Am I a brainlet, or does this comic legitimately make no sense at all?
Someone please explain the analogy the cartoonist is trying to make here.
Am I a brainlet, or does this comic legitimately make no sense at all?
Someone please explain the analogy the cartoonist is trying to make here.
The analogy makes no sense but here's the connection I see being attempted here:
>Forcing a woman to carry to term on behalf of a remote beneficiary is equivalent to forcibly taking a person's organs
idk looks like a joke on how banning abortion would lead to every woman you fuck conceiving your child
They assume if you're against abortion it means you've had 12000 abortions and are just hiding it
It made sense for a second but then I lost my train of thought
Dear woman: Put your child up for adoption. It's that simple.
>Pro-lifers are so dumb that they would willingly risk having their organs harvested for their illegitimate children that would have been aborted if they were pro-choice
am i close?
Its a niche argument defwnding abortion in cases where carrying to term would seriously harm/injur the woman because of birth complications, by comparing a man's kidney to a woman's uterus/rest of body.
if I found out I had a 20 year old son who needed a kidney, I'd give it to him
The same argument faggots use against their opponent.