To any law enforcement officers, officials, investigators, ect., this thread and the people who post in it are NOT advocating in any way for civil unrest or any other unlawful actions. This is only discussion about current events causing social unrest and the reasonable actions a citizen may have to take to preserve not only their lives, but the lives of those they love.


I think we can all agree, America is in some serious shit.
The rich are getting richer while wages remain stagnant.
The nuclear family is falling apart.
The government takes more and more, yet gives us less and less.
The elite and their cronies are actively taking our guns away.
Leftist media and swarm think is completely out of control.

This is just a very short list. Shit is going to hit the fan, and its gonna happen soon.If we want to survive we need to be prepared, organized, and trained. We need to organize while we can communicate openly and freely. What will we fight for? how can we identify the foe and allies? How do we prepare and train?

>new york allows abortion up to birth

>media doubling down on covington kids

>explosive sent to covington kids

>supreme court takes first 2nd amendment case in over a decade

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Other urls found in this thread:


Riding a Suzuki and not a harley

Watch a few vids of the Anti Terrorist

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Stop being a pussy. I fail to see how this fucking mess we are in will be solved peacefully. The only question is who gets violent first. But, thats not really a question, the kikes have their commie and shitskin pets all primed for violence. I absolutely advocate the necessity of civil war, but I dont advocate starting it.. we need them to draw the first blood.

thats exactly what the disclaimer says, can you not into reading comprehension?

>we should fight each other instead of the people responsible!

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There is a stark difference between what I said and what you said. Have a bump anyway.


thats the point. Jews have completely brainwashed a large part of this country. I have no doubt they will turn them into mindless zog and unleash them on the rest of us.

That's not feasible. We can't nuke Israel as civilians. But what we could do is force a balkanization where the wagons can be circled in such a way to shut out the true enemy, and then expand outward without allowing them back in.

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>implying there is any way to bring leftists back from their insanity.
Even though these subversives are nothing but a zombie horde for the kikes, who are the ultimate problem, they still need to be dealt with just the same.

Does Harley make those types of bikes though?


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>but I dont advocate starting it.. we need them to draw the first blood.
That is what they think too.

And they have the establishment on their side, and all of its vast power structures.
I think they can outlast you.

>we should kill all our brainwashed white citizens and then let all the based black men and mexican Trump voters in!

Nice try, gamers.

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Decided I need an assault rifle today. This might be more appropriate for Jow Forums but what do you guys suggest for pure survival during the civil war? Also discuss escape routes, I'm driving directly North to Canada through the least populated states nearby

We can do both. Everyone thinks Israel is their stronghold but its actually NY.

Ok, let's think about this rationally. War involves armed forces. Is Antifa stockpiling weapons? Do they have political aspirations and an endgame to overthrow the government? No. They are not the Marxists of old.

Had Clinton won and the Progressive agenda continued to erode civil liberties I could maybe see some portion of the military going rogue, but no chance under Trump.

If you think that SJWs and skinheads getting into a tussle here and there will count as "Civil War" then good for you but it doesn't fit my definition.

This is an important statement. The assault grin story was a test to see how well indoctrinated the populace is, everyone north of the Mason Dixon is ready to kill any white man with a smile on his face if there is a Native American man pointing at him.

An AR, for numerous reasons. Parts are plentiful, ammo is common, you can build one for like 400 bucks if you sale shop PSA. Jow Forumsgundeals is your friend. They dust cover helps them to be more sealed against dirt and mud than an AK, despite internet logic to the contrary.

A shotgun. Rifles are fucking memes and political tools. Shotguns have a 99% mortality rate and can be effective at every range any other weapon you could lay your hands on will be. You can make your own ammo efficiently and even recycle it.
Plus, being a good aim with a shotgun is only a bonus and doesn't require a great deal of experience to handle and be effective with.

Obviously guns are not going to be used in any realistic civil war, however. All the brainlet fucking boomers still in the cities are going to have too much of a time dealing with breathing a ton of home-made biochemical weapons while everyone else with an IQ over 120 cautiously and very carefully form loose communes in the woods until it's safe to tip-toe back home in the night.

quick run down

>-cheap mag
>-cheap ammo
>- ammo is literally fucking everywhere

>-indestructible, seriously
>-7.62 is far more powerful
>-easier to maintain

>effective at every range
except if they are over 100 yards you mean

>Rifles are fucking memes
What kind of shit are you on? Jesus Christ the retardation in that statement.

