My stepdad just punched a bunch of holes in the wall because my brother refused to get rid of his MAGA hat

My stepdad just punched a bunch of holes in the wall because my brother refused to get rid of his MAGA hat.

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You dad has mental issues.

Your stepdad sounds like a total cuck.
You should bang your mother to put him in his place.
Post pics.

Not your personal blog faggot. Cry about it on facebook.

fake walls, fake house, fake news.

did you clap?

based stepdad, too bad he didn't put those punches in his autistic red cap wearing stepson.

That'll spackle no problem

You should shoot him in the face with 00 and watch his head pop like a watermelon, then show the police those holes.

that happened

Ok boys, its time.

Go to Jow Forumscommunism, Jow Forumssocialist and Jow Forumslatestagecapitalism and upvote every thread supporting Maduro. Make threads that support Maduro and demonize the US for being interventionist.

It's time to portray to the world how reddit has become a communist shithole!

The mainstream media will pick this up. Hopefully the shitstorm will lead to the closure of reddit.


Tell you dad that he is a disgrace to humanity and should commit suicide in hoping that others will follow to set a example.

Kick him out
Call the cops user

Well he didn't knock it down
Proving walls work

call social services and if he does anything like that again, beat the shit out of him and call the cops

>You should bang your mother
Checks out

This desu

>can't even enforce the rules in his own house

Please antagonize him and post the results.

you are a rat bitch for posting this pic...

looks like DEEP holes

did his arm go fully through to the elbow?

Your step"dad" can't even finish the fucking trim and baseboard because he's a salty beta faggot.

Your father is emotional, stupid and Violent.

You should probably call the police and get yourselves emancipated.

>My stepdad just punched a bunch of holes in the wall
Good. He no longer has an excuse not to fix that shit drywalling job and door jamb. While he is actually doing repair for once, he can install base trim like a decent person.

Based and my wife’s kids pilled

This show that faggot who's boss

>the english way

How do you have a 15 year old step dad?

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>My stepdad
So that means you're........HIS WIFE'S SON!!!

Tell your stepdad that he is a faggot and that Hitler was right about everything and America is controlled by (((them)))

Your stepdad is a twat who does not believe in freedom.

And then everyone clapped

Your dad is mentally unstable

call cps on him for threatening violence and having a physically scary temper. should get you the win this match.

Tell ur mom your stepdad interfered with you lol

Well to be honest, my own mother is dead. We lost her in a bizarre gardening accident. But yeah, I wasn't even aware that banging your own mother was a British stereotype. It's weird how you can live your entire life here and never hear these things.

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Your dad was cucked by a cuck

Oedipus fucked his mom and he was a king. This guy is on to something op.


He's obviously an unhinged danger to your family.

Bonus: tell the cops he molested you and your brother

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Imagine the blow jobs

>thinking a nigger is going to fix anything

he should punch whoever laid that tile

Start calling him "cuckdad."

You type faster by 16 seconds.

Your stepdad is a bitch. Where is YOUR MAGA hat pussy?

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Why is there a stripper pole in your home faggot

Your dad needs to suck Obama's little penis, that will make him feel better. Unless he'd rather have Moochell's big nigger dick up his ass!

The only way out of this is to fuck him into submission.

Dad pls

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sorry user he obviously overreacted dont stress about it


Any man who raises another mans' kids is a cuck. The fact that he gets physically angry over a hat just confirms

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You called it,
>1P ID

Can you give us some backstory?

Continue making him punch walls. Eventually he'll hit a stud. It's funny when the wall punches back.

also add railings to the stairs.

the reality is hes more mad because you should be get the fuck out of his house you lazy sack of shit...typical trump tard who doesn't work and lives in the basement.....i thought trump was supposed to create lotta gud jobs, guess you were fooled

why did he remove the baseboard and door as well? Looks like he rage removed your vent as well.


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Bang your stepdad as a display of dominance. Punch his prostate walls like he did to your house walls.

Wew what a fucking pussy LMAO

Did you tell him how much of a bitch he is yet

>fuck you faggot i am your wife's son dont talk to me

Your father has anger issues. Probably off his meds. Mental illness is hereditary. So I would have yourself checked out.


Tell your loser fucking father to get off his ass and put down some baseboards.

seems like a reasonable response to an article of clothing.

literally what i was just thinking
it's probably been that way since nov 2016

duh! he seems to be a leftists.
I don't get it. They really can't see that wearing a MAGA hat is now edgy and rebellious.
The left lost so hard...


No baseboard. No grill on that supply bucket. No cornerbead on the header.
Stop living like a nigger.

Which one of Stephen King's imaginary children are you? Write a book.

wall punching in the unfinished basement is low quality manhood. Tell your mom that. Tell your mom you wish she would date a real man

In front of him.

It will be devastating.


Does your father have a patreon?

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Is that a fire department pole to your basement? I would be jealous.

What kind of grown ass man punches holes in his own drywall instead of just taking the hat away from his stepson.

I bet your mother is going to the one that patches the holes.

Your dad sounds insane. Also, what the fuck are those disgusting stairs?

One would hope he isn’t actually related to his stepdad, user.


>libshit stepdad
OP is almost guaranteed to be a nigger, user

> cucked by his wife's son

Punch your dad's hole

>1 post by this ID

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Your step dad's a faggot, beat his ass like an animal while wearing the hat - show that bitch who's boss in your house.

Sounds like a big guy

Douse your stepdad in gasoline or grill lighter fluid and lit him on fire.

threaten to shoot him lol

you should call the police

baste and spackle pilled

>1 post by this ID

What if he is still in high school...

The fact that he is IN the house wouldn’t lead me to think that.

I can totally imagine what that carpet on the stairs smells like.

So...your stepdad is angry because your brother is a faggot?

beat the shit out of your step dad for me


4 OP

Tell him you need to build a new wall.

enlightened post

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