Should the people who attacked innocent kids be punished?

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Yea, capital punishment

attack person who you think stole something from you
you find it later
just apologize its ok.
>what are consequences?

They should be shot into the sun

Truly pathetic

They've shown their true colors. They called for the blood of a kid because he fucking smirked.

Let them fucking burn.


Here in a video he says he was "in theatre"

it's over for this lying scumbag fuck

Yes, the most prominent ones should be fired and ruined. It's exactly what they would have done to any of us. The only way this shit will stop is if people actually face consequences for cuntery

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When the day of the rope happens, I nominate him for first from the gallows.

Someone should knock down their teepee and pour out the nigraelites’ malt liquor

only if there is credible threats and evidence of damages. otherwise, let the left/media continue to alienate the rest of the US.

They should have their head mounted on a pike in a public square

Claims beer bottles were thrown at him during an incident back in 2015:

>Nathan Phillips First "Victim" encounter in 2015 on FOX 2 Detroit News - Professional Liar

During the MAGA hat kid incident he again claims that beer bottles were thrown at him:

>Phillips had approached the group, informing them that their celebration was racially offensive, a local Fox News station reported. One of the students threw a beer can at him, Phillips told the news outlet.

Of course these underage students weren't drinking publicly on National Mall. It's an obvious lie. Utterly ridiculous.

That collage has been updated.

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Based and Vladpilled

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It will devolve into this again, except with the teams reversed.
Do you need any more proof that both sides are just protecting their own, with no regard for truth?

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>One of the students threw a beer can at him, Phillips told the news outlet.
wow.. he actually said that. how the fuck..

I can't understand why more people aren't focusing on this. It's just so absurd. These high school age kids weren't fucking drinking on the National Mall in the middle of the fucking day.

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And he isn't a Vietnam veteran either. He's a fucking liar. And a shameless one at that.

Did he ever claim he was? Some "journalists" headlined it, but...

Yes he did. Or at least he implied it.


Everything media said about MAGA boys was a lie.

Everything media said about crazed injun mah true.

Sure kid.

Smiling is not a crime.

The left think it is.

They give a bigger shit about a White kid smiling at an Uncle Tomahawk than they do about White women getting raped.

Why is that? I don't know. Answer it for yourselves.

Another thing that blows my mind is the way the Fake News said nothing about the March for Life. Look at this time lapse.

The only time they mentioned this humongous rally was in passing, like... "Yeah, the Kentucky kids were at a march".

>Smiling is not a crime.
>facecrime – An indication that a person is guilty of thoughtcrime based on their facial expression

Absolutely they should be punished. All of this shit needs to be made an example of.

best way to kill Indians is just drop off a case of cheap whiskey, then another the next day, and again.

90% chance either the Indian or 50% of the Indians will be dead on 4th day.

Wait how are the kids innocent?

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>innocent kids
>Still on video doing tomahawk salutes, can be heard mocking the old man
>Harassing girls walking by
>Making rape jokes at random people
>Mommy and Daddy still PR firm did good

Watched the whole video and these kids still rightfully wrekt lmao

Yes, Incitement to Violence isn't covered by Free Speech

Sued for libel, slander, and in some cases terroristic threats.

Send them to Federal prison so they can learn about race realism.

Yes stolen valor charges and fundraising fraud

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>same exact copy-paste reply as
Are you fuckers all copying the same talking points?
That's just unprofessional.

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You have blue hair and tats by chance sweetie?

yep and i presume the most prominent among the attacks will get sued.

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Not only should the media who condemned the white kids be hanged for treason, this teepee nigger and his whole tribe should be hanged and then sent back to Mongolia.


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Yes. I hope every actor, celeb, "influencer", reporter and news network that negligently propelled the false story and.or threatened those students really does get sued and has to pay huge amounts of money. It's the only way to combat this insanity.

Because im the same person you absolute moron. Why would I not copy my response to you retards here

Busy little cunt aren't you?
>lmao on every post
Welcome to Jow Forums you fucking obvious as fuck newfag.

Thanks. No doubt it'll be bigger than Kavanaugh's when all's said and done

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Do you think the left gives a single solitary fuck about being professional, or ethical? This shit is their religion, their crusade, their reason for existence. They will lie, manipulate, cheat, destroy....anything and everything necessary for them to win and for you to lose. And you expect honor and integrity? This is what makes leafs our adorable neighbors. You guys are still pure at heart.

I know, I know.
I just can't fucking stand incompetence.
Among my enemies it's just insulting.

There's a small difference between using the death of children he apparently went to school with, although not that day, although he didn't seem to find that worth mentioning while using his real time school shooting interviews to get some tv time and then rabidly go after citizens rights, based on being a survivor of the school shooting that he apparently was not present for and having people react to such disgustingly repugnant behavior
Smiling in the face of a professional victim and pathological liar

Yes. Yes they should

*(168 days training)
AUGUST 12, 1974 TO MAY 5, 1976 ACTIVE DUTY
*(631 days active duty)
*(799 days - 2 years, 2 months, 1 week total active enlistment)

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How can he even call himself a native american when he's wearing those white man glasses

I love when low IQ shitskins try and lie as if they're clever enough to get away with it

Only the ones who were calling for violence should go to prison, the rest should be sued for libel.

>Did he ever claim he was?
He claimed he was a recon ranger but there is no such thing. He mixed up army and marine units that stupid crackhead can't even lie right

>CNN: Vietnam War vet
A fucking refrigerator mechanic
Who never was deployed overseas
With a habit of going AWOL

Some burger dug into it and apparently he was an army engineer and went AWOL 3 times.

>army engineer
refrigeration mechanic


This is such a switch and bait tatic of going after the 85 IQ Injun who's probably got pot induced alzheimer's.

Keep focus on the kiked out media.

Must have been a shitbag, didn’t even get pfc.

I heard the hats were given to the kids for free at the pro life event. If anywhere the White House should be a place to express choice of government with a hat.

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He was in "a" theater in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1970, watching Dustin Hoffman play a Cheyenne Indian. Nice poster.

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At this point I don't care what's right or wrong. I just want the people ruining everything to go away.

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alzheimers at 64? my guess it was a little too much jack daniels

This twitter link he says he was a vietnam veteran. He didn't say vietnam times or the other things. He 100% said it.

No. We should just let it go and go back to a neutral position of demonizing whites in a more subtle way.

Too bad trannys don't go that fast.

What rock have you been under for the last couple of days?


And matching nails

He actually said he was a Vietnam vet twice during the first CNN interview. It was in the transcript.

He said it bought it from a vender.

or Listerine

leaf here..most natives are trash.they lie, they'll bash you without a single reason or warning..not sure if niggers are better or worse

noose and gallows
all else is pussified American treatment

Those kids were fucking WHITE and MALE!

Those 2 things alone are crimes warranting a death sentence, they're not innocent.

Drop off a case of mirrors

>>Still on video doing tomahawk salutes, can be heard mocking the old man
>>Harassing girls walking by
>>Making rape jokes at random people
timestamps you gigafaggot

What's the list of those getting sued look like now with current retractions and/or apologies?

......Uncle Tomahawk......

We're the same. The Israelites.

T. Known Boss

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