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You definitely are not going to be engaging anyway over 100 yards. They'll either kill you before you notice them or flee and conserve their resources.

Budget? Either get a ruger ar 556 or get a m and p sport ar 15. If you arent going to spend more than 1500 then dont spend more than 800. You want a cold hammer forged barrel, metal upper and lower, and rails. Good internals are a must. H and K and colt make some of the best higher end ARs. Also cig sauer mcx but it's like 2500 dollars. You can buy a ruger ar 556 and shoot 1800 rounds or buy 2 guns for that money.

It's fun to think about, but I advocate that everyone here gets a dose of fresh air and get out of the political internet.

If you surrounding yourself with fringe news and other reports daily it's going to look and feel a lot worse than it really is.

Most people do not care about this shit and all you are seeing is shit flinging on the internet.

Relax, nothing is going to happen. People have jobs and families to think about. No one wants to be an extremist or start a civil war.

Shotgun is great for home defense and close range quarters. You're right, it is lethal at longer ranges. But it's VERY limited on mag cap, and it's single shot reloads are a bit time consuming.

We're talking combat here. A rifle IS the way to go, because it's long range, fast, effective, accurate, and most of all, has a high round mag cap and fast reload. One of the fastest for amateurs.

I love me a shotgun, but unless you're shelling out a few grand on a really really nice modernized shotgun with mags instead of tube load, it's not the best gun to get for civil war purposes.

Not to mention ammo is heavy, and where shotguns are lethal as fuck, you can only carry so much. And lets face it, this faggot has probably never lifted more then a Lil' Debby in the past decade.

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A man with a supressed 300 winmag and a shotclock is a horrifying monster.

Jesus Christ. The pawns on the opposite side of the board are still the opposition, even if they aren't the king or queen.

Should add.

There is a reason the evolution of guns revolves heavily around the ammunition capacity. Because more+faster=better for combat.


or you can get a ballistics computer.

scout rifles are coming back into fashion.

Yeah, you and about 50 million other people if this shit really pops off.
Travel is a no-go.
Once the roads gridlock, with no support services due to the chaos, highways are basically going to turn into graveyards roamed by desperate motherfuckers looking to get a leg up on you.

Only real way is to buckle down, 20 miles into a forest, with supplies you stockpiled previously. Get tools, build a cabin, and start growing sustenance foods.
Travel is inadvisible, too many millions of people along every route.
If you are equipped to do it, you could offroad most of it, but that requires a lot of planning, and a lot of luck too depends on the disaster that finally happens.
Civil war would be top 3 shitfest because every state is going to try to lock down, and control movement. They are going to try and keep people in their homes so they can try to reform their state and local governments.

Thing is, America is in the best position for a hard reset, we have thousands and thousands of stores and storage facilities packed with tools, food, and other goods. We have massive amounts of farmable land, we have massive amounts of water available, and most people already own the tools they would need to restart life after a dissolution of the federal government.
By default the states with military bases in them would own thoes military supplies, and tools, and weapons.
This coupled with the already standing state troops and national guard troops, would be enough, together with police, fire, and medical to keep shit together.

Isolated incidents would happen of course, but as long as everyone does not try to escape and make it on their own, like the people in this thread, we would be able to recover on a state to state basis.

Going forward from there, the federal government would likely be revived as what it was pre-1920, a way of efficiently getting states to talk to each other for shared economic benefit and defense.

Just a reminder for all you Hybrid users out there theres hope

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Since we're already in a cultural and ideological civil war, what's the catalyst that will cause it boil over into violent conflict? I don't think it's going to be a race war, but it seems like that's what the jews/globalists/elites are pushing. We can't get baited into something like that. If Trump is removed from office, however way it's done, that will be it. Anyone paying attention already knows there's no such thing as equal justice under the law in the US anymore. Trump being removed based on lies will have to be the event that stirs enough people into action to take the country back. If Trump doesn't win in 2020, or simply gets his agenda blocked because of traitorous advisors or jews in congress, the country will need to be taken back. Otherwise, the US is just going to continue to die its slow death and get overrun by brown hordes.

You mistake the level of animus. There will be a ton of death.

This bro. I need to take a break from this place. Fuck.

Pittsburgh jews trying to ban guns

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Absolutely wrong.

