101k likes and counting

101k likes and counting.

What the fuck. How is Nancy pelosi becoming popular?


Attached: Screenshot_20190123-220045_Twitter.jpg (1079x1730, 538K)

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Why do the democrats have so many pornstar supporters?


>star wars reference in first tweet
Jesus fuck...

muh "sex work is real work"

Literally bots and a few npcs


But... Trump proposed ideas to end it. It's the retarded Democrats that won't budge an inch.
What the fuck?

Tbh I’m pleasantly surprised it wasn’t harry potter but pic related anyways

Attached: 4L_YJp7TDiR.jpg (1025x687, 99K)

The Dems aren't getting away with it this time. Trump offered them a sweet deal, they refused simply because getting the wall will be such a huge win for Trump, and make him look too good against anyone they can drum up for 2020. It's pure dirty party politics and Trump is exposing it for everyone to see. It's like some pathological disorder where you want to see someone fail simply because you resent their success; they want Trump to fail, so they want America to fail in the process.

To answer your question: bots.