Tfw i am mexican

>tfw i am mexican
>tfw my boss is mexican
>tfw all my coworkers are mexican
>tfw all our clients are mexican
>tfw all my friends are mexican
>tfw all my neighbors are mexican
>tfw we all speak mexican (spanish)
>tfw this is not mexico but it is actually texas

anyone else know this feel?

Attached: 1530490836965.png (605x509, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>anyone else know this feel?
probably mexicans, except for the texas part

Same shit over here.

go back


>I imagine myself in TEJAS, leading my platoon.
>Our mission is to stop wh*Te gringos from advancing.
>We mow down wh*Te gringos but they keep coming.
>I shoot wh*Te gringos but I run out of ammo.
>I draw my MACUAHUITL and begin slaughtering wh*Tes.
>Since wh*Tes are physically inferior to me, I slay them by the dozens.
>I get shot, but I don't fall, I keep fighting.
>Then I get shot again, and again...
>wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards that they are.
>I lie down, facing up to the sky and I see HUITZILOPOCHTLI smiling at me.
>I smile back...
>Then I wake up, in TENOCHTITLAN, my homeland.
>My BROWN brethren give me a warm welcome.
>I finally made it...
>This soldier of AZTLAN has finally made it into TOPAN...

Attached: edd22f7af08143ed2a2ee85ac225843b--aztec.jpg (566x795, 66K)


No, but I discovered a town kind of just down the road from me has pretty much turned into a Little Mexico while I was gone. The chain grocery store had all this crazy Mexican stuff in it, which was pretty cool I guess, and the manager was chill as fuck doing right by the customer when stereotypically half-rotten Mexican-grocery-store-standard produce was found.

And it was fun going to the local diner and the Mexican waiter kept saying "my friends" and "my friend" when referring to us. And even though the food was like some strange half-ass imitation of actual diner food, it was still pretty good and the portions were generous.

But I dunno man. This country is getting a little too Mexican for me.

Yeah ethnostates must be nice, huh?

Attached: e37.jpg (444x500, 211K)

but eventually itll be a shithole like mexico. You are like a plague. Doesn't it feel bad?