You are retarded.
If the US government falls, it will be because of things of far greater functional importance than a few cunts who get together every few months to act badass for the camera.

If you're cheap, any budget ass AR15 will do. If you want something more optimized for multiple roles, try a semi-auto chambered in 7.62 NATO/308 Winchester (AR-10, FAL, G3, SCAR, etc.)

A mass bombing probably, that's what sets off most wars.

>Relax, nothing is going to happen. People have jobs and families to think about. No one wants to be an extremist or start a civil war.

this is the subversive shit they want us all thinking. What's the point of your job if you're just going to be heavily taxed to pay for illegals and other countries defense but not your own welfare and safety? What's the point of your family if it's just going to be slaughtered in the street simply for being white? That's the future we choose if we don't act because we want to protect our comfortable lives right now.

have a (You) for being such a discord tranny


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The USA is in the final stage of a Communist takeover. You're best bet was to find a way out of the country yesterday.

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Man half of what you said really isn't even true or based on misconception.

I highly suggest you take a break. It's all going to be fine.

>another US civil war thread

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How many days would it take before cities became total no go zones, and everything turned into a fallout game? Legit if it got so bad as to have the prisons broken down/massive escape, every city would go down hill fast

Just remember the rule of 3. You can survive 3 hrs in harsh climate without shelter. You can survive 3 days without water. You can survive 3 weeks without food , if you have shelter and water.

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You dont get it. Your on one of teh agitating factions calling for a civil war website right the fuck now.

>this thread and the people who post in it are NOT advocating in any way for civil unrest or any other unlawful actions.

Please go in.

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a month or less.

yeah nah shut the fuck up glownigger get back on your discuck circlejerk faggot. anyone paying attention knows that's our future if shit doesn't get straightened out in the next couple years.

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You are the enemy.

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It all depends.

If enough people are scared, then sure.
But most likely, people will revert to community solidarity. So any given town becomes its own government essentially.
This will only really cause havoc in larger cities over 100k populace, where there will be a sudden need for supplies, and no immediate infrastructure to supply it.

Rural people, and most towns accross the US have the capability to organize simple defense, food, and water supplies for their area.

Again, the US is really in the best position to reset, since we are the most well equipped nation. Not just militarily, but the citizenry is well equipped. Think about how many shops and garages filled with tools are in any given rural area. Every single person I know owns a chainsaw where I live, almsot every person has their own water well and septic.

The death will be concentrated in cities with populaces too alrge for the local govenrment to immediately assume control.

You don't even know what it actually means to have a civil war. You think it'll just be everyone suddenly grabbing their guns and shooting at each other, but it'll be groups of roaming militias in the night setting houses on fire and shooting whoever runs out before the national guard comes in and kills everyone that appears armed and dangerous if they even use discretion at all.

The closest thing to an effective modern civil war won't have guns involved beyond a very close and personal range.

You do realize with the fall of the US that Israel would be left undefended by a major player and would be immediately attacked by local powers

anyone even tentatively considering this topic needs to read Civil War 2: The Coming Breakup of America by Thomas Chittum

just don't be in the SW united states when the next big ole' Market Correction occurs.

Fucking fudds fuck off

Pretty much immediately for cities. First month will be brutal, and then it will get better once people organize into self protection groups and secure territory.
For rural areas though, nothing much will even change. Everyone will just retool to farming again. There are hundreds of thousands of farmable plots of land with the needed tools and tractors to re-start sustenance living.

I'm going lone wolf into the mountains. You can't trust people anymore, especially white people. They'll sell you out to earn virtue signal points like good little commies.

I'll be on a remote mountain top watching the fires.


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to where? teh whole world has gone commie and all of western europe has been browned into communism now

I don't know why you put that there. The kikes know if they shut down Jow Forums we'll just flood everywhere else or eventually go on the deep web forums where its even more dangerous, harder to get to, harder to monitor and shill, and easier to be attacked. At least on here were easy to monitor

Sort of. The MT-500 was a dual sport but it did not feature the V-Twin.


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I would honestly say if you're penny pinching get a Mosin and maybe a cross between a 1911 and a glock. And if you're going to Canada just act like a nigger and thrust your chest at them with a clenched fist. The mounties will apologise and polish your cock while they open the gate

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>and the reasonable actions
Stopped reading there
OP is a super straight

Yeah, all is fine and dandy until the free flowing supply of gasoline is cut off. A majority of the refineries are along the gulf coast, and that is simply the production of gasoline. Transport will be made sketchy, and once transport is undermined the whole system will go down. One "small" hiccup can become a much larger situation.

