This is a thread for three great brothers in the Pacific: the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. May we be friends forever

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Wrong time of day to catch the aussies and kiwis mate

fuck off yank, we are suspended anyway

Some of you are NEETs, I'm bound to catch a couple
Exhibit A

>Some of you are NEETs
Uni does not start until march

Thats really fucking late. How long does your spring semester go?

Mine started two weeks ago

fuck off seppo

Fuck yeah burger brother

Too long if you ask me

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>Thats really fucking late
Yeah attendance time at uni is barely anything.
That's why everyone here's a dumb cunt.

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>spring semester go?
The year starts late feb and early march then goes until july and starts again late july and finishes in early november

That seems incredibly convoluted. Ours goes from January to May for the spring and August to December for the winter. While I'd say our summer vacation is a little too long, your educational system sounds fucking crazy

What're y'all listening to lately?

how it starts when the year starts and ends when the year ends

Americans take the entire summer off you retard.
Which means their big holiday is in the middle of the year.

>Which means their big holiday is in the middle of the year.
sounds like a awful idea

It does help us lose everything we learned

>tfw live in west auckland
>Non-white part of a non-white city, coconutniggers and meth everywhere

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Digits of truth... I'm sorry user.

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>tfw live in west auckland
not even south auckland mate, could be worse

mate ive seen the armed offenders squad twice or so in the last year it's safe to say its similarly bad

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>mate ive seen the armed offenders squad twice or so in the last year it's safe to say its similarly bad
you have nothing on otara

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sieg hiel my whanau those pakehas dont make good prospekts anyways


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Yikes, that's getting towards inner western sydney levels. Pretty comfy up in the north though.

non whites on the North Shore are only asians so its still pretty safe

It's full of literal fags though, especially in p*nsonby

See any kangaroos lately mates?

>It's full of literal fags though, especially in p*nsonby
????? Ponsonby is not on the North Shore

>Trump made USMCA
Needs to make USNZA

We will guys, Frens forever bros

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No it makes perfect sense remember they are in a different hemisphere. Their Feb-july is their fall semester, and then their July to November is their spring semester. December Jan and Feb are their summer, so they have off.

...but we already have FTAs with both countries. It helps in the sheep pornography market!

show some fucking respect you yeast eating ingrates

Sorry, am a bit drunk and was thinking of northern auckland for some reason

>but we already have FTAs with both countries.
no you don't

Can't speak for all of them but the few australian mates I knew were all really sneaky, manipulative asses. Is there a big difference between west and east australia? These 3 guys I knew from western australia were all like that in some shape or form.

>Drunk at 4 in the afternoon
geeze mate

>he doesnt drink as soon as he gets up

Without the Z it would be ANUS, lol!

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You considered moving to Hamilton?

Fuck America l hope you get nuked

this you're not an aussie if you aren't unconcious by 3pm

not a huge difference, Perth if full of bogans but there's still plenty in the east.

Was thinking of that or bumfuck nowhere northland

Who on earth even makes posts like that? sad, very sad.

>or bumfuck nowhere northland
so get robbed by maoris?

Oh, shit. We need one with New Zealand!

Hey, mangawhai is pretty white.

I-I didn't want to be invited anyway

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Chur cuz fucken based alright.

Nah bae fucken cringe alright.

thats not middle of nowhere thats a prime development area

That's because you're a vassal of the American Empire.

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aw shit havent been there since i was a kid ay

Once we take Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, you will be invited. Don't tell anyone though, it is going to be a surprise. Then we can be CANANUS

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We're going to build a big, beautiful Northern Wall and Canada is gonna pay for it

Did you just call America a "pacific brother?"

You know we started on the Atlantic coast right?

You know the pacific is where our cucks live right?

US is too protectionist


Anglo Pacifica when? Leafs not welcome.

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I like how Canada is last in the USMCA

They're the alliance of CUKs

Canada/UK: Literally the CUK alliance.

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i'm halfway there myself.
beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer o'clock 400%

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>American left home
>Australians kicked out of the home
>Canada lived in dad's basement hoping for him to die and to inherit the house.

Friendly reminder that Zealandia will rise again after the great cataclysm.

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The continent of Zealandia you dumb cunt, it's outlined in that image. when the great calamity comes the tectonic plates will shift drastically and push it up from under the sea.


A lot of citizens support the UK more than Canada

US are bros
Kiwis are like those annoying relatives you'd rather not be related to but you have to see them a few times a year anyway

You guys rock.
I've given some of you flak before, but it comes from a place of love and understanding.

Together, we are insurmountable. Never forget that, and never let them seperate us. The West will dominate.

You're different. I love you, but in a "I want you to join the union" kind of way. You're special too don't worry.

Bros from Aus come to my cabin in the pacific northwest for hunting and fishing every year. truly our greatest ally, would die for those guys.

Don't forget fellow burghers aus as been with us in almost every war we've been in (if not all), no one else as done that.

My local hardware shop sells guns and ammo.
I can't be fucked getting one, but there's a bunch of people around where I live who go out knocking off rabbits and feral dogs.

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Burger living in straya here. A few observations if I might.

The vast majority of the population lives in the vicinity of a capital city, and by city I mean a center of suburban sprawl. The entire country is defined by it's adherrence to soft pathetic suburban values.

Most australians mindlessly parrot things they've been told by their state media. "Because the ABC is objective, says so in the charter."

They sheepishly submit to every form of authority, from the police to the government to journalists.

I've fucked and impregnated the asian wives of 2 different australian men and gotten away with it.

Fuck australia.

Prove you're an American, show passport and timestamp

dear gubmint, please lower ciggie taxes.

Ps, vaping is gay as fuck.

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Smoking is wrong

> mfw I never went to Uni lectures
> I just watched the recordings at home and spent my bus money on alcohol

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I'm at work, so no. I also used an australian passport to enter because I could.

You know what, that does remind me. I was at the Maketu Waterfall where the guy died on Sunday. I was talking to one of his family members and apparently armed offenders came for him on the Saturday.
Pretty sure he was trying to commit suicide because he jumped in with all his clothes on, in hindsight it was blindingly obvious.

Okay now this is epic how about a three country pact and we start ww3?

There's sounds like ours but flipped, we have a long break in summer and shorter one in winter. They have a short break in summer and a long one in winter.
This way the long break is for the warm months for both of us.

Maybe you should have paid a little more attention in Globe class. The AU/NZ system is the same as yours more or less but shifted by six months because of the seasons.

>Some of you are NEETs, I'm bound to catch a couple

>tfw neet and caught by based anglosphere thread.

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>being this fucking dumb

Our summer=nov dec jan

>Kiwis are like those annoying relatives you'd rather not be related to but you have to see them a few times a year anyway

this is bullshit. We are really no different from Australia anyway.

Sydfag here. I'm pretty close to blackpilling. I dunno what it was specifically today but I'm just so disgusted by the chink invasion and degeneracy rampant in the country but sydney and melbourne in particular.

I can emigrate once i finish my degree but it's going to be a struggle to make it at this rate

Thank you for this.
He also gave NZ elk as a gift

Lies, we are a different people, related, but we have our own flavor.

Only thing good about taxinda is she has brought mental health into the spotlight more.

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Her ban on foreign ownership could bet better but it is better than nothing.

Just want less chinks and poo in loos desu

I mean, the Chinese have to get here somehow. We can just tell them to stop coming.

Kiwis tend to be passive aggressive a lot more, and hide behind the islanders a bit.

I especially dislike the Indian migrants desu.

What do you mean by hide behind the Islanders?