
>Maduro was actually elected lawfully according to even the Latin American countries who now want him deposed
>The guy who the US back was never even a presidential candidate
>Maduro opponents in government who support new president have admitted to being paid by outside sources
>Maduro is a filthy communist who is destroying his country
>Maduro has Jewish ancestry
>I'm sure there's a hundred other reasons why Maduro sucks
>I don't want the US in another war, I voted for Trump to get us out of War
>I oppose the kike Bolsonaro and hope some pissed Venezuelan clips him and his Jew crew in any scenario
I'm all for giving communists helicopter rides, but the US shouldn't be involved.


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reportedly firefights against regime forces in Caracas slums

I don't want them involved either, but I'm just trying to figure out what would happen if say Russia started being their go-to guy. I'm sure the kikes in Washington or already pressuring Trump right now. Would Russia go to war over Venezuela?

Good luck user.
For Liberty.

CIA tee-shirt budget down to 10 or so shirts, not looking good although the weather doesn't help with effect

They lack actual force projection to defend Venezuela

>the US shouldn't be involved.
agree 100%

Coming soon

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nothing's going to happen
and if something happens thank god i moved

clearly these "protests" are astroturfed by billionaires and globalist corporations that want to loot the people's wealth

>being on Jow Forums and not recognizing a coup

Pinochet trashed his economy aswell kek

kill the commies

Aaaand off to the chopper with this one.

there was a crisis and coup attempt against Chavez in like 2003 but it failed and he came back to power within like 36 hours. Chavez had widespread support in the power structure and the retarded peasant masses that maduro probably doesn't really have so he's probably going to get the sadaam treatment

fuck off kike

I hope he gets the Gaddafi treatment, personally

>that want to loot the people's wealth
Maduro's already done that.

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its nothing special
trust me im white


too my free minded brothers!!

They look pretty White. What's the race mix of Venezuela?

Fuck it. It's time to learn Spanish. Once we do we can conquer the entire Western hemisphere.

Yes, please take them..we're tired of having that plague of a people infesting our streets. They don't integrate into other cultures and bring their diseases and shit habits with them.


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to move to America. they have learned that all you need is political strife in your own country and you get to call yourself a refugee and get free shit.

They're protesting for the liberation of their country right in front of the man who liberated mine. Wonderful.



\o/ have my kai energy, make the spirti bomb just a little stronger for me to crush the bolsheviks.

>ITT anons that are related to east Prussians that where ethnically cleansed, by the reds.

most internet has been cut off

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