Trump tweets no State of the Union address until the government reopens! He is forced to admit that he has no other option! He is beaten!
What a faggot!
Trump tweets no State of the Union address until the government reopens! He is forced to admit that he has no other option! He is beaten!
What a faggot!
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b-but... he... he's the king... mag..a.....
It's going to make Pelosi look worse.
nice vpn you have there
Wrong again, idiot!
this. Pelosi is so fucked now.
Prove it calling him an idiot is meaningless fuckface.
I don't think she's fucked. But she closed the door to the president, told him no SOTU. She looks vindictive.
LOL OP is an incel retard.
>.20 was deposited into your shariablue account
>I have no evidence, prove my claim wrong
The faggot should have applied this pressure to the GOP from 2016 to 2018 rather than trying to put it all off on Democrats who everyones knows will not comply or fund the wall.
And it makes Trump look weak. wtf. Why does he keep playing nice?
My i.d of KEK confirms the faggortry of op
No it doesn't make him look weak. That was one of her aces, he just told her that ace isn't enough.
Typical duplicitous shitbag, I would expect nothing less.
>No State of the Union
Oh no! What will Trump do without this puff show? Blumpf blown out!
Quick!! Where's the new drumf discord so I can be a faggot too!!
DAMN!!! Nancy Pelosi just took a big fat steaming shit in Trump's mouth and he asked for seconds.
lmao how? Anyone who isn't Trump's base will love her for this.
T-t-the god emperor of mankind... But I elected a b-based and a-alpha male...
known as a lame duck president. Not shocking when you spend two years twatting when you have the entire government under your thumb
hubris is a bitch
so either Trump is a cunt or he will use this to his advantage...time will tell
We'll see how it plays out. She already lied about not being able to provide adequate security. Now she's doing it anyways. She looks like this is the best card she has.
He’s just going to go on Facebook live and give a “Condition of our Country” speech
you just know that a massive faggot made this meme
Trumps a clown.. hes been an absolute disaster. Hes done more for israel than any other president. Im ready for another dem and the inevitable day this country burns to the ground. We lost.
holy fuck did you even read that image you absolute retard?
it's not a lie dipshit. security doesn't want to work for free.
not gonna lie, this doesn't look good for him
he caved in less than 6 hours; what a fucking cuck.
It's for show. It's his way to show he is negotiating with her but in the end she won't budge and she'll look like an asshole in the end.
only DC bottom feeders who care about shit like this lmao
Secret service already said there would be no problem providing security. She talked to some former Homeland security nobody that told her this. She was wrong, didn't consult with secret service or Homeland security. She lied, and you will believe anything you're told.
OP is a fag
Secret Service doesn't handle the security at the capital. That's the capital police, and it would be stupid to have every major head of the federal government minus the designated survivor together during a shutdown. And I'm sure your security force will be working at 100% when you haven't payed them in over a month.
It's over. Trump caved.
Secret service handles security for the president, regardless of where he goes. But still, you're uninformed about the story so you trying to spin. Pelosi looks like a vindictive cunt. You should get some sleep.
SS is creating gimmicks to keep people from ghosting
hey retard, if there's events taking place at the capitol, there's going to capitol police. end of fucking story you dipshit.
Of course, but secret service is in charge of the president's security. Plus, the capitol police is still on the job, protecting congress. So what's your point?
>Nancy wont let Trump use her room like a fucking twat
Threads are so sad at night. It’s always just shills replying to themselves.
anyone who uses the term "trump base" is a shill
They only handle the president, protecting a Joint session of the United States Congress is an entirely different beast and requires everything to be working due to how extremely high of a target it is. Doing it during a shutdown when the capital police and secret service aren't being paid is stupid and just asking for their to be holes in security that could be exploited in an attack.
As much as I don't like Trump, I don't like seeing all 3 branches of government being wiped out and suddenly we have president Sonny Perdue.
>Trump didn't take the bait
now fuck off tranny discord
You have no idea what you're talking about.
It was impossible without Dem support. Little has changed, Trump has been fighting this whole time
>not wanting all politicians head on a pike for selling you down the river long ago.
>H-he didn't take the b-bait you guys! This is j-just part of the p-plan...!
>9gag-tier humor
kill yourself
how in the fuck
>Being salty because your fat eunuch faggotlord president doesn't know how to fight for his lame shit and has to chain it to budget bills to force it down your country's throat
You first
He has spoken
>she'll look like an asshole
Trump said he would take the mantle of the shutdown on camera in front of millions people in a meeting that was not planned to have cameras. The news people and cameras were pulled into the meeting with Trump as soon as Chuck and Nancy arrived at the Oval Office. Chuck and Nancy had no choice but to agree with Trump in letting the cameras into the room at the last minute. Trump thought he could control the dialogue and when he couldn't, he became visibly angry and unsettled. When Trump took the mantle of the shutdown, his Presidency came to an end. It was exactly like Nixon's "I am not a crook" moment. Like Nixon, Trump could not handle the situation and overacted coming away looking completely weak. The End
He should have held it in the Senate and made history or just handed in a note like previous President's with nothing more than "Looking good."
>muh Nixon
reminder that currently only 7% of Americans think that the "traditional mainstream media" is NOT fake news
stop shilling trannies
>7% of Americans think that the "traditional mainstream media" is NOT fake news
Thanks for the info Vlad. I guess I missed that fact on Breibart or was it Fox. uh, maybe you missed the Russians undermining democracy by destroying our faith in our institutions. All Power to the Soviets!
America's first toddler president
This. Plus guaranteed sky-high ratings for when he actually gives his address. These discord faggots are reaching
nah that was Obama
Hai samefag. Please answer this:
If trump uhh I mean drumpf going to jail like any day now and gonna be hanged for treason or whatever and then pence get kicked out too..why won’t dems just fund the wall and then repeal once pelosi is president?
Answer me fatty
The Commies are Ching chongs and they are the Democrats biggest supporters.
sorry sweetie
i was wrong, it's 6% not 7%
those minions over at Axios must be tired feom carrying so much water for Putin
Yikes, me thinks you are reading things into that survey that aren't there. All power to the Soviets, Vlad. Putin Power!