Be honest

What have you eaten today?
Do you have any pain or illnesses that you blame on your diet?

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I eat your moms pussy, faggot


>Mood disorder from eating too many carbohydrates

I had duck and sauerkraut last night and woke up with a headache this morning. Fat overload. But it was good.

I think my kidneys hurt every day because most of my calories are from ethanol but there's not really any way around that

I had 6oz grilled salmon and 1 cup of brocolli for lunch.

For dinner I had 8oz chicken breast. 1 cup rice. 2 cups brocolli.

Two oreos for desert.

This is /pol...kindly fuck off

You actually have to be alive and healthy to make positive contributions to visit /pol, so kindly stay here and chat

What makes you stop at 2 Oreos? Why don't you eat the whole packet? Something I've never understood.