What happens first WW3 or US civil war?

This timeline will only have one, what is our fate?

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It's just not their wheelhouse you know?
I would trust Suzuki more than I would trust them with an offroad bike.
I think the marines recon scouts used suzukis in the middle east.

The Brandenburg standard means states can pass laws prohibiting incitement to imminent violence/riot, but advocating violence in and of itself cannot be prohibited by statute, or that statute is unconstitutional. There could obviously be unconstitutional statutes in effect that haven't been challenged.

The Jews don't want a civil war in the US and will do anything they can to avoid it up to and including starting a new WW. Take the siener pill and go read up on Siener Van Rensburg. After the third WW we will have our ethnostate and the current western nations will continue to rot. The new ethnostate will act as america did in the past and it will pull all the high quality whites from their failing nations.

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go read up about John Titor

They can't do shit,
>North Korea
They won't flop due to Trump

Stop shilling this WW3 shit, it's not happening

How do you get on the deep web? Inb4 proxy + tor + VPN + stolen wifi connection while driving circles around the block.


USSR - Germany - USA

It's over.

>John Titor is a name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be an American military time traveler from 2036.
Fuck off with the time traveler bull shit. Prophecy is real but it does not come from time travelers.

ww3 (actually a bunch of simultaneous separate but inter-related wars like ww2) is far more likely than any sort of civil war.

The American civil war would be lefty terrorists and conservative reprisals.

WW3 is because the US is leaving as the guarantor of global security and the powers of the world are starting to scramble to fill the void

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Ah the larpy time traveler that's been debunked thousands of times over, great advice

Antifa is kind of stock piling but we're fine. THeir biggest danger is the odd dindu/migrant/refugee especially if they come from an Eastern Euro/ME/Non East Asian country. Other than that we're fine they think they'll rule the streets and think they stand a chance once the nogs break out their neighborhood. We just have to set up in the woods outside the burning cities and wait.

I just do VPN and TOR. I never really go anywhere deep aside from light poking and information.

Why not modify a shotgun at home to take magazines. There are guides for it and it would probably cost maybe a few hundred bucks more compared to thousands

>the people who post in it are NOT advocating in any way for civil unrest
But it's going to happen.
It's another Fourth Turning cycle, with a GSM and a sovereign debt crisis incoming.
It is what it is.
What a time to be alive.

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Is this the new "sleepy" post?


Yeah...take a break, go outside, and be surrounded by hostile shitskins you flooded my neighborhood with because your bosses, congressman, get paid by business to bring in slave labor

you're trying to deescalate the war that you created by importing an army of 85 IQ hostile tards.

I'd rather hide on the internet where I can at least talk to white people than deal with hostile shitskins outside.

Friendly reminder to Stand Your Ground

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>What will we fight for?
I'll stand with those that stand for the US Constitution, Bill of Rights in particular, and Liberty.

My theory on Trump is that the Jews saw what was going on with the Alt right and didn't want an obongo event happening where right wingers organize and arm except with Nazis instead of Libertarians and in some areas the Klan. So they allowed him to win as a pressure release for whites who not a lot were very happy with Obama. But now it seems that they won't even let him get some of the meaker moderate watered down luke warm bills like his proposition that was refused. God are Jews really this fucking crazy they had their ticket to easy control of the opposition with Lolbertarians and young Neocons.

Lmao I didn't mean to boomer post but it's true

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>I'll stand with those that stand for the US Constitution, Bill of Rights in particular, and Liberty.

All broken. The founders did the best they could but we need to plug the leaks in there system so we never let the left get a foothold ever again.


>What will we fight for?

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>not riding a BMW
what are you thinking?

I saw what you had copied the first time you posted. Enjoy.

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>US falls into Civil War
>EU does as well
>Israel's golems are too busy on the home front
>Israel gets swarmed and overrun by muzzies
>Israel launches all its nukes in the last moments it has aimed at literally everyone including US and EU
>only ones left are the chinks

Thanks kikes.

no extended fuel tank,no led spotlights and no skidplate ffs
hipster faggots get back in your priuses

with all that gear i bet he can only go 80mph, at best. that bike sucks, i used to have one.